[轉貼]黑莓全球登廣告 安撫客戶


2013/10/15 11:09:26


#5145171 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

時間:2013/10/15 新聞引據: 中央社

加拿大智慧手機製造商黑莓公司(BlackBerry Ltd.)正在全球各大報紙刊登整版廣告,以說服電信業者、消費者與合作夥伴不要放棄這家深陷經營困境的智慧手機製造商。

據彭博社報導,總部位在安大略省滑鐵盧市(Waterloo)的黑莓公司在廣告中稱:「對我們而言,這是充滿挑戰的時刻。我們不會低估形勢或忽略挑戰。我們正在做必要的調整,很不容易,但希望強化黑莓。」黑莓將在當地時間15日的華爾街日報(WSJ)與華盛頓郵報(Washington Post )等報紙刊登這則廣告。

黑莓行銷長布爾本(Frank Boulben)表示,這些廣告旨在直接與客戶交流,而不是藉由中介或是被扭曲。



過去數年來,黑莓的智慧手機市占不斷遭蘋果(Apple)的iPhone與搭載谷歌公司(Google Inc.)的Android平台手機蠶食。在歷經慘淡的一年後,黑莓決定在全球大打廣告。



黑莓流年不利,與長期客戶與合作夥伴之間的關係也逐漸變淡。全美第四大電信商T-Mobile US. Inc.上月就表示,將開始將店內黑莓存貨下架,轉而將手機直接交付運送到買家手上。

the devil is in the details





2013/10/15 14:31:28


#5145702 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

BlackBerry Ad Campaign Seeks to Reassure Customers
TORONTO October 15, 2013 (AP)
By ROB GILLIES Associated Press

BlackBerry is publishing an open letter in major publications around the world in a bid to reassure customers that they can count on the distressed smartphone company.

The letter was released Monday on Twitter and will be published in 30 publications in nine countries Tuesday. It acknowledges "these are no doubt challenging times for us and we don't underestimate the situation" but says "you can continue to count on BlackBerry."

The missive notes that BlackBerry has substantial cash and is debt free. But it makes no mention of the fact that the company is for sale and could be broken up and sold in pieces.

BlackBerry announced last month that Fairfax Financial Holdings, which owns 10 percent of the company, signed a letter of intent that "contemplates" buying BlackBerry for $9 a share, or $4.7 billion. Fairfax, BlackBerry's largest shareholder, is trying to attract other investors.

The stock is trading well below Fairfax's tentative offer on fears that the deal won't go through or that the final price will be lower. BlackBerry Ltd.'s U.S.-traded shares closed up 7 cents to $8.14 Monday.

"We're getting a lot of queries and interest from loyal consumers, from all of our enterprise customers and big government institutions," Andrew MacLeod, BlackBerry's regional managing director for North America, said in an interview. MacLeod said it's important to communicate with customers while the company goes through a difficult restructuring. He declined to comment on the sale process because a special committee of board members is examining that.

The BlackBerry, introduced in 1999, was once the dominant smartphone for on-the-go business people and other consumers. But the advent of a new generation of competing touchscreen smartphones, starting with Apple's iPhone in 2007, made the BlackBerry look ancient. The company's sales and market share shrank and it lost billions in market value.

This year's much-delayed launch of BlackBerry 10 system and fancier devices that use the software was supposed to rejuvenate the brand and lure customers. It did not work. Waterloo, Ontario-based BlackBerry recently announced 4,500 layoffs, or 40 percent of its global workforce, and reported a quarterly loss of nearly $1 billion.

"Candidly, we haven't seen the level of the traction in certain markets that we had hoped," MacLeod said. "It takes time for new platforms to get traction and we think we need to give BlackBerry 10 more time in the marketplace in order to get to the level of volume that we had hoped."

The letter says BlackBerry continues "to offer the best mobile typing experience — no ifs, ands or buts about it." It also acknowledges "there is a lot of competition out there and we know that BlackBerry is not for everyone."
the devil is in the details


2013/10/15 14:35:32


#5145714 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

To our valued customers, partners and fans:

You’ve no doubt seen the headlines about BlackBerry®. You’re probably wondering what they mean for you as one of the tens of millions of users who count on BlackBerry every single day.

We have one important message for you:

You can continue to count on BlackBerry.
How do we know? We have substantial cash on hand and a balance sheet that is debt free. We are restructuring with a goal to cut our expenses by 50 percent in order to run a very efficient, customer-oriented organization.

