

2009/05/27 20:44:25


#1053388 IP 243.43.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
而由退休工程師(Carmelo Scuderi)所創辦的Scuderi Group,早在1925年便開始著手研發如了改進這樣的缺失,這也成為搶搭上近來所熱門的節能風潮,畢竟除了油電混合、柴油與電動能源車之外,如何讓汽油引擎能擁有更大的效率也是車廠的所樂見的做法。
Scuderi Group所研發的新引擎,有別於以往的四行程引擎的做法,雖然四大運作過程相同,但則創新的將汽缸兩兩成組,成偏心狀排列(非傳統直列式或者V型排列),一組專門負責進氣、壓縮,另外一者則為點火與爆炸,也就是負責產生動力。兩組汽缸中間有一高速閥門進行連結,將壓縮完畢的混合油氣,導入到動力汽缸中,這看似奇怪的設計,其實卻可藉由結構上的特殊設計,大幅降低活塞運轉阻力,並同時加強油氣壓縮,讓油氣混合更為完整,也讓以往僅20%的化學能轉換成動力能的幅度,提升達一倍。而新一代的試驗產品中,還導入了渦輪增壓與高壓氣體鋼槽,也讓油耗表現額外提升50%。
對於這樣一個極具革命性的引擎科技,目前已經有多家車廠諸如PSA、Daimler、Honda、Fiat等車廠簽訂相關的保密條款。該項科技預計將在兩年後問世,有興趣的網友不妨到Scuderi Group(http://www.scuderigroup.com/intro)官網看一下。





2009/05/27 22:12:00


#1053710 IP 246.169.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
真 實 與 謊 言:「真實」和「謊言」一起到河邊洗澡.先上岸的「謊言」偷偷穿上「真實」的衣服不肯歸還.固執的「真實」死也不肯穿上「謊言」的衣服.只好一絲不掛光溜溜地走回家.從此-人們眼中只有穿著真實外衣的謊言.卻怎麼也無法接受赤裸裸的真實.


2009/05/27 22:20:04


#1053741 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

Zone Axis(aaronhu)

2009/05/27 22:24:01


#1053748 IP 187.112.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

U-CAR 新三寶 密穴, 微啟, 玩B大. 號稱 括約肌撲滿存錢筒, 角色扮演不速鬼獨唱組第一名


2009/05/27 22:31:35


#1053767 IP 187.104.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2009/05/27 22:39:58


#1053790 IP 253.231.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫


意指利用廢氣儲存來當做另一個動力, 與引擎動力做hybrid
動力應是提升5成, 不是1倍, 如果20%有效轉換, 就會增加到30%
我覺得有可能, 不過要看實車跑的結果才會準

Scuderi Group to Preview Enhanced Designs of Air-Hybrid EngineAir-Hybrid Engine
11 April 2007

Cylinder pairs in the Scuderi Split Cycle. Scuderi divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle across two paired cylinders, a compression and a power cylinder.
The Scuderi Group will exhibit further-developed designs of its Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine next week at the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress in Detroit.

The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has been under development for the past three years, with the first gasoline prototype scheduled to be completed in January. As engineering and testing has continued, many potential enhancements have been explored, such as a waste-heat recovery system specifically designed for the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine.

Waste heat energy is generally recovered in combined-cycle engines which utilize the Otto cycle to generate power and the Rankine cycle to recover waste heat. Conventional combined-cycle engines must immediately utilize the recovered waste heat or discard it.

In contrast, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has the added capability of storing the waste, which is heat-generated energy in the form of compressed air in the Scuderi Engine’s air tank for later use. This capability further enhances the engine’s fuel efficiency and further reduces the engine’s emissions output.

The Air-Hybrid is based on the Scuderi Split-Cycle Engine. In a conventional four-stroke engine, a single piston slides up and down in a cylinder through the intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes—each power stroke requires two revolutions of the crankshaft.

The Scuderi Split-Cycle engine divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power cylinder. Intake air is compressed in the compression cylinder and transferred via a gas passage to the power cylinder for combustion.

