








不愧是神猴阿 😆



2011/09/15 23:20:20

發文IP 187.117.*.*

[img][/img] [color="#FF0000"]Engines[/color] 2.4L 16v dohc I4 Program: K24 Horsepower: 175@5,500 Torque: 170 lbs. ft. 2.5L 16v dohc L4 Program: New-K25 Horsepower: 201@6,000 Torque: 177 lbs. [color="#0000FF"]Transmission[/color] 5AT 此外將會提供RES (Rear Entertainment System/後座娛樂系統)來提供消費者選擇 據推測 這套基於DVD的娛樂系統 將會像當前Honda和Acura 的RES設定一樣 來源;[url=""][/url]

2011/09/15 23:29:15

發文IP 187.117.*.*

[img][/img] [color="#FF0000"]Engines[/color] 2.4L 16v dohc I4 Program: K24 Horsepower: 175@5,500 Torque: 170 lbs. ft. 2.5L 16v dohc L4 Program: New-K25 Horsepower: 201@6,000 Torque: 177 lbs. [color="#0000FF"]Transmission[/color] 5AT 此外將會提供RES (Rear Entertainment System/後座娛樂系統)來提供消費者選擇 據推測 這套基於DVD的娛樂系統 將會像當前Honda和Acura 的RES設定一樣 來源;[url=""][/url]

2.4L 16v dohc I4 Program: K24 Horsepower: 175@5,500 Torque: 170 lbs. ft.
2.5L 16v dohc L4 Program: New-K25 Horsepower: 201@6,000 Torque: 177 lbs.


此外將會提供RES (Rear Entertainment System/後座娛樂系統)來提供消費者選擇
據推測 這套基於DVD的娛樂系統 將會像當前Honda和Acura 的RES設定一樣


(新)北美本田發表2012年CR-V 4概念車首次亮相影片

2011/09/23 02:26:14

發文IP 187.117.*.*

[youtube][/youtube] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] source:[url=""][/url]

2011/09/23 02:32:38

發文IP 187.117.*.*

[youtube][/youtube] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] source:[url=""][/url] [url=""][/url]

2011/10/02 17:39:52

發文IP 187.117.*.*

[color=Red]補幾張車展現場拍的圖[/color] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [youtube][/youtube] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] source:[url=""][/url] [url=""][/url]


2011/09/29 01:51:37

發文IP 187.117.*.*

AUTONET記者:蔡致堅(09/29/2011) [img][/img] 在變速箱發展歷史演進過程中,手排、自排、CVT已經成為不可撼動的三大趨勢,然而雙離合器在近年也越來越受重視,甚至更和性能、節能劃上等號,因此在以量制價成本逐漸調降下,歐洲VW、FORD、ALFA ROMEO、VOLVO等車廠也都陸續拓展種新型態變速箱到許多車型上,反觀日本除了NISSAN GT-R、MITSUBISHI Lancer Evo.X外,還沒有車款使用雙離合器。不過向來以技術著稱的HONDA卻有意將雙離合器變速箱納入未來規劃中,第一號作品就是2013年問世的新Fit! [img][/img] 根據AutoNet汽車日報所獲得的獨家訊息,HONDA已經著手進行代號2WF的新Fit研發作業,目前已經確定共有1.3L直列四缸自然進氣引擎,和1.5L直列四缸引擎+馬達的Hybird動力系統,其中1.3L引擎仍與CVT搭配組合,但在更換Atkinson循環引擎(將從i-VTEC變成e-VTEC)、進行CVT改良、省電低阻力(輪胎摩擦係數等)、增加怠速引擎停止運轉等多種技術加持下,將可達到32.0km/L平均油耗,比初期設定目標進步2km/L,且這還創下1.3L自然進氣汽油車的紀錄。 不過讓人震撼的是關於1.5L Hybrid,動力心臟將沿用現行CR-Z的1.5L+馬達組合,但變速箱卻非採用CVT或者六速手排,而是DCT雙離合器,據說這具變速箱將由HONDA自行開發,無論油耗經濟性、性能、耐用度等都與歐洲對手不相上下,但雙離合器變速箱成本高,屬於小型車的Fit難道售價會超過1.6-1.8L水準嗎?就AutoNet汽車日報深入了解,新一代Fit將在中國、台灣、日本、泰國等國家生產,因零組件共用並大量採購的方針下,將可壓低其他零組件成本,最終再轉嫁到雙離合器變速箱,當然日幣匯率若依舊居高不下,恐怕新Fit的身價會比現行款高出許多。 預計2013年6月左右問世的新Fit,將以VW Polo為頭號假想敵,車身線條將比現行款更為銳利,且將全景式天窗列為選配,是否上市後將搭載雙離合器變速箱?依照所掌握的訊息可能性高達90﹪,至於真相如何就請鎖定後續追蹤報導! [url=""][/url] 不知道是不是本田重機VFR1200F上面那套雙離合系統 前幾天本田發表的新700cc大羊Intergra(別懷疑這台不是硬地瓜) 上面搭載的第二代雙離合器就是針對第一代做過改良 讓這套系統更加精進 [color="#FF0000"]真希望2015年亮相的NSX,也能受惠於這套雙離合器系統[/color]

2011/09/29 01:54:11

發文IP 187.117.*.*

AUTONET記者:蔡致堅(09/29/2011) [img][/img] 在變速箱發展歷史演進過程中,手排、自排、CVT已經成為不可撼動的三大趨勢,然而雙離合器在近年也越來越受重視,甚至更和性能、節能劃上等號,因此在以量制價成本逐漸調降下,歐洲VW、FORD、ALFA ROMEO、VOLVO等車廠也都陸續拓展種新型態變速箱到許多車型上,反觀日本除了NISSAN GT-R、MITSUBISHI Lancer Evo.X外,還沒有車款使用雙離合器。不過向來以技術著稱的HONDA卻有意將雙離合器變速箱納入未來規劃中,第一號作品就是2013年問世的新Fit! [img][/img] 根據AutoNet汽車日報所獲得的獨家訊息,HONDA已經著手進行代號2WF的新Fit研發作業,目前已經確定共有1.3L直列四缸自然進氣引擎,和1.5L直列四缸引擎+馬達的Hybird動力系統,其中1.3L引擎仍與CVT搭配組合,但在更換Atkinson循環引擎(將從i-VTEC變成e-VTEC)、進行CVT改良、省電低阻力(輪胎摩擦係數等)、增加怠速引擎停止運轉等多種技術加持下,將可達到32.0km/L平均油耗,比初期設定目標進步2km/L,且這還創下1.3L自然進氣汽油車的紀錄。 不過讓人震撼的是關於1.5L Hybrid,動力心臟將沿用現行CR-Z的1.5L+馬達組合,但變速箱卻非採用CVT或者六速手排,而是DCT雙離合器,據說這具變速箱將由HONDA自行開發,無論油耗經濟性、性能、耐用度等都與歐洲對手不相上下,但雙離合器變速箱成本高,屬於小型車的Fit難道售價會超過1.6-1.8L水準嗎?就AutoNet汽車日報深入了解,新一代Fit將在中國、台灣、日本、泰國等國家生產,因零組件共用並大量採購的方針下,將可壓低其他零組件成本,最終再轉嫁到雙離合器變速箱,當然日幣匯率若依舊居高不下,恐怕新Fit的身價會比現行款高出許多。 預計2013年6月左右問世的新Fit,將以VW Polo為頭號假想敵,車身線條將比現行款更為銳利,且將全景式天窗列為選配,是否上市後將搭載雙離合器變速箱?依照所掌握的訊息可能性高達90﹪,至於真相如何就請鎖定後續追蹤報導! [url=""][/url] 不知道是不是本田重機VFR1200F上面那套雙離合系統 前幾天本田發表的新700cc大羊Intergra(別懷疑,這台不是四門的硬地瓜) 上面搭載的第二代雙離合器就是針對第一代做過改良 讓這套系統更加精進 [color="#FF0000"]真希望2015年亮相的NSX,也能受惠於這套雙離合器系統[/color]

