
Williams F1 Team Bruno Senna 確定出局了!!!!!!



Williams F1 Team 確定 2013 年出賽車手為 Maldonado 和 Bottas,Bruno Senna 確定出局了!!!!!!

法蘭克爵士說:Bottas 是相當有天份的年輕車手之一,我們期望他能在未來帶來一些好事情;我也想趁這個機會感謝 Bruno Senna 在過去一年的辛苦工作,希望他有前途能夠大鳴大放!!
The Williams F1 Team is pleased to announce that Pastor Maldonado and Valtteri Bottas will be the team’s race drivers for the 2013 FIA Formula One World Championship season.

Sir Frank Williams said; ‘’... Valtteri is quite simply one of the most talented young racing drivers I have come across and we expect great things from him in the future. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our departing driver Bruno Senna for his hard work over the past year and wish him the best of luck going forward.’’

(Source: WilliamsF1.com)



回應 ee0928056380 (楓寶寶) 所寫

Williams F1 Team 確定 2013 年出賽車手為 Maldonado 和 Bottas,Bruno Senna 確定出局了!!!!!!

法蘭克爵士說:Bottas 是相當有天份的年輕車手之一,我們期望他能在未來帶來一些好事情;我也想趁這個機會感謝 Bruno Senna 在過去一年的辛苦工作,希望他有前途能夠大鳴大放!!
The Williams F1 Team is pleased to announce that Pastor Maldonado and Valtteri Bottas will be the team’s race drivers for the 2013 FIA Formula One World Championship season.

Sir Frank Williams said; ‘’... Valtteri is quite simply one of the most talented young racing drivers I have come across and we expect great things from him in the future. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our departing driver Bruno Senna for his hard work over the past year and wish him the best of luck going forward.’’

(Source: WilliamsF1.com)




回應 jazzsu1972 (黑白郎君) 所寫
回應 ee0928056380 (楓寶寶) 所寫

Williams F1 Team 確定 2013 年出賽車手為 Maldonado 和 Bottas,Bruno Senna 確定出局了!!!!!!

法蘭克爵士說:Bottas 是相當有天份的年輕車手之一,我們期望他能在未來帶來一些好事情;我也想趁這個機會感謝 Bruno Senna 在過去一年的辛苦工作,希望他有前途能夠大鳴大放!!
The Williams F1 Team is pleased to announce that Pastor Maldonado and Valtteri Bottas will be the team’s race drivers for the 2013 FIA Formula One World Championship season.

Sir Frank Williams said; ‘’... Valtteri is quite simply one of the most talented young racing drivers I have come across and we expect great things from him in the future. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our departing driver Bruno Senna for his hard work over the past year and wish him the best of luck going forward.’’

(Source: WilliamsF1.com)





回應 brave2001 (勇士) 所寫
回應 jazzsu1972 (黑白郎君) 所寫
回應 ee0928056380 (楓寶寶) 所寫

Williams F1 Team 確定 2013 年出賽車手為 Maldonado 和 Bottas,Bruno Senna 確定出局了!!!!!!

法蘭克爵士說:Bottas 是相當有天份的年輕車手之一,我們期望他能在未來帶來一些好事情;我也想趁這個機會感謝 Bruno Senna 在過去一年的辛苦工作,希望他有前途能夠大鳴大放!!
The Williams F1 Team is pleased to announce that Pastor Maldonado and Valtteri Bottas will be the team’s race drivers for the 2013 FIA Formula One World Championship season.

Sir Frank Williams said; ‘’... Valtteri is quite simply one of the most talented young racing drivers I have come across and we expect great things from him in the future. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our departing driver Bruno Senna for his hard work over the past year and wish him the best of luck going forward.’’

(Source: WilliamsF1.com)



天賦=贊助=$$$$ 無誤




不過, Bottas絕對是個比麻豆快的車手, 一年的測試車手資歷就已經可以跟麻豆打平


他的天賦, 應該跟Kimi相仿



回應 kevinni (niba) 所寫

不過, Bottas絕對是個比麻豆快的車手, 一年的測試車手資歷就已經可以跟麻豆打平


他的天賦, 應該跟Kimi相仿




終於 不用再看著 背負著 SENNA 這個姓氐的人

在場上 開那樣的成績...😌




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