充滿未來感的鋼琴演奏-Air Piano 2007年,這個 AirPiano 的原型是由一名在德國柏林學習介面設計的學生 Omer Yosha 所創作。主要是利用 LED 的紅外光線,因此手的放在不同的高度位置,感應器會抓到你相對應的動作,產生不同的音符,並根據手部位置的高低,來轉換成有高、中、低音不同的頻率。這台充滿未來感的鋼琴,不但在2008年德國漢諾威工業展展示過,並在同年拿下德國的”BRANDENBURG DESIGN” 產品設計第一名。(雖然說他的目的是設計產品的介面,卻意外拿到產品設計的第一名…) 不過真正吸引我目光的,是這台鋼琴非常前衛演奏的方式(也可以說很像在用氣功彈奏啦XD…),根據設計師的說法,Air Piano 只要練習,就可以彈的很好,沒有固定規則,只要自在搖擺彈奏,就會聽見一種全新的聲音。
So, so you made a lot of mistakes Walked down the road a little sideways Cracked a brick when you hit the wall Yeah, you've had a pocket full of regrets Pull you down faster than a sunset Hey, it happens to us all
When the cold hard rain just won't quit And you can't see your way out of it
CHORUS You find your faith has been lost and shaken You take back what's been taken Get on your knees and dig down deep You can do what you think is impossible Keep on believing, don't give in It'll come and make you whole again It always will, it always does Love is unstoppable
Love, it can weather any storm Bring you back to being born again oh, it's a helping hand when you need it most A lighthouse shinning on the coast That never goes dim
When your heart is full of doubt And you think that there's no way out
CHORUS You find your faith has been lost and shaken You take back what's been taken Get on your knees and dig down deep You can do what you think is impossible Keep on believing, don't give in It'll come and make you whole again It always will, it always does Love is unstoppable
Like a river keeps on rolling Like the north wind blowing Don't it feel good knowing Yeah
CHORUS You find your faith has been lost and shaken You take back what's been taken Get on your knees and dig down deep You can do what you think is impossible Keep on believing, don't give in It'll come and make you whole again It always will, it always does Love is unstoppable
Love is unstoppable So you made a lot of mistakes Walked down the road a little sideways Love, love is unstoppable
拉赫曼尼諾夫: 帕格尼尼主題狂想曲第18段變奏 (Rachmaninov: 18th Variation on a Theme by Paganini)
拉赫曼尼諾夫編寫了五首以鋼琴及交響樂演奏的作品,分別為四首鋼琴協奏曲及《帕格尼尼主題狂想曲》(Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini),其中以《第二鋼琴協奏曲》及《第三鋼琴協奏曲》最著名,《帕格尼尼主題狂想曲》中一段行板(Var.18)更是膾炙人口之作,被電影《似曾相識》(Somewhere in Time)採納為背景音樂。(資料來源: 維基: 拉赫曼尼諾夫)