These are no doubt challenging times for us and we don’t underestimate the situation or ignore the challenges we are facing. We are making the difficult changes necessary to strengthen BlackBerry.

One thing we will never change is our commitment to those of you who helped build BlackBerry into the most trusted tool for the world’s business professional.

And speaking of those dramatic headlines, it’s important that we set the record straight on a few things.

Best in Class Productivity Tool
We have completely revamped our device portfolio this year with the launch of BlackBerry® 10. We have four BlackBerry 10 devices – two all touch and two hybrid (touch and QWERTY) – and all are running the third update of our new platform. If what you care about most is getting things done – taking care of your business -- we have the best range of devices for you. And we continue to offer the best mobile typing experience – no ifs, ands or buts about it.

Best in Class Security
Governments all over the world, global corporations and businesses that simply cannot compromise on security choose and trust BlackBerry. Security is our heritage, and the industry recognizes that BlackBerry is the most secure when it comes to the device, server and, of course, our global data network. Have no doubt that you can continue to trust us to keep your communication safe and private.

Best in Class Enterprise Mobility Management
We changed with the market, embracing BYOD because we understand that as iOS and Android™ devices become common in the workplace, businesses still need to manage all of these different platforms seamlessly and securely.

This is not a trivial task. While there are a number of startup companies that make bold claims, BlackBerry has more software engineers and the most resources dedicated to developing the most innovative solutions to address this complex challenge.

And our customers know it. Over the past quarter, our BlackBerry® Enterprise Service 10 server base grew from 19,000 to more than 25,000. Corporate clients are committed to deploying and testing the latest enterprise technology from BlackBerry. We are committed to evolving with our customers. That will never change.

Best in Class Mobile Social Network
We are bringing the most engaging mobile messaging platform to all, with our BBM™ launch for Android™ and iPhone. There are already around six million customers pre-registered to be notified of our roll out. This number is growing every day, and speaks to the tremendous opportunity we have to expand BBM beyond BlackBerry® smartphones to make it the world’s largest mobile social network.

Yes, there is a lot of competition out there and we know that BlackBerry is not for everyone. That’s OK. You have always known that BlackBerry is different, that BlackBerry can set you apart. Countless world-changing decisions have been finalized, deals closed and critical communications made via BlackBerry. And for many of you that created a bond, a connection that goes back more than a decade.

We believe in BlackBerry – our people, our technology and our ability to adapt. More importantly, we believe in you. We focus every day on what it takes to make sure that you can take care of business.

You trust your BlackBerry to deliver your most important messages, so trust us when we deliver one of our own: You can continue to count on us.

The BlackBerry Team
the devil is in the details


2013/10/16 18:45:21


#5147408 IP 92.137.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2013/10/16 18:47:27


#5147410 IP 242.42.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



2013/10/16 19:11:29


#5147431 IP 246.165.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
出個 app 吧。


2013/10/16 19:53:32


#5147463 IP 246.233.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 yu1010_a (化作千風) 所寫

the devil is in the details


2013/10/17 18:51:45


#5148847 IP 95.142.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2013/11/05 10:16:52


#5173416 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

BlackBerry 與Fairfax 的收購協議失效,改為發債10 億美元,CEO 也被 ...
癮科技 中文版-11 小時前

如果你仍然沒有對BlackBerry 死心,還在持續留意它的發展,那麼你該看一下這個消息,因為他們的前路又作出一些改變了。BlackBerry 剛剛宣佈 ...

前幾天傳出Lenovo、fb之外的新謠言買家: Qualcomm

the devil is in the details


2013/11/05 10:23:27


#5173427 IP 129.34.*.* 修改過 1 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2013/11/05 10:23:27

發文IP 129.34.*.*

[quote=enhance (enhance)][傻笑] [url="http://chinese.engadget.com/2013/11/04/blackberry-abandons-fairfax-deal-heins-out/"]http://chinese.engadget.com/2013/11/04/blackberry-abandons-fairfax-deal-heins-out/[/url] BlackBerry 與Fairfax 的收購協議失效,改為發債10 億美元,CEO 也被 ... 癮科技 中文版-11 小時前 如果你仍然沒有對BlackBerry 死心,還在持續留意它的發展,那麼你該看一下這個消息,因為他們的前路又作出一些改變了。BlackBerry 剛剛宣佈 ... == 前幾天傳出Lenovo、fb之外的新謠言買家: Qualcomm 讓我們繼續看下去[微笑][/quote] 免看了, HUAWEI 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... [嘆氣]

