


回應 nekrof (Shnitzel) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
醜爆了 😩😩😩

但沒關係, 台灣還是一堆水平低的盤子會買 .......... 有雙 B 真好 😆😆😆





回應 a0960308856 (妮可基巴) 所寫
回應 nekrof (Shnitzel) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
醜爆了 😩😩😩

但沒關係, 台灣還是一堆水平低的盤子會買 .......... 有雙 B 真好 😆😆😆




大道初修通九竅,九竅原在尾閭穴。先從湧泉腳底衝,湧泉衝起漸至膝。 過膝徐徐至尾閭,泥丸頂上迴旋急。金鎖關穿下鵲橋,重樓十二降宮室。 修真活計有何憑?心死群情今不生。精氣充盈功行具,靈光照耀滿神京。 秘語師傳悟本初,來時無久去無餘。歷年塵垢揩磨盡,偏體靈明耀太虛。







ORO George


回應 a0960308856 (妮可基巴) 所寫
回應 nekrof (Shnitzel) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
醜爆了 😩😩😩

但沒關係, 台灣還是一堆水平低的盤子會買 .......... 有雙 B 真好 😆😆😆



ORO無線胎壓偵測器 台灣總經銷 http://tpms.cf-tw.org 歡迎加入ORO 粉絲團 http://www.facebook.com/OROTPMS.TW?ref=hl



回應 mmc_george (ORO George) 所寫


大道初修通九竅,九竅原在尾閭穴。先從湧泉腳底衝,湧泉衝起漸至膝。 過膝徐徐至尾閭,泥丸頂上迴旋急。金鎖關穿下鵲橋,重樓十二降宮室。 修真活計有何憑?心死群情今不生。精氣充盈功行具,靈光照耀滿神京。 秘語師傳悟本初,來時無久去無餘。歷年塵垢揩磨盡,偏體靈明耀太虛。



回應 mmc_george (ORO George) 所寫
回應 a0960308856 (妮可基巴) 所寫
回應 nekrof (Shnitzel) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
醜爆了 😩😩😩

但沒關係, 台灣還是一堆水平低的盤子會買 .......... 有雙 B 真好 😆😆😆









回應 tcpp (音樂家救火隊) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
醜爆了 😩😩😩

但沒關係, 台灣還是一堆水平低的盤子會買 .......... 有雙 B 真好 😆😆😆

我爬完文後再看一次大尾這句話, 我體會到他要表達的意思是:
他所謂的水平低是指這些人, 並非指所有買雙B之人.

就算只衝著MARK買 就說他人水平低似乎也不妥...



妙語如珠人又帥 法理反覆車帶賽 村民見朕快硊拜 正是神人下凡來



回應 madison (私人空間) 所寫

就算只衝著MARK買 就說他人水平低似乎也不妥...

很想看看, 你是不是對所有的事都這麼包容!! 用講的比較容易!! 要講誰不會講??

我就是很覺得那種 ..... 人生第一個包一定要是 LV, GUCCI 或是 CHANEL, 或是人生第一台進口車就一定要雙 B 的人水平很低 (連比較都不比較別的牌子像 Jaguar, Audi, Volvo)!! 有意見嗎??
Happy wife, happy life!!



回應 mclarenmercedes (源把拔) 所寫
回應 dentist (那些年偶們流浪的日子) 所寫
回應 infota1k (㊣全智賢㊣) 所寫
有錢的話, 我也要買雙B😭
本周要交一台Camry 所以我沒錢~牙醫大要不要贊助小弟一下

還記得源大有跟偶訂一台 KUGA

明年交車 😍😍😆
Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't,you are rihgt!-- Henry Ford



回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
回應 madison (私人空間) 所寫

就算只衝著MARK買 就說他人水平低似乎也不妥...

很想看看, 你是不是對所有的事都這麼包容!! 用講的比較容易!! 要講誰不會講??

我就是很覺得那種 ..... 人生第一個包一定要是 LV, GUCCI 或是 CHANEL, 或是人生第一台進口車就一定要雙 B 的人水平很低 (連比較都不比較別的牌子像 Jaguar, Audi, Volvo)!! 有意見嗎??

妮少講了 Lexus 跟 Infiniti 😊

偶很喜歡520d, 原來偶的水平很低 😭
大道初修通九竅,九竅原在尾閭穴。先從湧泉腳底衝,湧泉衝起漸至膝。 過膝徐徐至尾閭,泥丸頂上迴旋急。金鎖關穿下鵲橋,重樓十二降宮室。 修真活計有何憑?心死群情今不生。精氣充盈功行具,靈光照耀滿神京。 秘語師傳悟本初,來時無久去無餘。歷年塵垢揩磨盡,偏體靈明耀太虛。



回應 s55665569 (麻糬玩具車) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
回應 madison (私人空間) 所寫

就算只衝著MARK買 就說他人水平低似乎也不妥...

