
4%的中籤機率,首批Toyota 86車主名單出爐



人生 不是得到…就是學到






有錢也不會買 😆😆😇
Happy wife, happy life!



不經一事,不長一智 與人相處多微笑,個人獨處多沈思



回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
有錢也不會買 😆😆😇













MMC3寶~DEVIL雙尾管~MMC四活塞~MMC冷卻水感應器~SVT加大19lbs噴油嘴~ 晶片~PS3 225/45/17& PS3 仿OZ鋁圈~MONROE避震器~PCV油氣過濾器~ 老婆開06年CV8 1.8頂級款



在台灣有錢也買不到的小跑車。 😌



到目前為止已經接單 2300 多台? 這必須要有神車的產能才能消化。 😀😰



回應 onetwolo (四季) 所寫
到目前為止已經接單 2300 多台? 這必須要有神車的產能才能消化。 😀😰

不經一事,不長一智 與人相處多微笑,個人獨處多沈思



the devil is in the details






回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
有錢也不會買 😆😆😇

這樣說x嫂會很傷心 😇😇
車不只是用來開的,也是品味個性身份的代表。開車不喝酒,酒後不開車,家人等著你平安回家。惜緣惜福愛你的家人如同愛你的車,祝開車平安。 【迷思◎沉思◎醒思 】三思慧,做人要謙卑融合。~~寬心~~~



可惜只抽到一個備取 而且全北部國都 gt版紅色只有一台 實在太難抽了








我寧願買Golf GTI 13X

早期的FOUCS ST 103 也都比她划算會跑的多!!!



回應 kho9674 (kyo) 所寫
可惜只抽到一個備取 而且全北部國都 gt版紅色只有一台 實在太難抽了






忘了說第三代Ford Focus也已經要出了 ST水果報也說會進的~~~~買這還比較爽的2.0T



回應 kho9674 (kyo) 所寫
可惜只抽到一個備取 而且全北部國都 gt版紅色只有一台 實在太難抽了



人生 不是得到…就是學到



回應 onetwolo (四季) 所寫
到目前為止已經接單 2300 多台? 這必須要有神車的產能才能消化。 😀😰

不經一事,不長一智 與人相處多微笑,個人獨處多沈思



2012/08/04 16:34:50

發文IP 242.42.*.*

[quote=apachi64d (平安就是福)][quote=onetwolo (四季)]到目前為止已經接單 2300 多台? 這必須要有神車的產能才能消化。 [大笑][三條線][/quote] 看看這個訂單數量,別的車廠看在眼裡,心中一定有一陣酸的感覺,特別是某個聽信網路鄉民而積極導入特殊車款的車廠[無辜][/quote] 我想86會大賣還是有他的理由 在世界各地也是大賣 缺車狀態 評價也都不錯 汽車雜誌喔 我也隨便看了幾家國外的評測 1. 英國Top Gear Speed Week的24款性能車集評 受測車款包括了McLaren MP4-12C, Lamborghini Aventador, Lotus Exige S, Radical SR3 SL, BMW M5, Ford Focus ST, Porsche 911 Carrera S, Ford Focus ST, Suzuki Swift Sport, Vauxhall Astra VXR, Nissan GT-R, Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Series, Audi RS5等,最後由Toyota GT-86勝出。 結語道出了原因(Toyota是唯一所有人都想要不斷再多開一圈的車,也是唯一每個人開完後都會掛著最大的笑容的車): "The Toyota was the car everyone kept jumping into for "one last quick go", and the one they got out of with the daftest smiles on their midge bitten faces." 官方預告影片 http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/top-gear-magazine-speed-week-2012-7-17 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573513.jpg[/img] 2. 澳洲Wheels集評86 vs Cayman 最後由86勝出,原因是86較Cayman提供了更高的操控樂趣、更佳的駕駛位置、更直覺更精準更線性並回饋更多行路資訊的轉向系統、以及更為人車一體更為收放自如的動態平衡。 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573514.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573515.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573516.jpg[/img] 3.英國AutoExpress集評86 vs TT vs 370Z 第一名:Toyota GT 86 ★★★★★ The beautifully engineered GT 86 offers the sort of engagement normally reserved for cars like the Lotus Elise. The boxer engine loves working hard and the handling is near perfect. Yet despite its focus it rides well, and the cabin is comfortable, if a little dated. 經過完美設計的GT-86提供了一般只有在像Lotus Elise的車款才體驗得到的駕馭感。這具水平對臥引擎喜歡在高轉速工作,車子的操控性也臻於完美。然而儘管它強調的是操控,其行路與座艙的舒適性卻都非常好,只是內裝的鋪陳略顯陳舊而已。 第二名:Audi TT ★★★★★ It doesn’t have the traditional rear-wheel-drive balance and engagement of the Toyota, but the front-driven TT is composed, fast and fun. Part coupe, part stylised hot hatch, its lower emissions make it the best company car choice, and with a decent boot, it’s the most practical. 它雖然沒有傳統後驅的平衡性以及Toyota的駕馭感,但前驅的TT仍表現穩定、快速而具樂趣。它的外型同時像雙門跑車也像個性小鋼砲,再加上它的低排廢表現,讓它成為公司配車的首選。相當不錯的行李箱空間也讓它成為最實用的選擇。 第三名:Nissan 370Z ★★★ On paper, the rear-wheel-drive, V6-engined Nissan has all the right ingredients to succeed in this test. Unfortunately its gruff engine, hefty weight and poorly controlled chassis let it down. Although it’s the fastest car here, it’s also the most expensive to buy and own. 從規格數據上看來,搭載V6引擎的後驅Nissan擁有在這次評比中勝出的所有有利條件。不幸的是它粗糙的引擎、過重的車體以及難以控制的底盤另人失望。雖然它是這次評比中速度最快的車,卻也是價格與保養最昂貴的選擇。 原文 http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/toyota/gt-86/59181/toyota-gt-86-vs-rivals [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573517.jpg[/img]