2011/09/29 01:55:02

發文IP 187.117.*.*

AUTONET記者:蔡致堅(09/29/2011) [img][/img] 在變速箱發展歷史演進過程中,手排、自排、CVT已經成為不可撼動的三大趨勢,然而雙離合器在近年也越來越受重視,甚至更和性能、節能劃上等號,因此在以量制價成本逐漸調降下,歐洲VW、FORD、ALFA ROMEO、VOLVO等車廠也都陸續拓展種新型態變速箱到許多車型上,反觀日本除了NISSAN GT-R、MITSUBISHI Lancer Evo.X外,還沒有車款使用雙離合器。不過向來以技術著稱的HONDA卻有意將雙離合器變速箱納入未來規劃中,第一號作品就是2013年問世的新Fit! [img][/img] 根據AutoNet汽車日報所獲得的獨家訊息,HONDA已經著手進行代號2WF的新Fit研發作業,目前已經確定共有1.3L直列四缸自然進氣引擎,和1.5L直列四缸引擎+馬達的Hybird動力系統,其中1.3L引擎仍與CVT搭配組合,但在更換Atkinson循環引擎(將從i-VTEC變成e-VTEC)、進行CVT改良、省電低阻力(輪胎摩擦係數等)、增加怠速引擎停止運轉等多種技術加持下,將可達到32.0km/L平均油耗,比初期設定目標進步2km/L,且這還創下1.3L自然進氣汽油車的紀錄。 不過讓人震撼的是關於1.5L Hybrid,動力心臟將沿用現行CR-Z的1.5L+馬達組合,但變速箱卻非採用CVT或者六速手排,而是DCT雙離合器,據說這具變速箱將由HONDA自行開發,無論油耗經濟性、性能、耐用度等都與歐洲對手不相上下,但雙離合器變速箱成本高,屬於小型車的Fit難道售價會超過1.6-1.8L水準嗎?就AutoNet汽車日報深入了解,新一代Fit將在中國、台灣、日本、泰國等國家生產,因零組件共用並大量採購的方針下,將可壓低其他零組件成本,最終再轉嫁到雙離合器變速箱,當然日幣匯率若依舊居高不下,恐怕新Fit的身價會比現行款高出許多。 預計2013年6月左右問世的新Fit,將以VW Polo為頭號假想敵,車身線條將比現行款更為銳利,且將全景式天窗列為選配,是否上市後將搭載雙離合器變速箱?依照所掌握的訊息可能性高達90﹪,至於真相如何就請鎖定後續追蹤報導! [url=""][/url] 不知道是不是本田重機VFR1200F上面那套雙離合系統 前幾天本田發表的新700cc大羊Intergra([color="#0000FF"]別懷疑,這台不是四門的硬地瓜[/color]) 上面搭載的第二代雙離合器就是針對第一代做過改良 讓這套系統更加精進 [color="#FF0000"]真希望2015年亮相的NSX,也能受惠於這套雙離合器系統[/color]

2011/09/29 02:55:11

發文IP 187.117.*.*

AUTONET記者:蔡致堅(09/29/2011) source:[url=]HONDA展現實力,下一代Fit雙離合器DCT上身[/url] [img][/img] 在變速箱發展歷史演進過程中,手排、自排、CVT已經成為不可撼動的三大趨勢,然而雙離合器在近年也越來越受重視,甚至更和性能、節能劃上等號,因此在以量制價成本逐漸調降下,歐洲VW、FORD、ALFA ROMEO、VOLVO等車廠也都陸續拓展種新型態變速箱到許多車型上,反觀日本除了NISSAN GT-R、MITSUBISHI Lancer Evo.X外,還沒有車款使用雙離合器。不過向來以技術著稱的HONDA卻有意將雙離合器變速箱納入未來規劃中,第一號作品就是2013年問世的新Fit! [img][/img] 根據AutoNet汽車日報所獲得的獨家訊息,HONDA已經著手進行代號2WF的新Fit研發作業,目前已經確定共有1.3L直列四缸自然進氣引擎,和1.5L直列四缸引擎+馬達的Hybird動力系統,其中1.3L引擎仍與CVT搭配組合,但在更換Atkinson循環引擎(將從i-VTEC變成e-VTEC)、進行CVT改良、省電低阻力(輪胎摩擦係數等)、增加怠速引擎停止運轉等多種技術加持下,將可達到32.0km/L平均油耗,比初期設定目標進步2km/L,且這還創下1.3L自然進氣汽油車的紀錄。 不過讓人震撼的是關於1.5L Hybrid,動力心臟將沿用現行CR-Z的1.5L+馬達組合,但變速箱卻非採用CVT或者六速手排,而是DCT雙離合器,據說這具變速箱將由HONDA自行開發,無論油耗經濟性、性能、耐用度等都與歐洲對手不相上下,但雙離合器變速箱成本高,屬於小型車的Fit難道售價會超過1.6-1.8L水準嗎?就AutoNet汽車日報深入了解,新一代Fit將在中國、台灣、日本、泰國等國家生產,因零組件共用並大量採購的方針下,將可壓低其他零組件成本,最終再轉嫁到雙離合器變速箱,當然日幣匯率若依舊居高不下,恐怕新Fit的身價會比現行款高出許多。 預計2013年6月左右問世的新Fit,將以VW Polo為頭號假想敵,車身線條將比現行款更為銳利,且將全景式天窗列為選配,是否上市後將搭載雙離合器變速箱?依照所掌握的訊息可能性高達90﹪,至於真相如何就請鎖定後續追蹤報導! ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 不知道是不是本田重機VFR1200F上面那套雙離合系統 前幾天本田發表的新700cc大羊Intergra([color="#0000FF"]別懷疑,這台不是四門的硬地瓜[/color]) [img][/img] 上面搭載的第二代雙離合器就是針對第一代做過改良 讓這套系統更加精進 [color="#FF0000"]真希望2015年亮相的NSX,也能受惠於這套雙離合器系統[/color]

2011/09/29 02:56:52

發文IP 187.117.*.*

AUTONET記者:蔡致堅(09/29/2011) source:[url=]HONDA展現實力,下一代Fit雙離合器DCT上身[/url] [img][/img] 在變速箱發展歷史演進過程中,手排、自排、CVT已經成為不可撼動的三大趨勢,然而雙離合器在近年也越來越受重視,甚至更和性能、節能劃上等號,因此在以量制價成本逐漸調降下,歐洲VW、FORD、ALFA ROMEO、VOLVO等車廠也都陸續拓展種新型態變速箱到許多車型上,反觀日本除了NISSAN GT-R、MITSUBISHI Lancer Evo.X外,還沒有車款使用雙離合器。不過向來以技術著稱的HONDA卻有意將雙離合器變速箱納入未來規劃中,第一號作品就是2013年問世的新Fit! [img][/img] 根據AutoNet汽車日報所獲得的獨家訊息,HONDA已經著手進行代號2WF的新Fit研發作業,目前已經確定共有1.3L直列四缸自然進氣引擎,和1.5L直列四缸引擎+馬達的Hybird動力系統,其中1.3L引擎仍與CVT搭配組合,但在更換Atkinson循環引擎(將從i-VTEC變成e-VTEC)、進行CVT改良、省電低阻力(輪胎摩擦係數等)、增加怠速引擎停止運轉等多種技術加持下,將可達到32.0km/L平均油耗,比初期設定目標進步2km/L,且這還創下1.3L自然進氣汽油車的紀錄。 不過讓人震撼的是關於1.5L Hybrid,動力心臟將沿用現行CR-Z的1.5L+馬達組合,但變速箱卻非採用CVT或者六速手排,而是DCT雙離合器,據說這具變速箱將由HONDA自行開發,無論油耗經濟性、性能、耐用度等都與歐洲對手不相上下,但雙離合器變速箱成本高,屬於小型車的Fit難道售價會超過1.6-1.8L水準嗎?就AutoNet汽車日報深入了解,新一代Fit將在中國、台灣、日本、泰國等國家生產,因零組件共用並大量採購的方針下,將可壓低其他零組件成本,最終再轉嫁到雙離合器變速箱,當然日幣匯率若依舊居高不下,恐怕新Fit的身價會比現行款高出許多。 預計2013年6月左右問世的新Fit,將以VW Polo為頭號假想敵,車身線條將比現行款更為銳利,且將全景式天窗列為選配,是否上市後將搭載雙離合器變速箱?依照所掌握的訊息可能性高達90﹪,至於真相如何就請鎖定後續追蹤報導! ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 不知道是不是本田重機VFR1200F上面那套雙離合系統 前幾天本田發表的新700cc大羊[b]Intergra[/b]([color="#0000FF"]別懷疑,這台不是四門的硬地瓜[/color]) [img][/img] 上面搭載的第二代雙離合器就是針對第一代做過改良 讓這套系統更加精進 [color="#FF0000"]真希望2015年亮相的NSX,也能受惠於這套雙離合器系統[/color]

在變速箱發展歷史演進過程中,手排、自排、CVT已經成為不可撼動的三大趨勢,然而雙離合器在近年也越來越受重視,甚至更和性能、節能劃上等號,因此在以量制價成本逐漸調降下,歐洲VW、FORD、ALFA ROMEO、VOLVO等車廠也都陸續拓展種新型態變速箱到許多車型上,反觀日本除了NISSAN GT-R、MITSUBISHI Lancer Evo.X外,還沒有車款使用雙離合器。不過向來以技術著稱的HONDA卻有意將雙離合器變速箱納入未來規劃中,第一號作品就是2013年問世的新Fit!


