
[轉貼]Apple’s Beats Purchase Could Have Saved HTC


Posted 1 hour ago by Matt Burns

In what would have been a truly strange storyline, Apple would have effectively saved one of its chief rivals from collapse — had HTC held onto its controlling stake in Beats Electronics.

The Financial Times is reporting today that Apple is close to acquiring Beats Electronics for $3.2 billion, its largest purchase to date. HTC used to have a controlling position in Beats Electronics but since sold off its stake while watching its smartphone marketshare and stock price collapse. Had HTC held onto its stake in Beats — and assuming Apple still purchased Beats — HTC would have profited a tidy $1.29 billion. And HTC desperately needs $1.29 billion.

In 2011 HTC bought 50.1 percent of HTC for $309 million. At that time HTC was still riding on its early embrace of Android. It was one of the premiere smartphone makers in the world. And Beats was clearly transforming the headphone market. Apple’s white earbuds were no longer ubiquitous; colorful Beats headphones (and countless copycats) began to replace them.

Beats Electronics was kept a separate company despite HTC’s controlling stake. In 2012 the headphone maker’s exclusive manufacturing deal with Monster Cable ended, allowing Beats to manufacture its own hardware from then on — and pad the healthy margins on these expensive headphones even more.

Since 2011, HTC has imploded. Its stock price is down nearly 80% since its 2011 levels. Its marketshare is evaporating thanks to Samsung and Apple.

HTC offloaded Beats Electronics in two chunks. The sale of the first stake resulted in a $4.8 million net loss, the second one generated $85 million in profit.

But that 50.1 percent stake would now be worth $1.6 billion. In other words, HTC could have returned 318% on its original investment and made $1.29 billion in profit from the Apple acquisition.

But alas, HTC jumped off Dr. Dre’s Beats yacht to save its aging ship.

Of course, Beats might not have been as attractive an acquisition target for Apple if purchasing the company would have meant injecting so much sorely needed cash into HTC’s coffers. Apple could have pursued other headphone makers and music streaming services. If the FT’s report pans out, Apple is on the verge of buying its way into two lucrative and established markets, music streaming and gaudy headphones. And HTC could have once again been a contender.
the devil is in the details






回應 superin (超硬肝鐵人) 所寫

the devil is in the details



Apple to Pay $3 Billion to Buy Beats

CUPERTINO, Calif. — Apple, the company that turned digital music into a mainstream phenomenon, said on Wednesday that it was buying Beats Electronics, a rising music brand, for $3 billion, in a move that will help it play catch-up with rivals that offer subscription-based music services.

Apple and Beats executives said the companies would work together to give consumers around the world more options to listen to music. The Beats brand will remain separate from Apple’s, and Apple will offer both Beats’s streaming music service and premium headphones.

Apple said iTunes, which sells individual songs and albums and offers a streaming radio service, would be offered alongside the Beats music service.



與宏達電合作 徹底失敗l

宏達電曾在2011年以3億美元高價,買下潮牌耳機Beats過半數股權,隨著Beats以30億美元天價賣給蘋果之後,Beats創辦人Jimmy Iovine卻以「文化不合」、「徹底失敗」,來形容與宏達電的合作關係。雖然蘋果高層與Iovine已相識10多年,但有宏達電失敗案例在前,未來蘋果與Beats能否相處愉快,值得觀察。

蘋果正式宣布以30億美元買下潮牌耳機品牌Beats的當天晚上,負責蘋果iCloud與iTunes業務的資深副總裁Eddy Cue與Beats創辦人Jimmy Iovine,就連袂出席Code Conference大會接受主持人提問。



對於蘋果以天價併購Beats,Cue表示,今年來蘋果已經併購27家公司,規模有大有小,Beats正好是比較貴的一家,Iovine僅表示「我們很幸運」(We Got Lucky)。

不過,當被問到對Beats第2次出售的感想(第1次出售是51%股權賣給宏達電),Iovine則滔滔不絕地說,過去10年來,他平均每年要去蘋果總部10趟,一直向蘋果懇求買下Beats,只是,蘋果做決定的速度就像蘋果做產品一樣慢,而他當初決定將Beats半數股權賣給宏達電的原因,是因為音樂的生意只能靠手機來延續,所以選了宏達電當夥伴,只是,雙方合作過程文化衝擊極大、是「徹頭徹尾地失敗」(Crashed and Burned),引起現場觀眾哄堂大笑。


HTC 應該很嘔 😇



回應 9267 (Formosa) 所寫
HTC 應該很嘔 😇


the devil is in the details

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