By adding a small air storage tank with some simple controls, the Scuderi engine can also recapture energy normally lost during the braking of a vehicle. In addition, unlike electric hybrids, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid has the capability of recapturing energy from the exhaust of the engine, making it possible to utilize a Scuderi Air-Hybrid design in stationary applications such as electric generators.

Scuderi expects its Air-Hybrid Engine to deliver a significant increase in performance, efficiency and environmental impact over today’s internal combustion engines. The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine is adaptable to diesel and gasoline automobiles, commercial vehicles and any other applications powered by internal combustion engines.

The Scuderi Group says that it has reached a number of significant milestones during the past year, after making its debut at last year’s SAE World Congress. The engine’s patent portfolio continued to expand, with protection secured in key global markets including Japan, Taiwan, China and Russia. The patent portfolio now includes seven issued US patents, five US patents pending and multiple international patents pending in over 45 countries.

Zone Axis(aaronhu)

2009/05/27 22:50:52


#1053816 IP 187.112.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 yuanberg (台八子) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫


意指利用廢氣儲存來當做另一個動力, 與引擎動力做hybrid
動力應是提升5成, 不是1倍, 如果20%有效轉換, 就會增加到30%
我覺得有可能, 不過要看實車跑的結果才會準

Scuderi Group to Preview Enhanced Designs of Air-Hybrid EngineAir-Hybrid Engine
11 April 2007

Cylinder pairs in the Scuderi Split Cycle. Scuderi divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle across two paired cylinders, a compression and a power cylinder.
The Scuderi Group will exhibit further-developed designs of its Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine next week at the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress in Detroit.

The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has been under development for the past three years, with the first gasoline prototype scheduled to be completed in January. As engineering and testing has continued, many potential enhancements have been explored, such as a waste-heat recovery system specifically designed for the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine.

Waste heat energy is generally recovered in combined-cycle engines which utilize the Otto cycle to generate power and the Rankine cycle to recover waste heat. Conventional combined-cycle engines must immediately utilize the recovered waste heat or discard it.

In contrast, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has the added capability of storing the waste, which is heat-generated energy in the form of compressed air in the Scuderi Engine’s air tank for later use. This capability further enhances the engine’s fuel efficiency and further reduces the engine’s emissions output.

The Air-Hybrid is based on the Scuderi Split-Cycle Engine. In a conventional four-stroke engine, a single piston slides up and down in a cylinder through the intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes—each power stroke requires two revolutions of the crankshaft.

The Scuderi Split-Cycle engine divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power cylinder. Intake air is compressed in the compression cylinder and transferred via a gas passage to the power cylinder for combustion.

By adding a small air storage tank with some simple controls, the Scuderi engine can also recapture energy normally lost during the braking of a vehicle. In addition, unlike electric hybrids, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid has the capability of recapturing energy from the exhaust of the engine, making it possible to utilize a Scuderi Air-Hybrid design in stationary applications such as electric generators.

Scuderi expects its Air-Hybrid Engine to deliver a significant increase in performance, efficiency and environmental impact over today’s internal combustion engines. The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine is adaptable to diesel and gasoline automobiles, commercial vehicles and any other applications powered by internal combustion engines.

The Scuderi Group says that it has reached a number of significant milestones during the past year, after making its debut at last year’s SAE World Congress. The engine’s patent portfolio continued to expand, with protection secured in key global markets including Japan, Taiwan, China and Russia. The patent portfolio now includes seven issued US patents, five US patents pending and multiple international patents pending in over 45 countries.
原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH

請帶入 度K
U-CAR 新三寶 密穴, 微啟, 玩B大. 號稱 括約肌撲滿存錢筒, 角色扮演不速鬼獨唱組第一名


2009/05/27 22:53:21


#1053824 IP 251.194.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫

原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH

請帶入 度K



2009/05/27 22:53:33


#1053825 IP 91.68.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫
回應 yuanberg (台八子) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫


意指利用廢氣儲存來當做另一個動力, 與引擎動力做hybrid
動力應是提升5成, 不是1倍, 如果20%有效轉換, 就會增加到30%
我覺得有可能, 不過要看實車跑的結果才會準

Scuderi Group to Preview Enhanced Designs of Air-Hybrid EngineAir-Hybrid Engine
11 April 2007

Cylinder pairs in the Scuderi Split Cycle. Scuderi divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle across two paired cylinders, a compression and a power cylinder.
The Scuderi Group will exhibit further-developed designs of its Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine next week at the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress in Detroit.