不過讓人震撼的是關於1.5L Hybrid,動力心臟將沿用現行CR-Z的1.5L+馬達組合,但變速箱卻非採用CVT或者六速手排,而是DCT雙離合器,據說這具變速箱將由HONDA自行開發,無論油耗經濟性、性能、耐用度等都與歐洲對手不相上下,但雙離合器變速箱成本高,屬於小型車的Fit難道售價會超過1.6-1.8L水準嗎?就AutoNet汽車日報深入了解,新一代Fit將在中國、台灣、日本、泰國等國家生產,因零組件共用並大量採購的方針下,將可壓低其他零組件成本,最終再轉嫁到雙離合器變速箱,當然日幣匯率若依舊居高不下,恐怕新Fit的身價會比現行款高出許多。

預計2013年6月左右問世的新Fit,將以VW Polo為頭號假想敵,車身線條將比現行款更為銳利且將全景式天窗列為選配,是否上市後將搭載雙離合器變速箱?依照所掌握的訊息可能性高達90﹪,至於真相如何就請鎖定後續追蹤報導!

輕量敞篷小跑樂趣多,HONDA Beat有望於2013年重生

東瀛法拉利準備重出江湖!HONDA NSX據信將於2015年問世

HONDA發表Insight將新增1.5 IMA引擎的消息

2011/10/01 08:16:19

發文IP 187.117.*.*

SOURCE:[url=]INSIGHT この秋誕生。インサイトに新たな個性。[/url] (2011/10/01) 日本Honda預定在9月追加小改款的Insight Premium 1.5L車型 基本上就是跟CR-Z一樣 採用LEA 1.5L引擎+MF6無刷直流馬達 而既有的LDA 1.3L+MF6款式,油耗還會再調校得更好...(個人覺得實在沒有多好...[嘆氣]) *10・15測試從原本的30.0km/L上升到[b]31.0km/L[/b] *JC08 測試從原本的26.0km/L上升到[b]27.0km/L[/b] 感謝[b]fieliapm[/b]朋友提供的翻譯 其他相關新聞 [url=]堅守Hybrid動力,HONDA CR-Z最快明年換上新一代IMA動力系統[/url] (2011/03/22) [url=]動力規格敲定?HONDA Accord Hybrid可能於2012年底問世[/url] (2011/03/11) [url=]HONDA 2011-2012年新車上市時間(預測)[/url] (2011/01/04) [url=]HONDA下一代Insight心臟更大,2013年問世與Fit Hybrid作區隔[/url] (2010/12/29) 本田似乎打算兩種規格都用 小型車款繼續使用更為精進的IMA hybrid系統 中大型房車則換上本田新的[b]two-motor hybrid系統[/b] 擁有[b]純電動[/b]、[b]油電混合驅動[/b]與[b]純引擎驅動[/b]三種模式 不知道本田是怎麼閃過豐田HSD的專利技術(US patent 5343970)......

2011/10/01 08:21:27

發文IP 187.117.*.*

SOURCE:[url=]INSIGHT この秋誕生。インサイトに新たな個性。[/url] (2011/10/01) 日本Honda預定在9月追加小改款的Insight Premium 1.5L車型 基本上就是跟CR-Z一樣 採用LEA 1.5L引擎+MF6無刷直流馬達 而既有的LDA 1.3L+MF6款式,油耗還會再調校得更好...(個人覺得實在沒有多好...[嘆氣]) *10・15測試從原本的30.0km/L上升到[b]31.0km/L[/b] *JC08 測試從原本的26.0km/L上升到[b]27.0km/L[/b] 感謝[b]fieliapm[/b]朋友提供的翻譯 其他相關新聞 [url=]堅守Hybrid動力,HONDA CR-Z最快明年換上新一代IMA動力系統[/url] (2011/03/22) [url=]HONDA 2011-2012年新車上市時間(預測)[/url] (2011/01/04) [url=]HONDA下一代Insight心臟更大,2013年問世與Fit Hybrid作區隔[/url] (2010/12/29) 本田似乎打算兩種規格都用 小型車款繼續使用更為精進的IMA hybrid系統 中大型房車則換上本田新的[b]two-motor hybrid系統[/b] 擁有[b]純電動[/b]、[b]油電混合驅動[/b]與[b]純引擎驅動[/b]三種模式 [img][/img] [url=]動力規格敲定?HONDA Accord Hybrid可能於2012年底問世[/url] (2011/03/11) [b]不知道本田是怎麼閃過豐田HSD的專利技術(US patent 5343970)......[/b]

2011/10/01 08:21:54

發文IP 187.117.*.*

SOURCE:[url=]INSIGHT この秋誕生。インサイトに新たな個性。[/url] (2011/10/01) 日本Honda預定在9月追加小改款的Insight Premium 1.5L車型 基本上就是跟CR-Z一樣 採用LEA 1.5L引擎+MF6無刷直流馬達 而既有的LDA 1.3L+MF6款式,油耗還會再調校得更好...(個人覺得實在沒有多好...[嘆氣]) *10・15測試從原本的30.0km/L上升到[b]31.0km/L[/b] *JC08 測試從原本的26.0km/L上升到[b]27.0km/L[/b] 感謝[b]fieliapm[/b]朋友提供的翻譯 其他相關新聞 [url=]堅守Hybrid動力,HONDA CR-Z最快明年換上新一代IMA動力系統[/url] (2011/03/22) [url=]HONDA 2011-2012年新車上市時間(預測[/url] (2011/01/04) [url=]HONDA下一代Insight心臟更大,2013年問世與Fit Hybrid作區隔[/url] (2010/12/29) 本田似乎打算兩種規格都用 小型車款繼續使用更為精進的IMA hybrid系統 中大型房車則換上本田新的[b]two-motor hybrid系統[/b] 擁有[b]純電動[/b]、[b]油電混合驅動[/b]與[b]純引擎驅動[/b]三種模式 [img][/img] [url=]動力規格敲定?HONDA Accord Hybrid可能於2012年底問世[/url] (2011/03/11) [b]不知道本田是怎麼閃過豐田HSD的專利技術(US patent 5343970)......[/b]

2011/10/01 09:23:28

發文IP 187.117.*.*

SOURCE:[url=]INSIGHT この秋誕生。インサイトに新たな個性。[/url] (2011/10/01) 日本Honda預定在9月追加小改款的Insight Premium 1.5L車型 基本上就是跟CR-Z一樣 採用[b]LEA 1.5L引擎+MF6無刷直流馬達[/b] 而既有的[b]LDA 1.3L+MF6款式[/b],油耗還會再調校得更好...(個人覺得實在沒有多好...[嘆氣]) *10・15測試從原本的30.0km/L上升到[b]31.0km/L[/b] *JC08 測試從原本的26.0km/L上升到[b]27.0km/L[/b] 感謝[b]fieliapm[/b]朋友提供的翻譯 其他相關新聞 [url=]堅守Hybrid動力,HONDA CR-Z最快明年換上新一代IMA動力系統[/url] (2011/03/22) [url=]HONDA 2011-2012年新車上市時間(預測[/url] (2011/01/04) [url=]HONDA下一代Insight心臟更大,2013年問世與Fit Hybrid作區隔[/url] (2010/12/29) 本田似乎打算兩種規格都用 小型車款繼續使用更為精進的IMA hybrid系統 中大型房車則換上本田新的[b]two-motor hybrid系統[/b] 擁有[b]純電動[/b]、[b]油電混合驅動[/b]與[b]純引擎驅動[/b]三種模式 [img][/img] [url=]動力規格敲定?HONDA Accord Hybrid可能於2012年底問世[/url] (2011/03/11) [b]不知道本田是怎麼閃過豐田HSD的專利技術(US patent 5343970)......[/b]

