新一代Ford Kuga將搭配9速自排!?


2018/04/20 20:20:59


#6043916 IP 110.28.*.* 修改過 2 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2018/04/20 20:25:11

發文IP 110.28.*.*

Ford 全新 Kuga 的偽裝測試車曝光!有望出現三排座椅車型?http://auto.ltn.com.tw/news/9877/3

2018/04/20 19:00文/記者蘇銘翰    圖片來源/擷取自motor1

面對全球休旅車熱潮,Ford 也將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照,全車被重重偽裝包覆,但仍可以透過一些細節了解大致外觀,並且會換上全新九速手自排變速箱,同時有望出現三排座椅的車型,預計明年就會登場。

Ford 將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照。

根據外媒《motor1》報導,全新 Ford Kuga 首次曝光偽裝測試照,整體的線條也變得更加鋒利,另外車頭幾乎被各種偽裝包覆,外媒猜測會有新式樣的水箱護罩與頭燈組,可能會參考剛剛發表的 Focus 的造型。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,雖然也被遮起來,但輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且新 Kuga 改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

從偽裝測試圖來看,可以發現新車的車身尺碼將比現行車款還要大,新一代 Kuga 將搭載於品牌全新 C2 底盤上,這是 Ford 開發出的模組化底盤平台,不管是 Focus 還是 Fiesta 都能運用,就算是休旅車也可以共用,擁有更輕的車身重量及車身強度,而且外媒猜測,新款 Kuga 還會有三排座椅的車型。

動力配置方面,預計會採用 1.5 升三缸渦輪引擎 2.0 升四缸渦輪增壓動力,而且全車系都會換上品牌和 GM 共同開發的全新九速手自排變速箱,除此之外,為了順應新能源動力的潮流,全新 Kuga 也有望出現 Hybrid 油電混合系統。新車預計在明年 1 月的底特律車展上亮相。 

APR 19, 2018 at 10:34AM https://www.motor1.com/news/239695/2020-ford-escape-spy-photos/


Underneath all that camouflage there's an enticing new SUV.

Don’t let its exterior fool you – underneath all that camouflage is a brand new Ford Escape, set to debut sometime in 2019. Our spy photographers captured the new SUV testing on public roads near Ford headquarters in Dearborn, and though it shares a few similarities with the current model – particularly the profile – there are a number of important new features to point out.

First and foremost, the Escape will adopt an all-new front fascia. The images here hide most of the updated grille and headlights, but it’s easy to see the fresh new design, highlighted by sharper light fixtures and a more stout nose. Rumor has it that the SUV will share most of its styling cues with the recently debuted Focus.

2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos


2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos

Read also:

Though the body is brand new – the Escape will ride on an all-new platform – it still shares a few cues with the current model. The overall shape remains familiar, but the beltline now rises more gradually from the A pillar to the C pillar, translating into a rear that appears to be larger and more spacious than the outgoing generation. The prototype pictured here is a two-row model, but reports suggest a three-row version will also be available.

In the rear, the same Focus-inspired cues carry over. The taillights appear to be sharper and more sculpted, and the rear hatch is now longer, with a larger opening. Dual exhaust tips can be seen on this particular prototype, with power likely coming from either a standard 1.5-liter three-cylinder engine, or an optional 2.0-liter EcoBoost that will offered on higher trim levels. A hybrid option should also join the lineup, with a nine-speed automatic gearbox standard on all engine options.

It will still be some time before we see the new Ford Escape in the flesh. Considering it will be marketed as a 2020 model here in the U.S., a mid to late 2019 debut is expected, but we could see the SUV as early as the 2019 Detroit Auto Show in January. We’ll know more details closer to an official debut date.

2018/04/20 21:14:26

發文IP 27.246.*.*

Ford 全新 Kuga 的偽裝測試車曝光!有望出現三排座椅車型?http://auto.ltn.com.tw/news/9877/3

2018/04/20 19:00文/記者蘇銘翰    圖片來源/擷取自motor1

面對全球休旅車熱潮,Ford 也將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照,全車被重重偽裝包覆,但仍可以透過一些細節了解大致外觀,並且會換上全新九速手自排變速箱,同時有望出現三排座椅的車型,預計明年就會登場。

Ford 將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照。

根據外媒《motor1》報導,全新 Ford Kuga 首次曝光偽裝測試照,整體的線條也變得更加鋒利,另外車頭幾乎被各種偽裝包覆,外媒猜測會有新式樣的水箱護罩與頭燈組,可能會參考剛剛發表的 Focus 的造型。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,雖然也被遮起來,但輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且新 Kuga 改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