The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has been under development for the past three years, with the first gasoline prototype scheduled to be completed in January. As engineering and testing has continued, many potential enhancements have been explored, such as a waste-heat recovery system specifically designed for the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine.

Waste heat energy is generally recovered in combined-cycle engines which utilize the Otto cycle to generate power and the Rankine cycle to recover waste heat. Conventional combined-cycle engines must immediately utilize the recovered waste heat or discard it.

In contrast, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has the added capability of storing the waste, which is heat-generated energy in the form of compressed air in the Scuderi Engine’s air tank for later use. This capability further enhances the engine’s fuel efficiency and further reduces the engine’s emissions output.

The Air-Hybrid is based on the Scuderi Split-Cycle Engine. In a conventional four-stroke engine, a single piston slides up and down in a cylinder through the intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes—each power stroke requires two revolutions of the crankshaft.

The Scuderi Split-Cycle engine divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power cylinder. Intake air is compressed in the compression cylinder and transferred via a gas passage to the power cylinder for combustion.

By adding a small air storage tank with some simple controls, the Scuderi engine can also recapture energy normally lost during the braking of a vehicle. In addition, unlike electric hybrids, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid has the capability of recapturing energy from the exhaust of the engine, making it possible to utilize a Scuderi Air-Hybrid design in stationary applications such as electric generators.

Scuderi expects its Air-Hybrid Engine to deliver a significant increase in performance, efficiency and environmental impact over today’s internal combustion engines. The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine is adaptable to diesel and gasoline automobiles, commercial vehicles and any other applications powered by internal combustion engines.

The Scuderi Group says that it has reached a number of significant milestones during the past year, after making its debut at last year’s SAE World Congress. The engine’s patent portfolio continued to expand, with protection secured in key global markets including Japan, Taiwan, China and Russia. The patent portfolio now includes seven issued US patents, five US patents pending and multiple international patents pending in over 45 countries.
原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH

請帶入 度K



2009/05/27 22:55:43


#1053834 IP 92.136.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
沒有"紀律"的國家必亡. 沒有"紀律"的企業必倒. 沒有"紀律"的投資必虧.


2009/05/27 23:43:50


#1053986 IP 246.169.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
真 實 與 謊 言:「真實」和「謊言」一起到河邊洗澡.先上岸的「謊言」偷偷穿上「真實」的衣服不肯歸還.固執的「真實」死也不肯穿上「謊言」的衣服.只好一絲不掛光溜溜地走回家.從此-人們眼中只有穿著真實外衣的謊言.卻怎麼也無法接受赤裸裸的真實.


2009/05/28 00:09:05


#1054066 IP 187.126.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



2009/05/28 00:23:34


#1054100 IP 242.47.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫
回應 yuanberg (台八子) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫


意指利用廢氣儲存來當做另一個動力, 與引擎動力做hybrid
動力應是提升5成, 不是1倍, 如果20%有效轉換, 就會增加到30%
我覺得有可能, 不過要看實車跑的結果才會準

Scuderi Group to Preview Enhanced Designs of Air-Hybrid EngineAir-Hybrid Engine
11 April 2007

Cylinder pairs in the Scuderi Split Cycle. Scuderi divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle across two paired cylinders, a compression and a power cylinder.
The Scuderi Group will exhibit further-developed designs of its Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine next week at the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress in Detroit.

The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has been under development for the past three years, with the first gasoline prototype scheduled to be completed in January. As engineering and testing has continued, many potential enhancements have been explored, such as a waste-heat recovery system specifically designed for the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine.

Waste heat energy is generally recovered in combined-cycle engines which utilize the Otto cycle to generate power and the Rankine cycle to recover waste heat. Conventional combined-cycle engines must immediately utilize the recovered waste heat or discard it.

In contrast, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has the added capability of storing the waste, which is heat-generated energy in the form of compressed air in the Scuderi Engine’s air tank for later use. This capability further enhances the engine’s fuel efficiency and further reduces the engine’s emissions output.