2011/10/01 11:33:42

發文IP 187.117.*.*

[color="#7F007F"]這則新聞還真獨家,命中率真高,年初就講到關於Insight的小改款了[/color]SOURCE:[url=]INSIGHT この秋誕生。インサイトに新たな個性。[/url] (2011/10/01) 日本Honda預定在9月追加小改款的Insight Premium 1.5L車型 基本上就是跟CR-Z一樣 採用[b]LEA 1.5L引擎+MF6無刷直流馬達[/b] 而既有的[b]LDA 1.3L+MF6款式[/b],油耗還會再調校得更好...(個人覺得實在沒有多好...[嘆氣]) *10・15測試從原本的30.0km/L上升到[b]31.0km/L[/b] *JC08 測試從原本的26.0km/L上升到[b]27.0km/L[/b] 感謝[b]fieliapm[/b]朋友提供的翻譯 其他相關新聞 [url=]堅守Hybrid動力,HONDA CR-Z最快明年換上新一代IMA動力系統[/url] (2011/03/22) [url=]HONDA 2011-2012年新車上市時間(預測[/url] (2011/01/04) *[b][color="#7F007F"]這則新聞還真獨家,命中率真高,年初就講到關於Insight的小改款了[/color][/b] 為了和TOYOTA Prius對抗,HONDA將針對Insight提出強化計畫,[b]除了將現行1.3L引擎進行調校,讓油耗表現達31.0km/L[/b],[b]同時也推出1.5L頂級豪華版[/b],[b]水箱護罩以大量鍍鉻材質呈現[/b],內裝賦予木紋飾板,[b][color=Red]在後座下降10mm、車頂增加5mm後,頭部空間增加了15mm[/color][/b];另外1.5L豪華版在引擎排氣量增加下,能同時兼具性能和經濟性 [url=]HONDA下一代Insight心臟更大,2013年問世與Fit Hybrid作區隔[/url] (2010/12/29) 本田似乎打算兩種規格都用 小型車款繼續使用更為精進的IMA hybrid系統 中大型房車則換上本田新的[b]two-motor hybrid系統[/b] 擁有[b]純電動[/b]、[b]油電混合驅動[/b]與[b]純引擎驅動[/b]三種模式 [img][/img] [url=]動力規格敲定?HONDA Accord Hybrid可能於2012年底問世[/url] (2011/03/11) [b]不知道本田是怎麼閃過豐田HSD的專利技術(US patent 5343970)......[/b]
SOURCE:INSIGHT この秋誕生。インサイトに新たな個性。 (2011/10/01)

日本Honda預定在9月追加小改款的Insight Premium 1.5L車型
採用LEA 1.5L引擎+MF6無刷直流馬達
而既有的LDA 1.3L+MF6款式,油耗還會再調校得更好...(個人覺得實在沒有多好...😌)
*JC08 測試從原本的26.0km/L上升到27.0km/L

堅守Hybrid動力,HONDA CR-Z最快明年換上新一代IMA動力系統 (2011/03/22)

HONDA 2011-2012年新車上市時間(預測 (2011/01/04)
為了和TOYOTA Prius對抗,HONDA將針對Insight提出強化計畫,除了將現行1.3L引擎進行調校,讓油耗表現達31.0km/L同時也推出1.5L頂級豪華版水箱護罩以大量鍍鉻材質呈現,內裝賦予木紋飾板,在後座下降10mm、車頂增加5mm後,頭部空間增加了15mm;另外1.5L豪華版在引擎排氣量增加下,能同時兼具性能和經濟性

HONDA下一代Insight心臟更大,2013年問世與Fit Hybrid作區隔 (2010/12/29)

本田似乎打算兩種規格都用 小型車款繼續使用更為精進的IMA hybrid系統
中大型房車則換上本田新的two-motor hybrid系統

動力規格敲定?HONDA Accord Hybrid可能於2012年底問世 (2011/03/11)

不知道本田是怎麼閃過豐田HSD的專利技術(US patent 5343970)......

[謠言]Honda和McLaren 將再次手牽手挑戰F1

2011/11/26 13:15:17

發文IP 250.120.*.*

[url=]Honda, McLaren Rumored to Join Forces in F1 Again[/url] [img][/img] One of the most successful partnerships in the history of Formula 1 has to be the combination of a Honda engine in a McLaren chassis and body, with Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost behind the wheel. It was the perfect partnership which saw the team win many races and championships. Over the last 16-years, McLaren has found much success by giving their driver’s Mercedes-Benz power. However, for the last two-years, Mercedes-Benz has been running its own F1 team and rumors started circulating that this will lead to an end to their relationship with McLaren, especially since Mercedes-Benz sold all its shares in McLaren back to the parent company. With McLaren’s contract coming to an end in 2015 with Mercedes-Benz, much speculation has been circulating on the web and in the paddock as to who will supply engines to the Woking-based team in the future. This has lead many to speculate that the McLaren-Honda relationship will once again be born, especially since turbo-charged engines are making their way back in Formula 1, and Honda was dominant in the last turbo-era in this sport. However, McLaren’s managing director Jonathan Neale denies that there has been any contact with Honda. He stresses that McLaren is very well married to Mercedes-Benz for their engines and he sees this partnership continuing into the future. As for rumors suggesting that Mercedes-Benz might not be giving McLaren its latest motors to give itself an advantage on the track, Neale says he doesn’t think “that’s a concern. ” He goes on to say, “Of course, Mercedes have their own GP team and it’s right and proper that a degree of focus is going to go in that direction, but I was just talking this morning with Thomas Fuhr at Mercedes-Benz – we speak frequently – and we want the same things. It’s in our interest to have consistent engines together because that’s how we get the highest quality.” The last race of the 2011 F1 season takes place this weekend in Brazil at the Interlagos circuit. [Source: ESPN] [傻笑] 丙叔要哭哭了

2011/11/26 13:15:54

發文IP 250.120.*.*

[url=]Honda, McLaren Rumored to Join Forces in F1 Again[/url] [img][/img] One of the most successful partnerships in the history of Formula 1 has to be the combination of a Honda engine in a McLaren chassis and body, with Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost behind the wheel. It was the perfect partnership which saw the team win many races and championships. Over the last 16-years, McLaren has found much success by giving their driver’s Mercedes-Benz power. However, for the last two-years, Mercedes-Benz has been running its own F1 team and rumors started circulating that this will lead to an end to their relationship with McLaren, especially since Mercedes-Benz sold all its shares in McLaren back to the parent company. With McLaren’s contract coming to an end in 2015 with Mercedes-Benz, much speculation has been circulating on the web and in the paddock as to who will supply engines to the Woking-based team in the future. This has lead many to speculate that the McLaren-Honda relationship will once again be born, especially since turbo-charged engines are making their way back in Formula 1, and Honda was dominant in the last turbo-era in this sport. However, McLaren’s managing director Jonathan Neale denies that there has been any contact with Honda. He stresses that McLaren is very well married to Mercedes-Benz for their engines and he sees this partnership continuing into the future. As for rumors suggesting that Mercedes-Benz might not be giving McLaren its latest motors to give itself an advantage on the track, Neale says he doesn’t think “that’s a concern. ” He goes on to say, “Of course, Mercedes have their own GP team and it’s right and proper that a degree of focus is going to go in that direction, but I was just talking this morning with Thomas Fuhr at Mercedes-Benz – we speak frequently – and we want the same things. It’s in our interest to have consistent engines together because that’s how we get the highest quality.” The last race of the 2011 F1 season takes place this weekend in Brazil at the Interlagos circuit. [Source: ESPN] [傻笑][color="#FF0000"] 丙叔要哭哭了[/color]

2011/11/26 20:04:11

發文IP 250.120.*.*

[url=]Honda, McLaren Rumored to Join Forces in F1 Again[/url] [img][/img] [b]One of the most successful partnerships in the history of Formula 1 has to be the combination of a Honda engine in a McLaren chassis and body, with Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost behind the wheel. It was the perfect partnership which saw the team win many races and championships.[/b] Over the last 16-years, McLaren has found much success by giving their driver’s Mercedes-Benz power. However, for the last two-years, Mercedes-Benz has been running its own F1 team and rumors started circulating that this will lead to an end to their relationship with McLaren, especially since Mercedes-Benz sold all its shares in McLaren back to the parent company. With McLaren’s contract coming to an end in 2015 with Mercedes-Benz, much speculation has been circulating on the web and in the paddock as to who will supply engines to the Woking-based team in the future. This has lead many to speculate that the McLaren-Honda relationship will once again be born, especially since turbo-charged engines are making their way back in Formula 1, and Honda was dominant in the last turbo-era in this sport. However, McLaren’s managing director Jonathan Neale denies that there has been any contact with Honda. He stresses that McLaren is very well married to Mercedes-Benz for their engines and he sees this partnership continuing into the future. As for rumors suggesting that Mercedes-Benz might not be giving McLaren its latest motors to give itself an advantage on the track, Neale says he doesn’t think “that’s a concern. ” He goes on to say, “Of course, Mercedes have their own GP team and it’s right and proper that a degree of focus is going to go in that direction, but I was just talking this morning with Thomas Fuhr at Mercedes-Benz – we speak frequently – and we want the same things. It’s in our interest to have consistent engines together because that’s how we get the highest quality.” The last race of the 2011 F1 season takes place this weekend in Brazil at the Interlagos circuit. [Source: ESPN] [傻笑][color="#FF0000"] 丙叔要哭哭了[/color]
Honda, McLaren Rumored to Join Forces in F1 Again

One of the most successful partnerships in the history of Formula 1 has to be the combination of a Honda engine in a McLaren chassis and body, with Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost behind the wheel. It was the perfect partnership which saw the team win many races and championships.