從偽裝測試圖來看,可以發現新車的車身尺碼將比現行車款還要大,新一代 Kuga 將搭載於品牌全新 C2 底盤上,這是 Ford 開發出的模組化底盤平台,不管是 Focus 還是 Fiesta 都能運用,就算是休旅車也可以共用,擁有更輕的車身重量及車身強度,而且外媒猜測,新款 Kuga 還會有三排座椅的車型。

動力配置方面,預計會採用 1.5 升三缸渦輪引擎 2.0 升四缸渦輪增壓動力,而且全車系都會換上品牌和 GM 共同開發的全新九速手自排變速箱(http://gmauthority.com/blog/gm/gm-transmissions/9txx/9t50/),除此之外,為了順應新能源動力的潮流,全新 Kuga 也有望出現 Hybrid 油電混合系統。新車預計在明年 1 月的底特律車展上亮相。 

APR 19, 2018 at 10:34AM https://www.motor1.com/news/239695/2020-ford-escape-spy-photos/


Underneath all that camouflage there's an enticing new SUV.

Don’t let its exterior fool you – underneath all that camouflage is a brand new Ford Escape, set to debut sometime in 2019. Our spy photographers captured the new SUV testing on public roads near Ford headquarters in Dearborn, and though it shares a few similarities with the current model – particularly the profile – there are a number of important new features to point out.

First and foremost, the Escape will adopt an all-new front fascia. The images here hide most of the updated grille and headlights, but it’s easy to see the fresh new design, highlighted by sharper light fixtures and a more stout nose. Rumor has it that the SUV will share most of its styling cues with the recently debuted Focus.

2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos


2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos

Read also:

Though the body is brand new – the Escape will ride on an all-new platform – it still shares a few cues with the current model. The overall shape remains familiar, but the beltline now rises more gradually from the A pillar to the C pillar, translating into a rear that appears to be larger and more spacious than the outgoing generation. The prototype pictured here is a two-row model, but reports suggest a three-row version will also be available.

In the rear, the same Focus-inspired cues carry over. The taillights appear to be sharper and more sculpted, and the rear hatch is now longer, with a larger opening. Dual exhaust tips can be seen on this particular prototype, with power likely coming from either a standard 1.5-liter three-cylinder engine, or an optional 2.0-liter EcoBoost that will offered on higher trim levels. A hybrid option should also join the lineup, with a nine-speed automatic gearbox standard on all engine options.

It will still be some time before we see the new Ford Escape in the flesh. Considering it will be marketed as a 2020 model here in the U.S., a mid to late 2019 debut is expected, but we could see the SUV as early as the 2019 Detroit Auto Show in January. We’ll know more details closer to an official debut date.

Ford 全新 Kuga 的偽裝測試車曝光!有望出現三排座椅車型?http://auto.ltn.com.tw/news/9877/3

2018/04/20 19:00文/記者蘇銘翰    圖片來源/擷取自motor1

面對全球休旅車熱潮,Ford 也將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照,全車被重重偽裝包覆,但仍可以透過一些細節了解大致外觀,並且會換上全新九速手自排變速箱,同時有望出現三排座椅的車型,預計明年就會登場。

Ford 將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照。

根據外媒《motor1》報導,全新 Ford Kuga 首次曝光偽裝測試照,整體的線條也變得更加鋒利,另外車頭幾乎被各種偽裝包覆,外媒猜測會有新式樣的水箱護罩與頭燈組,可能會參考剛剛發表的 Focus 的造型。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,雖然也被遮起來,但輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且新 Kuga 改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

從偽裝測試圖來看,可以發現新車的車身尺碼將比現行車款還要大,新一代 Kuga 將搭載於品牌全新 C2 底盤上,這是 Ford 開發出的模組化底盤平台,不管是 Focus 還是 Fiesta 都能運用,就算是休旅車也可以共用,擁有更輕的車身重量及車身強度,而且外媒猜測,新款 Kuga 還會有三排座椅的車型。

動力配置方面,預計會採用 1.5 升三缸渦輪引擎 2.0 升四缸渦輪增壓動力,而且全車系都會換上品牌和 GM 共同開發的全新九速手自排變速箱(http://gmauthority.com/blog/gm/gm-transmissions/9txx/9t50/),除此之外,為了順應新能源動力的潮流,全新 Kuga 也有望出現 Hybrid 油電混合系統。新車預計在明年 1 月的底特律車展上亮相。 

APR 19, 2018 at 10:34AM https://www.motor1.com/news/239695/2020-ford-escape-spy-photos/


Underneath all that camouflage there's an enticing new SUV.

Don’t let its exterior fool you – underneath all that camouflage is a brand new Ford Escape, set to debut sometime in 2019. Our spy photographers captured the new SUV testing on public roads near Ford headquarters in Dearborn, and though it shares a few similarities with the current model – particularly the profile – there are a number of important new features to point out.

