觀光局希望充分運用現代科技便利性及最潮方式更接近目標客群,並且以解決旅客來臺旅遊的各項障礙,營造友善旅遊環境,吸引更多外籍旅客來臺體驗臺灣之美。搭配觀光局將每兩個月出刊Travel in Taiwan英文雙月刊旅遊雜誌,置放於http://www.zinio.com網站提供全球網友及iPad及Android使用者免費下載閱覽,國際旅客將可透過最新的行動及網路平台獲取臺灣最新的旅遊資訊,即使未來結束臺灣旅遊的體驗,旅客回國後亦可藉由線上電子書,隨時掌握臺灣第一手旅遊資訊,不僅能回味旅行臺灣的美好事物,亦可為下次的旅行再作準備!
The team announced the results of an MRI and CT scan Monday, one day after Pujols was injured during a home game against Kansas City. The team said Pujols has a non-displaced fracture of his left radius and his arm is in a splint. ...
現任國立台灣交響樂團長笛首席的陳麗明,自幼就表現出眾,畢業於新英格蘭音樂學院 (New EnglandConservatory of Music)及法國巴黎師範音樂院(EcoleNormale de Musique de Paris),活躍於各種型態的演出,從2000年起獲聘為國台交長笛首席至今屆滿11年。
陳麗明曾參加國際神戶長笛大賽及慕尼黑長笛大賽,並在艾斯本長笛協奏曲中獲得首獎;曾獲邀在法國庫雪韋爾音樂節(Courchevel Music Alp Festival)中演出,並擔任長笛指導教授;也曾在美國長笛年會最重要的星光音樂會 (National Flute Convention GalaConcert)上演出,是首名獲邀在這個長笛界年度焦點音樂會上演出的華人長笛家。
Despite a big legal battle between HTC and Apple, HTC cofounder Cher Wang is still a fan of Apple products. And she's not above shopping in one of Apple's stores to prove it. HTC cofounder and chairwoman Cher Wang was spotted at the Palo Alto
By AP Peter Bourjos drove in the tying run in the eighth inning with an infield single, Erick Aybar followed with a two-run double and the host Los Angeles Angels beat the Cleveland Indians, 6-5, on Sunday to give Mike Scioscia his 1000th victory as a ...
MILAN — Pietro Ferrero, who with his brother ran Ferrero, the family-owned producer of Nutella, Tic Tacs, Ferrero Rocher and other sweets sold worldwide, died on Monday while riding a bicycle in South Africa. He was 47.
The company said Mr. Ferrero, an avid cyclist, was riding a bike on his usual training run on a road in Cape Town when he fell off. The company gave no other details.
“Italy has lost a great entrepreneur who embodied the best qualities of our industrial history,” Franco Frattini, the Italian foreign minister, said in a statement.
In addition to his brother, Giovanni, Mr. Ferrero’s survivors include his wife and three children.
例如:透過快速輕觸按鍵,可執行檔位切換,在在都能發現嶄新的駕駛樂趣。最特別的是,M’car EV 擁有獨家的「智慧電力回充系統」(Regenerative Brake System),當行駛過程釋放加速踏板或行駛於下坡路段時,輕輕旋轉動力回充旋鈕,啟動回充,即可藉由驅動馬達滑差,將動能轉為電能並回充至電池模組中,達到節電環保與延長行駛里程的最高效能。
LinkedinDiggMixxMySpacePermalink. Lou Gorman, who as general manager of the Boston Red Sox put the finishing touches on the 1986 team that came within one strike of bringing the franchise its first world championship in 68 years, only to have it snatched away by the Mets, a team he had also helped put together, died on Friday in Boston. He was 82 and lived in Weston, Mass.
CHIANG MAI, Thailand (Reuters) - An estimated 5.5 magnitude earthquake hit northern Thailand on Friday, a day after a bigger quake caused panic in several Southeast Asian countries, but local authorities reported little damage.
"We are looking to see if there was any additional damage after another quake this morning at around 7 a.m. (0000 GMT)," Somchai Hatyatanti, governor of Chiang Rai province, told Reuters by phone.
A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Myanmar near the border with northern Thailand on Thursday and was felt as far away as the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi. One woman died.
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- When the Braves honored him before a standing-room-only crowd on Oct. 2, Bobby Cox was moved and also distracted by the fact that he was in the heat of a tightly contested National League Wild Card race with just two games remaining in the regular season.
Now retired from his legendary managerial career, Cox will have an opportunity to relax and soak in all of the appreciation the Braves and fans will show him on Aug. 12, when he will be inducted into the Braves Hall of Fame and given the grand honor of seeing his No. 6 jersey retired.