Over the last 16-years, McLaren has found much success by giving their driver’s Mercedes-Benz power. However, for the last two-years, Mercedes-Benz has been running its own F1 team and rumors started circulating that this will lead to an end to their relationship with McLaren, especially since Mercedes-Benz sold all its shares in McLaren back to the parent company.

With McLaren’s contract coming to an end in 2015 with Mercedes-Benz, much speculation has been circulating on the web and in the paddock as to who will supply engines to the Woking-based team in the future.

This has lead many to speculate that the McLaren-Honda relationship will once again be born, especially since turbo-charged engines are making their way back in Formula 1, and Honda was dominant in the last turbo-era in this sport.

However, McLaren’s managing director Jonathan Neale denies that there has been any contact with Honda. He stresses that McLaren is very well married to Mercedes-Benz for their engines and he sees this partnership continuing into the future.

As for rumors suggesting that Mercedes-Benz might not be giving McLaren its latest motors to give itself an advantage on the track, Neale says he doesn’t think “that’s a concern. ” He goes on to say, “Of course, Mercedes have their own GP team and it’s right and proper that a degree of focus is going to go in that direction, but I was just talking this morning with Thomas Fuhr at Mercedes-Benz – we speak frequently – and we want the same things. It’s in our interest to have consistent engines together because that’s how we get the highest quality.”

The last race of the 2011 F1 season takes place this weekend in Brazil at the Interlagos circuit.

[Source: ESPN]

😆 丙叔要哭哭了

9代CIVIC 11月竟然賣到第一名

2011/12/03 13:56:07

發文IP 187.124.*.*

不過是北美十一月 [color="#0000FF"][b]Civic[/b][/color] 17,133 corolla 16,115 Cruze 13,238 elantra 12,414 Focus 11,735 Jetta 11,131 Sentra 7,871 mazda3 6,873 Forte 4,135 Impreza 1,412

2011/12/03 13:56:40

發文IP 187.124.*.*

不過是北美十一月[嘆氣] [color="#0000FF"][b]Civic[/b][/color] 17,133 corolla 16,115 Cruze 13,238 elantra 12,414 Focus 11,735 Jetta 11,131 Sentra 7,871 mazda3 6,873 Forte 4,135 Impreza 1,412
Civic 17,133
corolla 16,115
Cruze 13,238
elantra 12,414
Focus 11,735
Jetta 11,131
Sentra 7,871
mazda3 6,873
Forte 4,135
Impreza 1,412

日內瓦車展前夕 FIT(日產版發表)

2012/02/07 14:14:56

發文IP 92.130.*.*

[害羞]其實還不錯看啦 日產把FIT修飾得更漂亮 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Front&Rear [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Side [img][/img] [img][/img] Nissan is headed to the Geneva Motor Show in March with a brand new hatchback concept. Called Invitation, this five-door should give us an idea of what the Japanese manufacturer has planned for its next B-segment contender. [color="#FF0000"]The concept borrows a bit from the likes of the [b]Honda Fit[/b], though that's no bad thing.[/color] With a clean, athletic design, the Invitation is a refreshing break from some of the automaker's more questionable exteriors. source:[url=]Nissan Invitation Concept peeks out ahead of Geneva debut [/url]

2012/02/07 15:36:08

發文IP 92.130.*.*

[害羞]其實還不錯看啦 日產把FIT修飾得更漂亮 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Front&Rear [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Side [img][/img] [img][/img] Nissan is headed to the Geneva Motor Show in March with a brand new hatchback concept. Called Invitation, this five-door should give us an idea of what the Japanese manufacturer has planned for its next B-segment contender. [color="#FF0000"]The concept borrows a bit from the likes of the [b]Honda Fit[/b], though that's no bad thing.[/color] With a clean, athletic design, the Invitation is a refreshing break from some of the automaker's more questionable exteriors. source:[url=]Nissan Invitation Concept peeks out ahead of Geneva debut [/url]

2012/02/07 15:38:00

發文IP 92.130.*.*

[害羞]其實還不錯看啦 日產把FIT修飾得更漂亮 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Front&Rear [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Side [img][/img] [img][/img] Nissan is headed to the Geneva Motor Show in March with a brand new hatchback concept. Called Invitation, this five-door should give us an idea of what the Japanese manufacturer has planned for its next B-segment contender. [color="#FF0000"]The concept borrows a bit from the likes of the [b]Honda Fit[/b], though that's no bad thing.[/color] With a clean, athletic design, the Invitation is a refreshing break from some of the automaker's more questionable exteriors. source:[url=]Nissan Invitation Concept peeks out ahead of Geneva debut [/url]

2012/02/08 09:16:28

發文IP 92.130.*.*

[害羞]其實還不錯看啦 日產把FIT修飾得更漂亮 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Front&Rear [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Side [img][/img] [img][/img] Nissan is headed to the Geneva Motor Show in March with a brand new hatchback concept. Called Invitation, this five-door should give us an idea of what the Japanese manufacturer has planned for its next B-segment contender. [color="#FF0000"]The concept borrows a bit from the likes of the [b]Honda Fit[/b], though that's no bad thing.[/color] With a clean, athletic design, the Invitation is a refreshing break from some of the automaker's more questionable exteriors. source:[url=]Nissan Invitation Concept peeks out ahead of Geneva debut [/url]
😊其實還不錯看啦 日產把FIT修飾得更漂亮



Nissan is headed to the Geneva Motor Show in March with a brand new hatchback concept. Called Invitation, this five-door should give us an idea of what the Japanese manufacturer has planned for its next B-segment contender. The concept borrows a bit from the likes of the Honda Fit, though that's no bad thing. With a clean, athletic design, the Invitation is a refreshing break from some of the automaker's more questionable exteriors.
source:Nissan Invitation Concept peeks out ahead of Geneva debut

(快訊)豐田召回77800輛RAV4、HS 250h

2012/08/02 09:33:17

發文IP 239.251.*.*

Toyota has announced that it will recall a total of 778,000 units that may have been [color="#FF0000"]manufactured with improperly-tightened nuts on the rear suspension.[/color] The manufacturer says around 760,000 2006-2011 Toyota RAV4 models and 18,000 2010 Lexus HS 250h units may have fasteners that were not torqued to the correct specification during alignment. If that's the case,[color="#FF0000"] excess wear could occur and pave the way for rust and separation, which in turn could cause an accident.[/color] Toyota says the company is currently working on a solution. Once available, the manufacturer will notify owners and ask them to make an appointment to bring the vehicle by the closest dealer for a free repair. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced earlier this month that it was investigating RAV4 models for this very issue after receiving complaints of tie rod failures due to rust. You can view the full press release from Toyota below. [url=""][/url] [b]這次召回主要是因為製造不當的後懸吊緊固套件發生鬆動 可能會出現過度磨損和生鏽和分離作鋪路,這反過來又可能會導致事故 所以豐田將760,000輛的RAV4(2006-2011 年)跟18,000輛的HS 250h作召回維修 [/b] [嘆氣]這麼貴森森的車

2012/08/02 09:36:39

發文IP 239.251.*.*

Toyota has announced that it will recall a total of 778,000 units that may have been [color="#FF0000"]manufactured with improperly-tightened nuts on the rear suspension.[/color] The manufacturer says around 760,000 2006-2011 Toyota RAV4 models and 18,000 2010 Lexus HS 250h units may have fasteners that were not torqued to the correct specification during alignment. If that's the case,[color="#FF0000"] excess wear could occur and pave the way for rust and separation, which in turn could cause an accident.[/color] Toyota says the company is currently working on a solution. Once available, the manufacturer will notify owners and ask them to make an appointment to bring the vehicle by the closest dealer for a free repair. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced earlier this month that it was investigating RAV4 models for this very issue after receiving complaints of tie rod failures due to rust. You can view the full press release from Toyota below. 來源:[url=""][/url] [b]這次召回主要是因為製造不當的後懸吊緊固套件發生鬆動 可能會出現過度磨損和生鏽和分離作鋪路,這反過來又可能會導致事故 所以豐田將760,000輛的RAV4(2006-2011 年)跟18,000輛的HS 250h作召回維修 [/b] [嘆氣]這麼貴森森的車