The Air-Hybrid is based on the Scuderi Split-Cycle Engine. In a conventional four-stroke engine, a single piston slides up and down in a cylinder through the intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes—each power stroke requires two revolutions of the crankshaft.

The Scuderi Split-Cycle engine divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power cylinder. Intake air is compressed in the compression cylinder and transferred via a gas passage to the power cylinder for combustion.

By adding a small air storage tank with some simple controls, the Scuderi engine can also recapture energy normally lost during the braking of a vehicle. In addition, unlike electric hybrids, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid has the capability of recapturing energy from the exhaust of the engine, making it possible to utilize a Scuderi Air-Hybrid design in stationary applications such as electric generators.

Scuderi expects its Air-Hybrid Engine to deliver a significant increase in performance, efficiency and environmental impact over today’s internal combustion engines. The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine is adaptable to diesel and gasoline automobiles, commercial vehicles and any other applications powered by internal combustion engines.

The Scuderi Group says that it has reached a number of significant milestones during the past year, after making its debut at last year’s SAE World Congress. The engine’s patent portfolio continued to expand, with protection secured in key global markets including Japan, Taiwan, China and Russia. The patent portfolio now includes seven issued US patents, five US patents pending and multiple international patents pending in over 45 countries.
原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH

請帶入 度K



2009/05/28 02:17:28


#1054333 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫
回應 yuanberg (台八子) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫


意指利用廢氣儲存來當做另一個動力, 與引擎動力做hybrid
動力應是提升5成, 不是1倍, 如果20%有效轉換, 就會增加到30%
我覺得有可能, 不過要看實車跑的結果才會準

Scuderi Group to Preview Enhanced Designs of Air-Hybrid EngineAir-Hybrid Engine
11 April 2007

Cylinder pairs in the Scuderi Split Cycle. Scuderi divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle across two paired cylinders, a compression and a power cylinder.
The Scuderi Group will exhibit further-developed designs of its Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine next week at the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress in Detroit.

The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has been under development for the past three years, with the first gasoline prototype scheduled to be completed in January. As engineering and testing has continued, many potential enhancements have been explored, such as a waste-heat recovery system specifically designed for the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine.

Waste heat energy is generally recovered in combined-cycle engines which utilize the Otto cycle to generate power and the Rankine cycle to recover waste heat. Conventional combined-cycle engines must immediately utilize the recovered waste heat or discard it.

In contrast, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has the added capability of storing the waste, which is heat-generated energy in the form of compressed air in the Scuderi Engine’s air tank for later use. This capability further enhances the engine’s fuel efficiency and further reduces the engine’s emissions output.

The Air-Hybrid is based on the Scuderi Split-Cycle Engine. In a conventional four-stroke engine, a single piston slides up and down in a cylinder through the intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes—each power stroke requires two revolutions of the crankshaft.

The Scuderi Split-Cycle engine divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power cylinder. Intake air is compressed in the compression cylinder and transferred via a gas passage to the power cylinder for combustion.

By adding a small air storage tank with some simple controls, the Scuderi engine can also recapture energy normally lost during the braking of a vehicle. In addition, unlike electric hybrids, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid has the capability of recapturing energy from the exhaust of the engine, making it possible to utilize a Scuderi Air-Hybrid design in stationary applications such as electric generators.

Scuderi expects its Air-Hybrid Engine to deliver a significant increase in performance, efficiency and environmental impact over today’s internal combustion engines. The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine is adaptable to diesel and gasoline automobiles, commercial vehicles and any other applications powered by internal combustion engines.