很想看看, 你是不是對所有的事都這麼包容!! 用講的比較容易!! 要講誰不會講??

我就是很覺得那種 ..... 人生第一個包一定要是 LV, GUCCI 或是 CHANEL, 或是人生第一台進口車就一定要雙 B 的人水平很低 (連比較都不比較別的牌子像 Jaguar, Audi, Volvo)!! 有意見嗎??

妮少講了 Lexus 跟 Infiniti 😊

偶很喜歡520d, 原來偶的水平很低 😭





回應 infinitim37 (好車就該如此) 所寫



偶只能開同集團的march k11 😭

只好自我安慰說他是一台FX13 😭
大道初修通九竅,九竅原在尾閭穴。先從湧泉腳底衝,湧泉衝起漸至膝。 過膝徐徐至尾閭,泥丸頂上迴旋急。金鎖關穿下鵲橋,重樓十二降宮室。 修真活計有何憑?心死群情今不生。精氣充盈功行具,靈光照耀滿神京。 秘語師傳悟本初,來時無久去無餘。歷年塵垢揩磨盡,偏體靈明耀太虛。



回應 marchchen (marchchen) 所寫
回應 mclarenmercedes (源把拔) 所寫
回應 dentist (那些年偶們流浪的日子) 所寫
回應 infota1k (㊣全智賢㊣) 所寫
有錢的話, 我也要買雙B😭
本周要交一台Camry 所以我沒錢~牙醫大要不要贊助小弟一下

還記得源大有跟偶訂一台 KUGA

明年交車 😍😍😆

2010 +SLS-VW Phaeton 3.2LWB & 2011 +GS450h+Yaris1.5G+A6 2.8+X5 3.0d-E66740li-B6Passat2.0TDI-E500 & 2012 +LS460 -GS450h-A6 2.8-yaris+ FF + W212 E300+F10 M5+Camry 2.5HQ....



2012/12/14 07:33:07

發文IP 152.7.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=madison (私人空間)] 就算只衝著MARK買 就說他人水平低似乎也不妥... 畢竟每個人都有自己的購車考量.. [/quote] 很想看看, 你是不是對所有的事都這麼包容!! 用講的比較容易!! 要講誰不會講?? 我就是很覺得那種 ..... 人生第一個包一定要是 LV, GUCCI 或是 CHANEL, 或是人生第一台進口車就一定要雙 B 的人水平很低 (連比較都不比較別的牌子像 Jaguar, Audi, Volvo)!! 有意見嗎??[/quote]好笑的是你的水平不也和那些人一模一樣?看到特定的牌子連比較都不用比較就可以永遠不考慮。[嘆氣][url=http://forum.u-car.com.tw/thread.asp?forumid=234189]http://forum.u-car.com.tw/thread.asp?forumid=234189[/url][quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=zenowang (老王賣瓜)][quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)]Looks Toyota ............. [嘆氣][嘆氣][/quote] [color=blue]阿就本是同根生[/color][無辜][/quote] 所以 LEXUS 永遠不會在我的考慮名單內 [嘆氣][嘆氣][/quote]

2012/12/14 07:50:15

發文IP 152.7.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=madison (私人空間)] 就算只衝著MARK買 就說他人水平低似乎也不妥... 畢竟每個人都有自己的購車考量.. [/quote] 很想看看, 你是不是對所有的事都這麼包容!! 用講的比較容易!! 要講誰不會講?? 我就是很覺得那種 ..... 人生第一個包一定要是 LV, GUCCI 或是 CHANEL, 或是人生第一台進口車就一定要雙 B 的人水平很低 (連比較都不比較別的牌子像 Jaguar, Audi, Volvo)!! 有意見嗎??[/quote]好笑的是你的水平不也和那些人一模一樣?看到特定的品牌連比較都不用比較就可以永遠不考慮。[嘆氣][url=http://forum.u-car.com.tw/thread.asp?forumid=234189]http://forum.u-car.com.tw/thread.asp?forumid=234189[/url][quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=zenowang (老王賣瓜)][quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)]Looks Toyota ............. [嘆氣][嘆氣][/quote] [color=blue]阿就本是同根生[/color][無辜][/quote] 所以 LEXUS 永遠不會在我的考慮名單內 [嘆氣][嘆氣][/quote]