2012/08/02 09:39:45

發文IP 239.251.*.*

Toyota has announced that it will recall a total of 778,000 units that may have been [color="#FF0000"]manufactured with improperly-tightened nuts on the rear suspension.[/color] The manufacturer says around 760,000 2006-2011 Toyota RAV4 models and 18,000 2010 Lexus HS 250h units may have fasteners that were not torqued to the correct specification during alignment. [img][/img] If that's the case,[color="#FF0000"] excess wear could occur and pave the way for rust and separation, which in turn could cause an accident.[/color] Toyota says the company is currently working on a solution. Once available, the manufacturer will notify owners and ask them to make an appointment to bring the vehicle by the closest dealer for a free repair. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced earlier this month that it was investigating RAV4 models for this very issue after receiving complaints of tie rod failures due to rust. You can view the full press release from Toyota below. 來源:[url=""][/url] [b]這次召回主要是因為製造不當的後懸吊緊固套件發生鬆動 可能會出現過度磨損和生鏽和分離作鋪路,這反過來又可能會導致事故 所以豐田將760,000輛的RAV4(2006-2011 年)跟18,000輛的HS 250h作召回維修 [/b] [嘆氣]這麼貴森森的車

2012/08/02 09:40:31

發文IP 239.251.*.*

Toyota has announced that it will recall a total of 778,000 units that may have been [color="#FF0000"]manufactured with improperly-tightened nuts on the rear suspension.[/color] The manufacturer says around 760,000 2006-2011 Toyota RAV4 models and 18,000 2010 Lexus HS 250h units may have fasteners that were not torqued to the correct specification during alignment. [img][/img] If that's the case,[color="#FF0000"] excess wear could occur and pave the way for rust and separation, which in turn could cause an accident.[/color] Toyota says the company is currently working on a solution. Once available, the manufacturer will notify owners and ask them to make an appointment to bring the vehicle by the closest dealer for a free repair. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced earlier this month that it was investigating RAV4 models for this very issue after receiving complaints of tie rod failures due to rust. You can view the full press release from Toyota below. 來源:[url=""][/url] [b]這次召回主要是因為製造不當的後懸吊緊固套件發生鬆動 可能會出現過度磨損並為將來的生鏽和分離作鋪路,這反過來又可能會導致事故 所以豐田將760,000輛的RAV4(2006-2011 年)跟18,000輛的HS 250h作召回維修 [/b] [嘆氣]這麼貴森森的車

2012/08/02 09:43:38

發文IP 239.251.*.*

Toyota has announced that it will recall a total of 778,000 units that may have been [color="#FF0000"]manufactured with improperly-tightened nuts on the rear suspension.[/color] The manufacturer says around 760,000 2006-2011 Toyota RAV4 models and 18,000 2010 Lexus HS 250h units may have fasteners that were not torqued to the correct specification during alignment. [img][/img] If that's the case,[color="#FF0000"] excess wear could occur and pave the way for rust and separation, which in turn could cause an accident.[/color] Toyota says the company is currently working on a solution. Once available, the manufacturer will notify owners and ask them to make an appointment to bring the vehicle by the closest dealer for a free repair. [img][/img] The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced earlier this month that it was investigating RAV4 models for this very issue after receiving complaints of tie rod failures due to rust. You can view the full press release from Toyota below. 來源:[url=""][/url] [b]這次召回主要是因為製造不當的後懸吊緊固套件發生鬆動 可能會出現過度磨損並為將來的生鏽和分離作鋪路,這反過來又可能會導致事故 所以豐田將760,000輛的RAV4(2006-2011 年)跟18,000輛的HS 250h作召回維修 [/b] [嘆氣]這麼貴森森的車
Toyota has announced that it will recall a total of 778,000 units that may have been manufactured with improperly-tightened nuts on the rear suspension. The manufacturer says around 760,000 2006-2011 Toyota RAV4 models and 18,000 2010 Lexus HS 250h units may have fasteners that were not torqued to the correct specification during alignment.

If that's the case, excess wear could occur and pave the way for rust and separation, which in turn could cause an accident. Toyota says the company is currently working on a solution. Once available, the manufacturer will notify owners and ask them to make an appointment to bring the vehicle by the closest dealer for a free repair.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced earlier this month that it was investigating RAV4 models for this very issue after receiving complaints of tie rod failures due to rust. You can view the full press release from Toyota below.

所以豐田將760,000輛的RAV4(2006-2011 年)跟18,000輛的HS 250h作召回維修



2012/08/02 11:03:14

發文IP 239.251.*.*

2012年第35屆SUZUKA8小時耐力賽.於7/29日開賽. 本次賽事各家車廠均派出全新改款車型參賽 因此除了是車隊的競爭.也是造車廠間的角力戰 賽程於1時間經過時. 原本於排位賽領先群雄的 MONSTER ENERGY YAMAHA-YART 中須賀克行/T・ヒル/芳賀紀行組 於第18圈轉倒(中須騎乘).飲恨讓出竿位.直到 賽程約進行兩個小時後才回到跑道. 1時間經過暫由本田F.C.C TSR車隊領先. [img][/img] 賽程2時間經過時. 本田兩參賽車隊攻占1.2名.鈴木兩廠隊攻占3.4名 1位 F.C.C. TSR Honda(J・レイ/秋吉耕佑/岡田忠之組) 2位MuSASHi RT ハルク・プロ(清成龍一/青山博一/高橋巧組) 3位吉村(L・キャミア/青木宣篤/J・ウォーターズ組) 4位SUZUKI ENDURANCE (V・フィリップ/A・デルホール/加賀山就臣組) 賽程4時間經過時 BMW MOTORRAD FRANCE(99號)騎乘寶馬S1000RR廠車 一度爬升到第四名.算是賽程至此最大的黑馬 而吉村車隊也暫時掉出前四強.取而代之的是 TOHO Racing(104號)車隊 賽程6時間經過時 HARC-PRO(634)車隊清成 龍一選手失誤轉倒 發生火燒車意外.賽程一度中斷.萬幸是車手平安. [img][/img] 賽程最終8小時結束 由F.C.C. TSR Honda(J・レイ/秋吉耕佑/岡田忠之組) 拿下2012年SUZUKA 8耐總冠軍 [img][/img] 本年度8耐賽程圓滿結束.我們2013年見 引用:[url=""][/url]

2012/08/02 11:30:12

發文IP 239.251.*.*

2012年第35屆SUZUKA8小時耐力賽.於7/29日開賽. 本次賽事各家車廠均派出全新改款車型參賽 因此除了是車隊的競爭.也是造車廠間的角力戰 賽程於1時間經過時. 原本於排位賽領先群雄的 MONSTER ENERGY YAMAHA-YART 中須賀克行/T・ヒル/芳賀紀行組 於第18圈轉倒(中須騎乘).飲恨讓出竿位.直到 賽程約進行兩個小時後才回到跑道. 1時間經過暫由本田F.C.C TSR車隊領先. [img][/img] 賽程2時間經過時. 本田兩參賽車隊攻占1.2名.鈴木兩廠隊攻占3.4名 1位 F.C.C. TSR Honda(J・レイ/秋吉耕佑/岡田忠之組) 2位MuSASHi RT ハルク・プロ(清成龍一/青山博一/高橋巧組) 3位吉村(L・キャミア/青木宣篤/J・ウォーターズ組) 4位SUZUKI ENDURANCE (V・フィリップ/A・デルホール/加賀山就臣組) 賽程4時間經過時 BMW MOTORRAD FRANCE(99號)騎乘寶馬S1000RR廠車 一度爬升到第四名.算是賽程至此最大的黑馬 而吉村車隊也暫時掉出前四強.取而代之的是 TOHO Racing(104號)車隊 賽程6時間經過時 HARC-PRO(634)車隊清成 龍一選手失誤轉倒 發生火燒車意外.賽程一度中斷.萬幸是車手平安. [img][/img] 賽程最終8小時結束 由F.C.C. TSR Honda(J・レイ/秋吉耕佑/岡田忠之組) 拿下2012年SUZUKA 8耐總冠軍 [img][/img] 本年度8耐賽程圓滿結束.我們2013年見 引用:[url=""][/url]








1時間經過暫由本田F.C.C TSR車隊領先.