"It's wonderful," Cox said on Tuesday morning. "I'm excited and humbled yet again."
If you are a fan of Elizabeth Taylor, and how could you not be, you don't have to be told the source of that dialogue. It's the heart of Taylor's country club love scene with Montgomery Clift in "A Place in the Sun," and the actress' face in huge close-up is so exquisitely, so heartbreakingly beautiful you never doubt that Clift's intoxicated character would do anything to keep her in his life. Up to and including murder.
Both on the screen and off, Elizabeth Taylor and her irresistible violet eyes had that effect on men. She was only 17 when she filmed that scene for director George Stevens in 1949 (the film was released two years later), and her career as a talented adult actress and world class femme fatale was just beginning. Before she was finished, Taylor had collected five Oscar nominations, two victories, seven husbands and innumerable broken hearts.
格蘭.穆卡特為2002年普利茲克建築獎得主,亦為至今唯一獲該獎殊榮的澳洲建築師。他以重視生態、尊重大自然氣候與土地環境、以及人類永續共存之主張,在當代建築師中獨樹一格,他的成名不是來自單獨建築案件,而是他整體的作品呈現。展名「輕觸大地」(Touch the Earth Lightly)原為澳洲原住民諺語,意指對大自然的崇敬。這四字亦充份表達格蘭‧穆卡特(1936-)的建築設計哲學,如「符合經濟效益」、「環保」、「不破壞自然景觀」等。《輕觸大地:格蘭.穆卡特建築展》透過穆卡特極為重視的手繪稿之圖片與12組建案的攝影作品,結合策展團隊為展覽特別製作的建築模型4組、由建築師親自口述所拍攝的紀錄片等,全面呈現其建築特色與理念。本展於2008年在日本東京以建築與設計為主的間畫廊(Gallery Ma)展出之後,由澳洲建築學會承辦在澳洲各地巡展,包括雪梨、坎培拉、布里斯班等地,此次在北美館的展出是繼東京之後,首度於澳洲以外的地區呈現,內容部分並增加穆卡特最新作品「清真寺」與「蛋白石及化石博物館」的彩色手繪稿圖片。本展策展人林賽.強斯頓於展覽開幕當天3月19日(週六)下午3點將進行國際藝術演講會,以「格蘭.穆卡特:輕觸大地」為題,聚焦穆卡特代表性作品,傳達其重視環境與自然共生的建築理念,歡迎各界踴躍參加。詳情洽官網www.tfam.museum。
穆卡特1936年生於倫敦,父母來自澳洲,他的童年在新幾內亞渡過,1941年隨家人移居雪梨,1961年畢業於雪梨技術學院(現為新南威爾斯大學)。芬蘭建築師阿爾瓦.阿爾托(Alvar Aalto)和德裔美籍建築師密斯.凡德羅(Mies van der Rohe)對穆卡特具相當程度的影響啟發;同時在早期遊歷美國欣賞知名建築師作品,感到崇敬之意,卻擔憂這些建築物可能無法適應環境冷熱交替之變化,尤其當他了解這些房屋是依賴室內空調機器才得以供人居住。因此穆卡特自1969年起執業至今,致力於設計具美學的建物,也必須兼具與該地區、景觀和氣候相融的住宅房舍,他所追求的建築根植於澳洲文化及其多元的氣候和地形。多年來他投注許多心力在教學上,於世界各地知名大學擔任客座教授,近年來穆卡特將重點歸回在澳洲國內教學,現任教於新南威爾斯大學雪梨分部,也在澳洲建築學會每年舉辦的「穆卡特國際建築大師講堂」授課。
1996-99年所進行的鮑伊德藝術中心(Arthur and Yvonne Boyd Art Centre),為與其妻子溫蒂.勒文(Wendy Lewin)和建築師瑞吉.拉爾克(Reg Lark)所合作,是穆卡特少見的公共建築作品之一,此案被2002年普立茲克獎主席視為是穆卡特的重量級代表作。此中心做為提供藝術家及學生使用的研習場所,包括附設廚房的多用途會議廳以及住宿空間。該土地座落於尤加利樹林與農場之間,建築師用匡景的手法,強調兩側不同的自然景觀,且入口庭院可眺望美麗的河景。同樣的線形配置將住宿房間沿開放式走道排列,每間住房的大小,精確的依照床的尺寸而設計,每張床鋪有各自不同的窗景,窗戶則設計可選擇向外推開或是調整為紗窗通風之用。群集與重複的住宿房間位在建築物東向立面,使原本的居家設備有了公共空間的規模,賦與每張床(住宿者)象徵性的存在意義。