2013/11/05 10:24:01

發文IP 129.34.*.*

[quote=enhance (enhance)][傻笑] [url="http://chinese.engadget.com/2013/11/04/blackberry-abandons-fairfax-deal-heins-out/"]http://chinese.engadget.com/2013/11/04/blackberry-abandons-fairfax-deal-heins-out/[/url] BlackBerry 與Fairfax 的收購協議失效,改為發債10 億美元,CEO 也被 ... 癮科技 中文版-11 小時前 如果你仍然沒有對BlackBerry 死心,還在持續留意它的發展,那麼你該看一下這個消息,因為他們的前路又作出一些改變了。BlackBerry 剛剛宣佈 ... == 前幾天傳出Lenovo、fb之外的新謠言買家: Qualcomm 讓我們繼續看下去[微笑][/quote] 免看了, HUAWEI 或者 ZTE 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... [嘆氣]
回應 enhance (enhance) 所寫

BlackBerry 與Fairfax 的收購協議失效,改為發債10 億美元,CEO 也被 ...
癮科技 中文版-11 小時前

如果你仍然沒有對BlackBerry 死心,還在持續留意它的發展,那麼你該看一下這個消息,因為他們的前路又作出一些改變了。BlackBerry 剛剛宣佈 ...

前幾天傳出Lenovo、fb之外的新謠言買家: Qualcomm


免看了, HUAWEI 或者 ZTE 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... 😌
台灣的食安與中國比起來不知道是不是同等級 ??


2013/11/05 10:28:52


#5173433 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 hifeng0336 (柴油車80K) 所寫
免看了, HUAWEI 或者 ZTE 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... 😌

the devil is in the details


2013/11/05 10:31:27


#5173437 IP 129.34.*.* 修改過 1 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2013/11/05 10:31:27

發文IP 129.34.*.*

[quote=enhance (enhance)][quote=hifeng0336 (柴油車80K)]免看了, HUAWEI 或者 ZTE 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... [嘆氣][/quote] [三條線]這是最爛的劇本[/quote] 中國正在用十幾億人口的勞動力與環境[color="#FFFF00"]汙染[/color]創造龍的世紀 ..... 讓我們繼續看下去.[無辜]

2013/11/05 10:31:47

發文IP 129.34.*.*

[quote=enhance (enhance)][quote=hifeng0336 (柴油車80K)]免看了, HUAWEI 或者 ZTE 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... [嘆氣][/quote] [三條線]這是最爛的劇本[/quote] 中國正在用十幾億人口的勞動力與環境[color="#FFFF00"]汙染[/color]努力發功創造龍的世紀 ..... 讓我們繼續看下去.[無辜]
回應 enhance (enhance) 所寫
回應 hifeng0336 (柴油車80K) 所寫
免看了, HUAWEI 或者 ZTE 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... 😌


中國正在用十幾億人口的勞動力與環境汙染努力發功創造龍的世紀 ..... 讓我們繼續看下去.😇
台灣的食安與中國比起來不知道是不是同等級 ??


2013/11/06 11:34:16


#5174874 IP 129.34.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 enhance (enhance) 所寫
回應 hifeng0336 (柴油車80K) 所寫
免看了, HUAWEI 或者 ZTE 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... 😌


賀喜校長, 目前楓葉政府正在設法幫校長改劇本 ....
<轉貼自聯合報> 加拿大政府:將抵制聯想收購BlackBerry
台灣的食安與中國比起來不知道是不是同等級 ??


2013/11/06 11:54:26


#5174924 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 hifeng0336 (柴油車80K) 所寫
回應 enhance (enhance) 所寫
回應 hifeng0336 (柴油車80K) 所寫
免看了, HUAWEI 或者 ZTE 很有興趣買下它洗刷安全惡名, 如同 Leveno 買 IBM 筆電及 PC部門一樣. .... 😌


賀喜校長, 目前楓葉政府正在設法幫校長改劇本 ....
<轉貼自聯合報> 加拿大政府:將抵制聯想收購BlackBerry

the devil is in the details
綜觀2024年度總市場整體前10名僅有Toyota Yaris Cross為新進榜,其餘多數成員與2023年相同,僅是在排名上做出改變。