1位 F.C.C. TSR Honda(J・レイ/秋吉耕佑/岡田忠之組)

2位MuSASHi RT ハルク・プロ(清成龍一/青山博一/高橋巧組)


4位SUZUKI ENDURANCE (V・フィリップ/A・デルホール/加賀山就臣組)





TOHO Racing(104號)車隊


HARC-PRO(634)車隊清成 龍一選手失誤轉倒



由F.C.C. TSR Honda(J・レイ/秋吉耕佑/岡田忠之組)

拿下2012年SUZUKA 8耐總冠軍



無偽裝!2013年九代Accord 實車完整亮相

2012/08/19 14:43:21

發文IP 246.167.*.*

四門 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] 銀色 [img][/img] 雙門 [img][/img] [img][/img] 看起來 雙田都朝向前兩代車款的照型元素下去著手 而且也越來越像......

2012/08/19 17:45:19

發文IP 246.167.*.*

四門 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]銀色 [img][/img] 雙門 [img][/img] [img][/img] 看起來 雙田都朝向前兩代車款的照型元素下去著手 而且也越來越像......







2012/10/08 21:24:56

發文IP 246.167.*.*

[youtube][/youtube] 今年本田包辦Superbike組前3名 冠軍是John McGuinness、亞軍是Cameron Donald,季軍是Bruce Anstey。 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] 年屆40歲的John McGuinness今年再次憑著Honda CBR1000RR奪得最高級別Superbike及原裝Superstock組的冠軍,共奪得19次曼島冠軍(包括當年250、Supersport及Superbike組別),他希望可以打破已故的曼島王Joey Dunlop的26次冠軍紀錄,而John McGuinness更是首位締造平均130mph(209km/h)車速的車手,旁為今年奪得Superbike組亞軍的澳洲車手Cameron Donald,這位近年活躍街道賽的車手,他曾多次參加FIM亞洲公路錦標賽 [img][/img] 引用[url=""][/url]

2012/10/08 21:25:32

發文IP 246.167.*.*

[youtube][/youtube] 今年本田包辦Superbike組前3名 冠軍是John McGuinness、亞軍是Cameron Donald,季軍是Bruce Anstey。 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] 年屆40歲的John McGuinness今年再次憑著Honda CBR1000RR奪得最高級別Superbike及原裝Superstock組的冠軍,共奪得19次曼島冠軍(包括當年250、Supersport及Superbike組別),他希望可以打破已故的曼島王Joey Dunlop的26次冠軍紀錄,而John McGuinness更是首位締造平均130mph(209km/h)車速的車手,旁為今年奪得Superbike組亞軍的澳洲車手Cameron Donald,這位近年活躍街道賽的車手,他曾多次參加FIM亞洲公路錦標賽 [img][/img] 引用[url=""][/url]

冠軍是John McGuinness、亞軍是Cameron Donald,季軍是Bruce Anstey。

年屆40歲的John McGuinness今年再次憑著Honda CBR1000RR奪得最高級別Superbike及原裝Superstock組的冠軍,共奪得19次曼島冠軍(包括當年250、Supersport及Superbike組別),他希望可以打破已故的曼島王Joey Dunlop的26次冠軍紀錄,而John McGuinness更是首位締造平均130mph(209km/h)車速的車手,旁為今年奪得Superbike組亞軍的澳洲車手Cameron Donald,這位近年活躍街道賽的車手,他曾多次參加FIM亞洲公路錦標賽


(間諜照)九代CIVIC 小改款道路測試照



訪問本田汽車公司總裁兼首席執行長伊東孝紳(Takanobu Ito)

並從這次訪談中 得到了五項關鍵消息

I want!!!伊東孝紳一句驚死人、不償命的英語 也暗示本田未來將推出更多性能車款
本田已經承諾新一代的CIVIC Type-R將成為紐保靈賽道的最速前驅車

本田將廣泛地繼續使用CVT配置 使燃油經濟性有最好的解決方法
但也承認雙離合器變速箱 帶來更多的運動性和駕駛樂趣

並在電子裝置不過度干涉下 讓駕駛者擁有更多駕駛樂趣為未來開發的方向

本田已經確認未來的Civic Type-R
換取更好的燃油效率 以及更好的性能

社長表示 許多年輕人根本買不起新車
不僅是因為購買價格 也因為不斷增加的養車費用(主要是油錢)
伊東孝紳認為 改善本田汽車的燃油經濟性將有助於 為該公司的產品吸引更多年輕的客戶

Five Things We Learned About Honda’s Future Product Plans


是這樣的 梁先生是不是把3代打錯成4代
一代FIT(GD車系) 2001–2007
二代FIT(GE車系) 2007–2013








新的油電版本 引擎為Atkinson循環引擎搭配單顆馬達、鋰電池組加上七速雙離合器變速箱
非油電版本 引擎改為DOHC VTEC+VTC+缸內直噴 搭配CVT變速箱
Quick Drives: Honda Fit Sport Hybrid i-DCD, Direct-Injected 1.5-Liter Prototypes











除了一般的5門掀背車 以及上面的Crossover跨界休旅車 還有4門房車...

New small Honda CUV teased ahead of Detroit debut

IIHS小面積撞擊測試又出爐 這次能逃過毒手的有....

2012/12/20 16:57:45

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[youtube][/youtube] 逃過IIHS毒手車款如下 Midsize moderately priced cars Honda Accord 4-door Honda Accord 2-door Nissan Altima 4-door Ford Fusion Dodge Avenger Chrysler 200 4-door Subaru Legacy Subaru Outback Suzuki Kizashi Volkswagen Passat Kia Optima Midsize luxury/near luxury cars Acura TL Volvo S60 受害苦主如下 Toyota Camry Suzuki Kizashi Camry比較衰 因為去年先大改款 而IIHS這個新版測試標準今年才開始 至於會將Kizashi列近來 是因為Suzuki四輪部門即將退出美國市場 這次入選對Suzuki來講也算是肯定 [url][/url]

2012/12/20 16:59:05

發文IP 242.35.*.*

[youtube][/youtube] 逃過IIHS毒手車款如下 [b]Midsize moderately priced cars[/b] Honda Accord 4-door Honda Accord 2-door Nissan Altima 4-door Ford Fusion Dodge Avenger Chrysler 200 4-door Subaru Legacy Subaru Outback Suzuki Kizashi Volkswagen Passat Kia Optima [b]Midsize luxury/near luxury cars[/b] Acura TL Volvo S60 受害苦主如下 Toyota Camry Suzuki Kizashi Camry比較衰 因為去年先大改款 而IIHS這個新版測試標準今年才開始 至於會將Kizashi列近來 是因為Suzuki四輪部門即將退出美國市場 這次入選對Suzuki來講也算是肯定 [url=""][/url]

2012/12/20 17:08:18

發文IP 242.35.*.*

[youtube][/youtube] 逃過IIHS毒手車款如下 [b]Midsize moderately priced cars[/b] Honda Accord 4-door Honda Accord 2-door Nissan Altima 4-door Ford Fusion Dodge Avenger Chrysler 200 4-door Subaru Legacy Subaru Outback Suzuki Kizashi Volkswagen Passat Kia Optima [b]Midsize luxury/near luxury cars[/b] Acura TL Volvo S60 受害苦主如下 Toyota Camry Toyota Prius V Suzuki Kizashi Camry比較衰 因為去年先大改款 而IIHS這個新版測試標準今年才開始 至於會將Kizashi列近來 是因為Suzuki四輪部門即將退出美國市場 這次入選對Suzuki來講也算是肯定 [url=""][/url]

2012/12/20 17:22:58

發文IP 242.35.*.*

[youtube][/youtube] 逃過IIHS毒手車款如下 [b]Midsize moderately priced cars[/b] Honda Accord 4-door Honda Accord 2-door Nissan Altima 4-door Ford Fusion Dodge Avenger Chrysler 200 4-door Subaru Legacy Subaru Outback Suzuki Kizashi Volkswagen Passat Kia Optima [b]Midsize luxury/near luxury cars[/b] Acura TL Volvo S60 [url=""][/url] 受害苦主如下 Toyota Camry Toyota Prius V Suzuki Kizashi Camry比較衰 因為去年先大改款 而IIHS這個新版測試標準今年才開始 至於會將Kizashi列近來 是因為Suzuki四輪部門即將退出美國市場 這次入選對Suzuki來講也算是肯定 [url=""][/url]