2012/08/04 16:35:06

發文IP 242.42.*.*

[quote=apachi64d (平安就是福)][quote=onetwolo (四季)]到目前為止已經接單 2300 多台? 這必須要有神車的產能才能消化。 [大笑][三條線][/quote] 看看這個訂單數量,別的車廠看在眼裡,心中一定有一陣酸的感覺,特別是某個聽信網路鄉民而積極導入特殊車款的車廠[無辜][/quote] 我想86會大賣還是有他的理由 在世界各地也是大賣 缺車狀態 評價也都不錯 1. 英國Top Gear Speed Week的24款性能車集評 受測車款包括了McLaren MP4-12C, Lamborghini Aventador, Lotus Exige S, Radical SR3 SL, BMW M5, Ford Focus ST, Porsche 911 Carrera S, Ford Focus ST, Suzuki Swift Sport, Vauxhall Astra VXR, Nissan GT-R, Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Series, Audi RS5等,最後由Toyota GT-86勝出。 結語道出了原因(Toyota是唯一所有人都想要不斷再多開一圈的車,也是唯一每個人開完後都會掛著最大的笑容的車): "The Toyota was the car everyone kept jumping into for "one last quick go", and the one they got out of with the daftest smiles on their midge bitten faces." 官方預告影片 http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/top-gear-magazine-speed-week-2012-7-17 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573513.jpg[/img] 2. 澳洲Wheels集評86 vs Cayman 最後由86勝出,原因是86較Cayman提供了更高的操控樂趣、更佳的駕駛位置、更直覺更精準更線性並回饋更多行路資訊的轉向系統、以及更為人車一體更為收放自如的動態平衡。 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573514.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573515.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573516.jpg[/img] 3.英國AutoExpress集評86 vs TT vs 370Z 第一名:Toyota GT 86 ★★★★★ The beautifully engineered GT 86 offers the sort of engagement normally reserved for cars like the Lotus Elise. The boxer engine loves working hard and the handling is near perfect. Yet despite its focus it rides well, and the cabin is comfortable, if a little dated. 經過完美設計的GT-86提供了一般只有在像Lotus Elise的車款才體驗得到的駕馭感。這具水平對臥引擎喜歡在高轉速工作,車子的操控性也臻於完美。然而儘管它強調的是操控,其行路與座艙的舒適性卻都非常好,只是內裝的鋪陳略顯陳舊而已。 第二名:Audi TT ★★★★★ It doesn’t have the traditional rear-wheel-drive balance and engagement of the Toyota, but the front-driven TT is composed, fast and fun. Part coupe, part stylised hot hatch, its lower emissions make it the best company car choice, and with a decent boot, it’s the most practical. 它雖然沒有傳統後驅的平衡性以及Toyota的駕馭感,但前驅的TT仍表現穩定、快速而具樂趣。它的外型同時像雙門跑車也像個性小鋼砲,再加上它的低排廢表現,讓它成為公司配車的首選。相當不錯的行李箱空間也讓它成為最實用的選擇。 第三名:Nissan 370Z ★★★ On paper, the rear-wheel-drive, V6-engined Nissan has all the right ingredients to succeed in this test. Unfortunately its gruff engine, hefty weight and poorly controlled chassis let it down. Although it’s the fastest car here, it’s also the most expensive to buy and own. 從規格數據上看來,搭載V6引擎的後驅Nissan擁有在這次評比中勝出的所有有利條件。不幸的是它粗糙的引擎、過重的車體以及難以控制的底盤另人失望。雖然它是這次評比中速度最快的車,卻也是價格與保養最昂貴的選擇。 原文 http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/toyota/gt-86/59181/toyota-gt-86-vs-rivals [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573517.jpg[/img]