2012/12/14 09:07:53

發文IP 152.7.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=madison (私人空間)] 就算只衝著MARK買 就說他人水平低似乎也不妥... 畢竟每個人都有自己的購車考量.. [/quote] 很想看看, 你是不是對所有的事都這麼包容!! 用講的比較容易!! 要講誰不會講?? 我就是很覺得那種 ..... 人生第一個包一定要是 LV, GUCCI 或是 CHANEL, 或是人生第一台進口車就一定要雙 B 的人水平很低 (連比較都不比較別的牌子像 Jaguar, Audi, Volvo)!! 有意見嗎??[/quote]好笑的是照你這麼說你的水平不也和那些人一模一樣?看到特定的品牌連比較都不用比較就可以永遠不考慮。[嘆氣][url=http://forum.u-car.com.tw/thread.asp?forumid=234189]http://forum.u-car.com.tw/thread.asp?forumid=234189[/url][quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=zenowang (老王賣瓜)][quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)]Looks Toyota ............. [嘆氣][嘆氣][/quote] [color=blue]阿就本是同根生[/color][無辜][/quote] 所以 LEXUS 永遠不會在我的考慮名單內 [嘆氣][嘆氣][/quote]
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
回應 madison (私人空間) 所寫

就算只衝著MARK買 就說他人水平低似乎也不妥...

很想看看, 你是不是對所有的事都這麼包容!! 用講的比較容易!! 要講誰不會講??

我就是很覺得那種 ..... 人生第一個包一定要是 LV, GUCCI 或是 CHANEL, 或是人生第一台進口車就一定要雙 B 的人水平很低 (連比較都不比較別的牌子像 Jaguar, Audi, Volvo)!! 有意見嗎??
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
回應 zenowang (老王賣瓜) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
Looks Toyota ............. 😌😌


所以 LEXUS 永遠不會在我的考慮名單內 😌😌



2012/12/14 07:49:38

發文IP 152.7.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=blhsing (blhsing)]I have nothing to tell you if you can't even search for my name inside the Wiki Talk page I linked you to. It was a discussion a lot more meaningful than the increasingly pointless arguments we're having. Good night BW. Cya tomorrow.[/quote] I am asking you for an introduction of yourself, so that we get acquainted a bit. And you sent me a link of fucking LFA!! What's that supposed to mean?? Are you answering the question?? It seems like you are always avoiding. Your English is so textbook that it doesn't even sound colloquial and native. [/quote]I'm under no obligation to disclose anything personal to you, certainly not to prove to you anything. And here's a tip for you: Including profanity in every other sentence you speak does not make you look any better at the language--it merely serves to make you look juvenile and accentuates your immaturity, if that. Consider this my little advice a gift which you'll thank me for later if there ever comes a day you decide to grow up.

2012/12/14 07:51:11

發文IP 152.7.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=blhsing (blhsing)]I have nothing to tell you if you can't even search for my name inside the Wiki Talk page I linked you to. It was a discussion a lot more meaningful than the increasingly pointless arguments we're having. Good night BW. Cya tomorrow.[/quote] I am asking you for an introduction of yourself, so that we get acquainted a bit. And you sent me a link of fucking LFA!! What's that supposed to mean?? Are you answering the question?? It seems like you are always avoiding. Your English is so textbook that it doesn't even sound colloquial and native. [/quote]I'm under no obligation to disclose anything personal to you, certainly not to prove to you anything. And here's a tip for you: Including profanity in every other sentence you speak does not make you look any better at the language--it merely serves to make you look juvenile and accentuates your immaturity, if that. Consider this a gift which you'll thank me for later if there ever comes a day you decide to grow up.

2012/12/14 07:52:50

發文IP 152.7.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=blhsing (blhsing)]I have nothing to tell you if you can't even search for my name inside the Wiki Talk page I linked you to. It was a discussion a lot more meaningful than the increasingly pointless arguments we're having. Good night BW. Cya tomorrow.[/quote] I am asking you for an introduction of yourself, so that we get acquainted a bit. And you sent me a link of fucking LFA!! What's that supposed to mean?? Are you answering the question?? It seems like you are always avoiding. Your English is so textbook that it doesn't even sound colloquial and native. [/quote]I'm under no obligation to disclose anything personal to you, certainly not to prove to you anything. You can follow my other threads where I shared my personal experiences (things that happen in the US) if you're so interested. And here's a tip for you: Including profanity in every other sentence you speak does not make you look any better at the language--it merely serves to make you look juvenile and accentuates your immaturity, if that. Consider this a gift which you'll thank me for later if there ever comes a day you decide to grow up.