2012/12/20 17:54:53

發文IP 242.35.*.*

[youtube][/youtube] 逃過IIHS毒手車款如下 [b]Midsize moderately priced cars[/b] Honda Accord 4-door Honda Accord 2-door Nissan Altima 4-door Ford Fusion Dodge Avenger Chrysler 200 4-door Subaru Legacy Subaru Outback Suzuki Kizashi Volkswagen Passat Kia Optima [b]Midsize luxury/near luxury cars[/b] Acura TL Volvo S60 [url=""][/url] 受害苦主如下 Toyota Camry Toyota Prius V Chevrolet Malibu Hyundai Sonata Volkswagen Jetta sedan [color="#FF0000"]Suzuki Kizashi[/color] Camry比較衰 因為去年先大改款 而IIHS這個新版測試標準今年才開始 至於會將Kizashi列近來 是因為Suzuki四輪部門即將退出美國市場 這次入選對Suzuki來講也算是肯定 [url=""][/url]


Midsize moderately priced cars

Honda Accord 4-door
Honda Accord 2-door
Nissan Altima 4-door
Ford Fusion
Dodge Avenger
Chrysler 200 4-door
Subaru Legacy
Subaru Outback
Suzuki Kizashi
Volkswagen Passat
Kia Optima

Midsize luxury/near luxury cars

Acura TL
Volvo S60

Toyota Camry
Toyota Prius V
Chevrolet Malibu
Hyundai Sonata
Volkswagen Jetta sedan
Suzuki Kizashi

Camry比較衰 因為去年先大改款 而IIHS這個新版測試標準今年才開始
至於我會將逃過毒手的Kizashi列近來 是因為Suzuki四輪部門即將退出美國市場


2013/01/11 17:00:54

發文IP 187.126.*.*

根據本田加拿大發布的新聞,本田的CIVIC在2012年共銷售64,962輛,以14,012輛之差超過其最接近的競爭對手Elantra ,並連續15年保持加拿大最暢銷轎車的寶座。 [img][/img] 汽車製造商指出,此一壯舉證明本田的耐用性,品質和可靠性以及對安全,燃油效率和駕駛樂趣的平衡符合加拿大人們的期待。 自1973年以來,超過360萬輛的CIVIC經由本田位在加拿大(安大略省)的工廠所製造。超過170萬的車輛已經停在全國各地的車道上多年。 在其任期內作為加拿大最暢銷的轎車,CIVIC的第6,第7和第8代都為本田這個知名品牌作出貢獻,包括引進的Si雙門轎跑車和油電混合版本,眾多的汽車年度獎項和技術,如推出的i-VTEC引擎,(Advanced Compatibility Engineering先進相容工程)ACE車身結構和IMA混合動力系統。 該公司表示承諾對2013年CIVIC精益求精,包括一個個重新設計的外觀,更高級的內裝設計,更安靜的車艙,提高CIVIC的安全性,燃油效率,以及更多的駕駛樂趣。 [url=]Honda Civic celebrates 15 years as Canada’s best-selling car[/url]

2013/01/11 18:31:53

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根據本田加拿大發布的新聞,本田的CIVIC在2012年共銷售64,962輛,以14,012輛之差超過其最接近的競爭對手Elantra ,並連續15年保持加拿大最暢銷轎車的寶座。 [img][/img] 汽車製造商指出,此一壯舉證明本田的耐用性,品質和可靠性以及對安全,燃油效率和駕駛樂趣的平衡符合加拿大人們的期待。 自1973年以來,超過360萬輛的CIVIC經由本田位在加拿大(安大略省)的工廠所製造。超過170萬的車輛已經停在全國各地的車道上多年。 在其任期內作為加拿大最暢銷的轎車,CIVIC的第6,第7和第8代都為本田這個知名品牌作出貢獻,包括引進的Si雙門轎跑車和油電混合版本,眾多的汽車年度獎項和技術,如推出的i-VTEC引擎,(Advanced Compatibility Engineering先進相容工程)ACE車身結構和IMA混合動力系統。 該公司表示承諾對2013年CIVIC精益求精,包括一個重新設計的外觀,更高級的內裝設計,更安靜的車艙,提高CIVIC的安全性,燃油效率,以及更多的駕駛樂趣。 [url=]Honda Civic celebrates 15 years as Canada’s best-selling car[/url]
根據本田加拿大發布的新聞,本田的CIVIC在2012年共銷售64,962輛,以14,012輛之差超過其最接近的競爭對手Elantra ,並連續15年保持加拿大最暢銷轎車的寶座。



在其任期內作為加拿大最暢銷的轎車,CIVIC的第6,第7和第8代都為本田這個知名品牌作出貢獻,包括引進的Si雙門轎跑車和油電混合版本,眾多的汽車年度獎項和技術,如推出的i-VTEC引擎,(Advanced Compatibility Engineering先進相容工程)ACE車身結構和IMA混合動力系統。


Honda Civic celebrates 15 years as Canada’s best-selling car


2013/01/11 20:30:25

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雖然本田旗下的Accord、CIVIC、C-RV在2012年銷售量上取得了不小的成功,並在同年重新贏回市占率、以及大大小小的獎項、並打破該車廠歷年來的銷售成績。 [img][/img] 但國外媒體指稱在2017年的時候本田有意將這三款車放在同一個平台上進行生產。 [img][/img] 此舉可以為本田集團在未來3到4年內,節省三種車款大概約30%的採購成本,一份新的報告指出,這將更有助益地幫助汽車製造商在新興市場中進行競爭。 [img][/img] 2012年Accord在美國是中型轎車中第二暢銷的車型,而CIVIC和CR-V則各自成為同級別中第一暢銷車型,如果這三款車共用平台的話,可以增加共用零件數量從而節省成本,但是本田認為這不是唯一的辦法。 不久之前,本田就開始要求供應商設計,開發和提供適當的規格零件裝配,改變了由供應商生產、本田自己组裝的慣例,本田還計劃多一倍以上的投資能夠在世界各地的新興市場提供零部件的主要供應商。 本田可能採取類似之前VW的零部件共享戰略,因此我們猜測這些節省的成本是否會再利用於低量產型車款的研發,如本田CR-Z,或者是用於“baby NSX”這類的車型。 本田將於這個月的底特律汽車展上推出Urban SUV概念車,該車很可能是未來將在美國上市的小型跨界休旅車。 [url=] We Hear: Future Honda Civic, Accord, and CR-V May Move to One Platform[/url]

2013/01/11 20:31:16

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雖然本田旗下的Accord、CIVIC、C-RV在2012年銷售量上取得了不小的成功,並在同年重新贏回市占率、以及大大小小的獎項、並打破該車廠歷年來的銷售成績。 [img][/img] 但國外媒體指稱在2017年的時候本田有意將這三款車放在同一個平台上進行生產。 [img][/img] 此舉可以為本田集團在未來3到4年內,節省三種車款大概約30%的採購成本,一份新的報告指出,這將更有助益地幫助汽車製造商在新興市場中進行競爭。 [img][/img] 2012年Accord在美國是中型轎車中第二暢銷的車型,而CIVIC和CR-V則各自成為同級別中第一暢銷車型,如果這三款車共用平台的話,可以增加共用零件數量從而節省成本,但是本田認為這不是唯一的辦法。 不久之前,本田就開始要求供應商設計,開發和提供適當的規格零件裝配,改變了由供應商生產、本田自己组裝的慣例,本田還計劃多一倍以上的投資能夠在世界各地的新興市場提供零部件的主要供應商。 本田可能採取類似之前VW的零組件共享的戰略,因此我們猜測這些節省的成本是否會再利用於低量產型車款的研發,如本田CR-Z,或者是用於“baby NSX”這類的車型。 本田將於這個月的底特律汽車展上推出Urban SUV概念車,該車很可能是未來將在美國上市的小型跨界休旅車。 [url=] We Hear: Future Honda Civic, Accord, and CR-V May Move to One Platform[/url]





本田可能採取類似之前VW的零組件共享的戰略,因此我們猜測這些節省的成本是否會再利用於低量產型車款的研發,如本田CR-Z,或者是用於“baby NSX”這類的車型。

本田將於這個月的底特律汽車展上推出Urban SUV概念車,該車很可能是未來將在美國上市的小型跨界休旅車。

We Hear: Future Honda Civic, Accord, and CR-V May Move to One Platform