Increased Gas Mileage I guarantee a vast reduction in your fuel consumption (although from tests and user reports we have seen an average of 15 - 28%).
More Horsepower The hydrogen cleans up the carbon build-up in your engine, allowing it to run smoother and more efficiently.
Less green-house gasses Supplemental Oxy-Hydrogen reduces the amount of harmful gases that your car releases in the atmosphere (making it environmentally friendly).
This does not totally convert your car to Hydrogen, it is a booster, THE BEST THERE IS TODAY and totally convert your car to hydrogen , you would need to do some big engine work, like change valves etc or things would rust. But with this there is enough natural lubricant in the gas whereby the hydrogen becomes a boost and little gas is used. It is the ultimate system where no engine mods are required and you will only stop at the pumps once in a while.
花三百美金 你就可以圓一個氫氣燃料車的夢
Increased Gas Mileage I guarantee a vast reduction in your fuel consumption (although from tests and user reports we have seen an average of 15 - 28%).
More Horsepower The hydrogen cleans up the carbon build-up in your engine, allowing it to run smoother and more efficiently.
Less green-house gasses Supplemental Oxy-Hydrogen reduces the amount of harmful gases that your car releases in the atmosphere (making it environmentally friendly).
號稱最便宜﹐最實用的金屬外殼的HYDROGEN燃油輔助器。 有安裝VIDEO教學(自己找)。
This does not totally convert your car to Hydrogen, it is a booster, THE BEST THERE IS TODAY and totally convert your car to hydrogen , you would need to do some big engine work, like change valves etc or things would rust. But with this there is enough natural lubricant in the gas whereby the hydrogen becomes a boost and little gas is used. It is the ultimate system where no engine mods are required and you will only stop at the pumps once in a while.