2012/12/14 07:53:12

發文IP 152.7.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=blhsing (blhsing)]I have nothing to tell you if you can't even search for my name inside the Wiki Talk page I linked you to. It was a discussion a lot more meaningful than the increasingly pointless arguments we're having. Good night BW. Cya tomorrow.[/quote] I am asking you for an introduction of yourself, so that we get acquainted a bit. And you sent me a link of fucking LFA!! What's that supposed to mean?? Are you answering the question?? It seems like you are always avoiding. Your English is so textbook that it doesn't even sound colloquial and native. [/quote]I'm under no obligation to disclose anything personal to you, certainly not to prove to you anything. You can follow my other threads where I shared my personal experiences (things that took place in the US) if you're so interested. And here's a tip for you: Including profanity in every other sentence you speak does not make you look any better at the language--it merely serves to make you look juvenile and accentuates your immaturity, if that. Consider this a gift which you'll thank me for later if there ever comes a day you decide to grow up.

2012/12/14 08:30:04

發文IP 152.7.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)][quote=blhsing (blhsing)]I have nothing to tell you if you can't even search for my name inside the Wiki Talk page I linked you to. It was a discussion a lot more meaningful than the increasingly pointless arguments we're having. Good night BW. Cya tomorrow.[/quote] I am asking you for an introduction of yourself, so that we get acquainted a bit. And you sent me a link of fucking LFA!! What's that supposed to mean?? Are you answering the question?? It seems like you are always avoiding. Your English is so textbook that it doesn't even sound colloquial and native. [/quote]I'm under no obligation to disclose anything personal to you, certainly not to prove to you anything. You can follow my other threads where I shared my personal experiences (of things that took place in the US) if you're so interested. And here's a tip for you: Including profanity in every other sentence you speak does not make you look any better at the language--it merely serves to make you look juvenile and accentuates your immaturity, if that. Consider this a gift which you'll thank me for later if there ever comes a day you decide to grow up.
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
回應 blhsing (blhsing) 所寫
I have nothing to tell you if you can't even search for my name inside the Wiki Talk page I linked you to. It was a discussion a lot more meaningful than the increasingly pointless arguments we're having.

Good night BW. Cya tomorrow.

I am asking you for an introduction of yourself, so that we get acquainted a bit. And you sent me a link of fucking LFA!! What's that supposed to mean?? Are you answering the question??

It seems like you are always avoiding. Your English is so textbook that it doesn't even sound colloquial and native.
I'm under no obligation to disclose anything personal to you, certainly not to prove to you anything. You can follow my other threads where I shared my personal experiences (of things that took place in the US) if you're so interested.

And here's a tip for you: Including profanity in every other sentence you speak does not make you look any better at the language--it merely serves to make you look juvenile and accentuates your immaturity, if that. Consider this a gift for which you'll thank me later if there ever comes a day when you decide to grow up.







回應 ferrari0212 (F_T-加菲貓) 所寫


大道初修通九竅,九竅原在尾閭穴。先從湧泉腳底衝,湧泉衝起漸至膝。 過膝徐徐至尾閭,泥丸頂上迴旋急。金鎖關穿下鵲橋,重樓十二降宮室。 修真活計有何憑?心死群情今不生。精氣充盈功行具,靈光照耀滿神京。 秘語師傳悟本初,來時無久去無餘。歷年塵垢揩磨盡,偏體靈明耀太虛。



回應 blhsing (blhsing) 所寫

大道初修通九竅,九竅原在尾閭穴。先從湧泉腳底衝,湧泉衝起漸至膝。 過膝徐徐至尾閭,泥丸頂上迴旋急。金鎖關穿下鵲橋,重樓十二降宮室。 修真活計有何憑?心死群情今不生。精氣充盈功行具,靈光照耀滿神京。 秘語師傳悟本初,來時無久去無餘。歷年塵垢揩磨盡,偏體靈明耀太虛。



回應 blhsing (blhsing) 所寫
I'm under no obligation to disclose anything personal to you, certainly not to prove to you anything. You can follow my other threads where I shared my personal experiences (of things that took place in the US) if you're so interested.

And here's a tip for you: Including profanity in every other sentence you speak does not make you look any better at the language--it merely serves to make you look juvenile and accentuates your immaturity, if that. Consider this a gift for which you'll thank me later if there ever comes a day when you decide to grow up.

First off, you can choose not to answer my questions. But if you do, you should try to answer them as directly as possible. I asked you where in the States and you sent me a LFA link!! That doesn't prove anything. You could be in Cambodia or Nigeria answering questions on Wiki. Just shows how weird of a logic you have.
Second. Your English is clearly textbook writing. No one talks or writes like that. I bet someone edited this for you before you posted on U-Car. Haha.
Third. You were the one that picked up the fight!! Immaturity?? Speak for yourself. Frankly, no one gives a shit about who you are, because you are nobody and hated everywhere. Your bloated ego seems to be biggest reason why you can't accept other people's comments.

Wrapping up, fuck off and leave your boring comments to yourself.
Happy wife, happy life!!