First and foremost, the Escape will adopt an all-new front fascia. The images here hide most of the updated grille and headlights, but it’s easy to see the fresh new design, highlighted by sharper light fixtures and a more stout nose. Rumor has it that the SUV will share most of its styling cues with the recently debuted Focus.

2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos


2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos

Read also:

Though the body is brand new – the Escape will ride on an all-new platform – it still shares a few cues with the current model. The overall shape remains familiar, but the beltline now rises more gradually from the A pillar to the C pillar, translating into a rear that appears to be larger and more spacious than the outgoing generation. The prototype pictured here is a two-row model, but reports suggest a three-row version will also be available.

In the rear, the same Focus-inspired cues carry over. The taillights appear to be sharper and more sculpted, and the rear hatch is now longer, with a larger opening. Dual exhaust tips can be seen on this particular prototype, with power likely coming from either a standard 1.5-liter three-cylinder engine, or an optional 2.0-liter EcoBoost that will offered on higher trim levels. A hybrid option should also join the lineup, with a nine-speed automatic gearbox standard on all engine options.

It will still be some time before we see the new Ford Escape in the flesh. Considering it will be marketed as a 2020 model here in the U.S., a mid to late 2019 debut is expected, but we could see the SUV as early as the 2019 Detroit Auto Show in January. We’ll know more details closer to an official debut date.






2018/04/20 23:11:43


#6043918 IP 251.193.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



2018/04/20 23:44:15


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2018/04/20 23:56:43


#6043931 IP 251.194.*.* 修改過 1 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2018/04/20 23:57:02

發文IP 1.34.*.*




2018/04/23 20:39:02


#6044094 IP 39.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

福粉可以注意:根據目前蒐集的報導All New Ford Focus 和 Kuga都會改用1.5-liter three-cylinder EcoBoost engine,未來就沒有四缸的1.5-liter EcoBoost engine了



2018/04/23 21:43:53


#6044095 IP 220.142.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

回應 eric.huang.1968(Super)所寫


Ford 全新 Kuga 的偽裝測試車曝光!有望出現三排座椅車型?http://auto.ltn.com.tw/news/9877/3

2018/04/20 19:00文/記者蘇銘翰    圖片來源/擷取自motor1

面對全球休旅車熱潮,Ford 也將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照,全車被重重偽裝包覆,但仍可以透過一些細節了解大致外觀,並且會換上全新九速手自排變速箱,同時有望出現三排座椅的車型,預計明年就會登場。

Ford 將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照。

根據外媒《motor1》報導,全新 Ford Kuga 首次曝光偽裝測試照,整體的線條也變得更加鋒利,另外車頭幾乎被各種偽裝包覆,外媒猜測會有新式樣的水箱護罩與頭燈組,可能會參考剛剛發表的 Focus 的造型。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,雖然也被遮起來,但輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且新 Kuga 改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

從偽裝測試圖來看,可以發現新車的車身尺碼將比現行車款還要大,新一代 Kuga 將搭載於品牌全新 C2 底盤上,這是 Ford 開發出的模組化底盤平台,不管是 Focus 還是 Fiesta 都能運用,就算是休旅車也可以共用,擁有更輕的車身重量及車身強度,而且外媒猜測,新款 Kuga 還會有三排座椅的車型。

動力配置方面,預計會採用 1.5 升三缸渦輪引擎 2.0 升四缸渦輪增壓動力,而且全車系都會換上品牌和 GM 共同開發的全新九速手自排變速箱(http://gmauthority.com/blog/gm/gm-transmissions/9txx/9t50/),除此之外,為了順應新能源動力的潮流,全新 Kuga 也有望出現 Hybrid 油電混合系統。新車預計在明年 1 月的底特律車展上亮相。 

APR 19, 2018 at 10:34AM https://www.motor1.com/news/239695/2020-ford-escape-spy-photos/


Underneath all that camouflage there's an enticing new SUV.

Don’t let its exterior fool you – underneath all that camouflage is a brand new Ford Escape, set to debut sometime in 2019. Our spy photographers captured the new SUV testing on public roads near Ford headquarters in Dearborn, and though it shares a few similarities with the current model – particularly the profile – there are a number of important new features to point out.

First and foremost, the Escape will adopt an all-new front fascia. The images here hide most of the updated grille and headlights, but it’s easy to see the fresh new design, highlighted by sharper light fixtures and a more stout nose. Rumor has it that the SUV will share most of its styling cues with the recently debuted Focus.

2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos


2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos

Read also:

Though the body is brand new – the Escape will ride on an all-new platform – it still shares a few cues with the current model. The overall shape remains familiar, but the beltline now rises more gradually from the A pillar to the C pillar, translating into a rear that appears to be larger and more spacious than the outgoing generation. The prototype pictured here is a two-row model, but reports suggest a three-row version will also be available.