2012/08/04 16:46:47

發文IP 242.42.*.*

[quote=apachi64d (平安就是福)][quote=onetwolo (四季)]到目前為止已經接單 2300 多台? 這必須要有神車的產能才能消化。 [大笑][三條線][/quote] 看看這個訂單數量,別的車廠看在眼裡,心中一定有一陣酸的感覺,特別是某個聽信網路鄉民而積極導入特殊車款的車廠[無辜][/quote] 我想86會大賣還是有他的理由 在世界各地也是大賣 缺車狀態 評價也都不錯 1. 英國Top Gear Speed Week的24款性能車集評 受測車款包括了McLaren MP4-12C, Lamborghini Aventador, Lotus Exige S, Radical SR3 SL, BMW M5, Ford Focus ST, Porsche 911 Carrera S, Ford Focus ST, Suzuki Swift Sport, Vauxhall Astra VXR, Nissan GT-R, Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Series, Audi RS5等,最後由Toyota GT-86勝出。 結語道出了原因(Toyota是唯一所有人都想要不斷再多開一圈的車,也是唯一每個人開完後都會掛著最大的笑容的車): "The Toyota was the car everyone kept jumping into for "one last quick go", and the one they got out of with the daftest smiles on their midge bitten faces." 官方預告影片 http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/top-gear-magazine-speed-week-2012-7-17 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573513.jpg[/img] 2. 澳洲Wheels集評86 vs Cayman 最後由86勝出,原因是86較Cayman提供了更高的操控樂趣、更佳的駕駛位置、更直覺更精準更線性並回饋更多行路資訊的轉向系統、以及更為人車一體更為收放自如的動態平衡。 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573514.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573515.jpg[/img] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573516.jpg[/img] 3.英國AutoExpress集評86 vs TT vs 370Z 第一名:Toyota GT 86 ★★★★★ The beautifully engineered GT 86 offers the sort of engagement normally reserved for cars like the Lotus Elise. The boxer engine loves working hard and the handling is near perfect. Yet despite its focus it rides well, and the cabin is comfortable, if a little dated. 經過完美設計的GT-86提供了一般只有在像Lotus Elise的車款才體驗得到的駕馭感。這具水平對臥引擎喜歡在高轉速工作,車子的操控性也臻於完美。然而儘管它強調的是操控,其行路與座艙的舒適性卻都非常好,只是內裝的鋪陳略顯陳舊而已。 第二名:Audi TT ★★★★★ It doesn’t have the traditional rear-wheel-drive balance and engagement of the Toyota, but the front-driven TT is composed, fast and fun. Part coupe, part stylised hot hatch, its lower emissions make it the best company car choice, and with a decent boot, it’s the most practical. 它雖然沒有傳統後驅的平衡性以及Toyota的駕馭感,但前驅的TT仍表現穩定、快速而具樂趣。它的外型同時像雙門跑車也像個性小鋼砲,再加上它的低排廢表現,讓它成為公司配車的首選。相當不錯的行李箱空間也讓它成為最實用的選擇。 第三名:Nissan 370Z ★★★ On paper, the rear-wheel-drive, V6-engined Nissan has all the right ingredients to succeed in this test. Unfortunately its gruff engine, hefty weight and poorly controlled chassis let it down. Although it’s the fastest car here, it’s also the most expensive to buy and own. 從規格數據上看來,搭載V6引擎的後驅Nissan擁有在這次評比中勝出的所有有利條件。不幸的是它粗糙的引擎、過重的車體以及難以控制的底盤另人失望。雖然它是這次評比中速度最快的車,卻也是價格與保養最昂貴的選擇。 原文 http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/toyota/gt-86/59181/toyota-gt-86-vs-rivals [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573517.jpg[/img] 4.德國Autobild集評86 vs 125i 德國Autobild以往的評論方向都非常偏坦德國車,這次的結果從這家媒體的口中說出算是頗為破天荒 內容是德文,但以下是英文與中文的重點翻譯(英文翻譯感謝FT86Club的網友,我在此再翻成中文): 標題為: Toyota beats BMW Toyota擊敗了BMW 結語為: It may sound surprising, but comparing the two opponents as sports cars, there can be only one winner: the Toyota GT 86. BMW 125i coupe makes for the more civilized package for everyday life and its engine is a monument in its own right. The better sports car comes from Japan, though. The GT 86 is tuned consistently to dynamic with ultra-agile temperament and precise handling, driving pleasure that does not have to cost 50,000 euros and/or require at least 300 hp. It works without turbo, active suspension and high-tech overkill. Lightweight, rear-wheel drive and high-revving naturally aspirated engine: The old concept still rocks. 這也許聽起來令人驚訝,但以跑車來評價這兩部對手車的話,只有一個勝利者:Toyota GT-86。BMW 125i雙門跑車是比較溫合適合一般生活的選擇,且它的引擎也是有它的獨到之處,但以跑車來說較優的選擇則是來自日本。GT-86的調校在動態上非常具有一致性,在操控上極為靈活而精準,其操駕樂趣不需要五萬歐元或300匹以上的馬力就能得到。它的成功並不依靠渦輪增壓和主動式懸吊等過於複雜的科技,而是使用輕量化車體、後驅配置以及高轉速自然進氣引擎,證明了舊有的跑車概念依然是讚。 http://www.autobild.de/artikel/bmw-125i-coupe-toyota-gt-86-vergleich-3539189.html [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_573523.jpg[/img]
回應 apachi64d (平安就是福) 所寫
回應 onetwolo (四季) 所寫
到目前為止已經接單 2300 多台? 這必須要有神車的產能才能消化。 😀😰