The Scuderi Group says that it has reached a number of significant milestones during the past year, after making its debut at last year’s SAE World Congress. The engine’s patent portfolio continued to expand, with protection secured in key global markets including Japan, Taiwan, China and Russia. The patent portfolio now includes seven issued US patents, five US patents pending and multiple international patents pending in over 45 countries.
原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH

請帶入 度K

絕對溫度 K 不加上度


2009/05/28 05:38:07


#1054402 IP 92.129.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 imprezafrank (鯊很大) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫

原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH
請帶入 度K


幫忙"灌"個票!!感激不盡~~~>_<  http://now.to/4xqo


2009/05/28 08:57:45


#1054497 IP 251.204.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2009/05/28 10:37:55


#1054637 IP 91.70.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
座駕 1995年VW GOLF 3代


2009/05/28 10:46:58


#1054645 IP 251.194.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 wertyuyuio (楓小翔) 所寫
回應 imprezafrank (鯊很大) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫

原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH
請帶入 度K




Zone Axis(aaronhu)

2009/05/28 11:04:07


#1054667 IP 187.112.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 stacy77777 (Phoenix) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫
回應 yuanberg (台八子) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫


意指利用廢氣儲存來當做另一個動力, 與引擎動力做hybrid
動力應是提升5成, 不是1倍, 如果20%有效轉換, 就會增加到30%
我覺得有可能, 不過要看實車跑的結果才會準

Scuderi Group to Preview Enhanced Designs of Air-Hybrid EngineAir-Hybrid Engine
11 April 2007

Cylinder pairs in the Scuderi Split Cycle. Scuderi divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle across two paired cylinders, a compression and a power cylinder.
The Scuderi Group will exhibit further-developed designs of its Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine next week at the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress in Detroit.

The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has been under development for the past three years, with the first gasoline prototype scheduled to be completed in January. As engineering and testing has continued, many potential enhancements have been explored, such as a waste-heat recovery system specifically designed for the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine.

Waste heat energy is generally recovered in combined-cycle engines which utilize the Otto cycle to generate power and the Rankine cycle to recover waste heat. Conventional combined-cycle engines must immediately utilize the recovered waste heat or discard it.

In contrast, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine has the added capability of storing the waste, which is heat-generated energy in the form of compressed air in the Scuderi Engine’s air tank for later use. This capability further enhances the engine’s fuel efficiency and further reduces the engine’s emissions output.

The Air-Hybrid is based on the Scuderi Split-Cycle Engine. In a conventional four-stroke engine, a single piston slides up and down in a cylinder through the intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes—each power stroke requires two revolutions of the crankshaft.

The Scuderi Split-Cycle engine divides the four strokes of the Otto cycle over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power cylinder. Intake air is compressed in the compression cylinder and transferred via a gas passage to the power cylinder for combustion.

By adding a small air storage tank with some simple controls, the Scuderi engine can also recapture energy normally lost during the braking of a vehicle. In addition, unlike electric hybrids, the Scuderi Air-Hybrid has the capability of recapturing energy from the exhaust of the engine, making it possible to utilize a Scuderi Air-Hybrid design in stationary applications such as electric generators.

Scuderi expects its Air-Hybrid Engine to deliver a significant increase in performance, efficiency and environmental impact over today’s internal combustion engines. The Scuderi Air-Hybrid Engine is adaptable to diesel and gasoline automobiles, commercial vehicles and any other applications powered by internal combustion engines.

The Scuderi Group says that it has reached a number of significant milestones during the past year, after making its debut at last year’s SAE World Congress. The engine’s patent portfolio continued to expand, with protection secured in key global markets including Japan, Taiwan, China and Russia. The patent portfolio now includes seven issued US patents, five US patents pending and multiple international patents pending in over 45 countries.
原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH

請帶入 度K

絕對溫度 K 不加上度

Zone Axis(aaronhu)

2009/05/28 11:04:58


#1054669 IP 187.112.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 imprezafrank (鯊很大) 所寫
回應 wertyuyuio (楓小翔) 所寫
回應 imprezafrank (鯊很大) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫

原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH
請帶入 度K



帳號被 玩B偷偷上了😭


2009/05/28 11:07:43


#1054673 IP 251.194.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫
回應 imprezafrank (鯊很大) 所寫
回應 wertyuyuio (楓小翔) 所寫
回應 imprezafrank (鯊很大) 所寫
回應 aaronhu (Zone Axis) 所寫

原先效率20% 廢熱回收 多20% 騙人啊
最佳理想為 卡諾循環的效率=(TH – TL ) / TH
請帶入 度K



被 玩B偷偷上了😭

感謝網友參加「2025年最期待電動新車大調查–抽《2025 臺灣電動車年鑑》活動」,U-CAR已順利抽出10名網友獲獎。