In the rear, the same Focus-inspired cues carry over. The taillights appear to be sharper and more sculpted, and the rear hatch is now longer, with a larger opening. Dual exhaust tips can be seen on this particular prototype, with power likely coming from either a standard 1.5-liter three-cylinder engine, or an optional 2.0-liter EcoBoost that will offered on higher trim levels. A hybrid option should also join the lineup, with a nine-speed automatic gearbox standard on all engine options.

It will still be some time before we see the new Ford Escape in the flesh. Considering it will be marketed as a 2020 model here in the U.S., a mid to late 2019 debut is expected, but we could see the SUV as early as the 2019 Detroit Auto Show in January. We’ll know more details closer to an official debut date.


〝而且新 Kuga 改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。〞




2018/04/24 00:15:09


#6044122 IP 187.114.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

回應 fordmondeost220(酒吞童子)所寫


回應 eric.huang.1968(Super)所寫


Ford 全新 Kuga 的偽裝測試車曝光!有望出現三排座椅車型?http://auto.ltn.com.tw/news/9877/3

2018/04/20 19:00文/記者蘇銘翰    圖片來源/擷取自motor1

面對全球休旅車熱潮,Ford 也將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照,全車被重重偽裝包覆,但仍可以透過一些細節了解大致外觀,並且會換上全新九速手自排變速箱,同時有望出現三排座椅的車型,預計明年就會登場。

Ford 將針對旗下 SUV 進行改款,近日外媒便捕獲到全新一代 Escape(台灣稱 Kuga)的測試照。

根據外媒《motor1》報導,全新 Ford Kuga 首次曝光偽裝測試照,整體的線條也變得更加鋒利,另外車頭幾乎被各種偽裝包覆,外媒猜測會有新式樣的水箱護罩與頭燈組,可能會參考剛剛發表的 Focus 的造型。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,雖然也被遮起來,但輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且新 Kuga 改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

車尾部分,尾燈組也採用全新式樣,輪廓和全新 Focus 的樣式相當接近,而且改採雙邊排氣管的配置,讓整體看起來更顯運動化。

從偽裝測試圖來看,可以發現新車的車身尺碼將比現行車款還要大,新一代 Kuga 將搭載於品牌全新 C2 底盤上,這是 Ford 開發出的模組化底盤平台,不管是 Focus 還是 Fiesta 都能運用,就算是休旅車也可以共用,擁有更輕的車身重量及車身強度,而且外媒猜測,新款 Kuga 還會有三排座椅的車型。

動力配置方面,預計會採用 1.5 升三缸渦輪引擎 2.0 升四缸渦輪增壓動力,而且全車系都會換上品牌和 GM 共同開發的全新九速手自排變速箱(http://gmauthority.com/blog/gm/gm-transmissions/9txx/9t50/),除此之外,為了順應新能源動力的潮流,全新 Kuga 也有望出現 Hybrid 油電混合系統。新車預計在明年 1 月的底特律車展上亮相。 

APR 19, 2018 at 10:34AM https://www.motor1.com/news/239695/2020-ford-escape-spy-photos/


Underneath all that camouflage there's an enticing new SUV.

Don’t let its exterior fool you – underneath all that camouflage is a brand new Ford Escape, set to debut sometime in 2019. Our spy photographers captured the new SUV testing on public roads near Ford headquarters in Dearborn, and though it shares a few similarities with the current model – particularly the profile – there are a number of important new features to point out.

First and foremost, the Escape will adopt an all-new front fascia. The images here hide most of the updated grille and headlights, but it’s easy to see the fresh new design, highlighted by sharper light fixtures and a more stout nose. Rumor has it that the SUV will share most of its styling cues with the recently debuted Focus.

2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos


2020 Ford Escape Spy Photos

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Though the body is brand new – the Escape will ride on an all-new platform – it still shares a few cues with the current model. The overall shape remains familiar, but the beltline now rises more gradually from the A pillar to the C pillar, translating into a rear that appears to be larger and more spacious than the outgoing generation. The prototype pictured here is a two-row model, but reports suggest a three-row version will also be available.

In the rear, the same Focus-inspired cues carry over. The taillights appear to be sharper and more sculpted, and the rear hatch is now longer, with a larger opening. Dual exhaust tips can be seen on this particular prototype, with power likely coming from either a standard 1.5-liter three-cylinder engine, or an optional 2.0-liter EcoBoost that will offered on higher trim levels. A hybrid option should also join the lineup, with a nine-speed automatic gearbox standard on all engine options.

It will still be some time before we see the new Ford Escape in the flesh. Considering it will be marketed as a 2020 model here in the U.S., a mid to late 2019 debut is expected, but we could see the SUV as early as the 2019 Detroit Auto Show in January. We’ll know more details closer to an official debut date.


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