我想86會大賣還是有他的理由 在世界各地也是大賣 缺車狀態


1. 英國Top Gear Speed Week的24款性能車集評

受測車款包括了McLaren MP4-12C, Lamborghini Aventador, Lotus Exige S, Radical SR3 SL, BMW M5, Ford Focus ST, Porsche 911 Carrera S, Ford Focus ST, Suzuki Swift Sport, Vauxhall Astra VXR, Nissan GT-R, Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Series, Audi RS5等,最後由Toyota GT-86勝出。

"The Toyota was the car everyone kept jumping into for "one last quick go", and the one they got out of with the daftest smiles on their midge bitten faces."


2. 澳洲Wheels集評86 vs Cayman


3.英國AutoExpress集評86 vs TT vs 370Z

第一名:Toyota GT 86 ★★★★★
The beautifully engineered GT 86 offers the sort of engagement normally reserved for cars like the Lotus Elise. The boxer engine loves working hard and the handling is near perfect. Yet despite its focus it rides well, and the cabin is comfortable, if a little dated.
經過完美設計的GT-86提供了一般只有在像Lotus Elise的車款才體驗得到的駕馭感。這具水平對臥引擎喜歡在高轉速工作,車子的操控性也臻於完美。然而儘管它強調的是操控,其行路與座艙的舒適性卻都非常好,只是內裝的鋪陳略顯陳舊而已。

第二名:Audi TT ★★★★★
It doesn’t have the traditional rear-wheel-drive balance and engagement of the Toyota, but the front-driven TT is composed, fast and fun. Part coupe, part stylised hot hatch, its lower emissions make it the best company car choice, and with a decent boot, it’s the most practical.

第三名:Nissan 370Z ★★★
On paper, the rear-wheel-drive, V6-engined Nissan has all the right ingredients to succeed in this test. Unfortunately its gruff engine, hefty weight and poorly controlled chassis let it down. Although it’s the fastest car here, it’s also the most expensive to buy and own.


4.德國Autobild集評86 vs 125i


Toyota beats BMW

It may sound surprising, but comparing the two opponents as sports cars, there can be only one winner: the Toyota GT 86. BMW 125i coupe makes for the more civilized package for everyday life and its engine is a monument in its own right. The better sports car comes from Japan, though. The GT 86 is tuned consistently to dynamic with ultra-agile temperament and precise handling, driving pleasure that does not have to cost 50,000 euros and/or require at least 300 hp. It works without turbo, active suspension and high-tech overkill. Lightweight, rear-wheel drive and high-revving naturally aspirated engine: The old concept still rocks.

這也許聽起來令人驚訝,但以跑車來評價這兩部對手車的話,只有一個勝利者:Toyota GT-86。BMW 125i雙門跑車是比較溫合適合一般生活的選擇,且它的引擎也是有它的獨到之處,但以跑車來說較優的選擇則是來自日本。GT-86的調校在動態上非常具有一致性,在操控上極為靈活而精準,其操駕樂趣不需要五萬歐元或300匹以上的馬力就能得到。它的成功並不依靠渦輪增壓和主動式懸吊等過於複雜的科技,而是使用輕量化車體、後驅配置以及高轉速自然進氣引擎,證明了舊有的跑車概念依然是讚。