Stocks * Net loss 2.64 bln eur vs Rtrs poll avg 2.03 bln eur loss * No dividend, poll's median forecast was 0.50 euro * Warns of possible charges from Airbus A400M programme * Shares fall more than 9 pct to lowest since September 2009
Eliminations will begin in September 2010 and will last until autumn 2011.
The division into elimination baskets of European Championships 2012:
Basket 1: Germany, Spain Italy Netherlands Portugal France England Croatia Russia Basket 2: Greece, Serbia Sweden Switzerland Czech Republic Turkey Denmark Slovakia Romania Basket 3: Israel Bulgaria Finland Norway Ireland Scotland Northern Ireland Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Basket 4: Slovenia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Belarus Belgium Cyprus Wales Basket 5: Montenegro, Albania Estonia Georgia Moldova Armenia Iceland Kazakhstan Liechtenstein Basket: Azerbaijan Luxembourg Malta Faeroe Islands San Marino, Andorra
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Spyker Cars NV (SPYKR.AS) is set to announce the purchase of Saab from General Motors GM.UL and the Swedish government has agreed to guarantee loans for the deal from the European Investment Bank, Swedish television reported on Monday.
The Dutch luxury carmaker will present the purchase during a press conference to be held later on Monday, Sverige Television's Rapport said without citing sources.
Saab Automobile declined to comment on the report while Swedish government officials were not immediately available for comment.
VfB Stuttgart (GER) v FC Barcelona (ESP) Olympiacos FC (GRE) v FC Girondins de Bordeaux (FRA) FC Internazionale Milano (ITA) v Chelsea FC (ENG) FC Bayern München (GER) v ACF Fiorentina (ITA) PFC CSKA Moskva (RUS) v Sevilla FC (ESP) Olympique Lyonnais (FRA) v Real Madrid CF (ESP) FC Porto (POR) v Arsenal FC (ENG) AC Milan (ITA) v Manchester United FC (ENG)
來自球員官網,請自行點閱: - This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I'm human and I'm not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again. The Yankees have announced seven additions to the team’s 40-man rotation in advance of December’s Rule 5 draft. Among them are Austin Jackson and Ivan Nova. What a difference a year makes for Nova, who was selected and then returned to the Yanks in 2008.
To go along with this move, the Yanks also outrighted Shelley Duncan to AAA Scranton. I’m sure the Yanks would be happy to trade him for some cash. Here’s the full list:
PItchers Hector Noesi Ivan Nova Romulo Sanchez
Infielders Reegie Corona Eduardo Nunez Kevin Russo
Outfielders Austin Jackson
Interestingly enough, the Yanks now have 39 of their 40-man spots filled, but the team is down a left fielder, a designated hitter and a starting pitcher. Either the Yanks don’t plan to resign more than one of their three big-name free agents so quickly or they will be prepared to cut loose someone on the 40-man if need be. Of those on the current 40-man, Christian Garcia looks awfully expendable.
- (PC World)The nearly $3 billion acquisition allows HP to incorporate a diverse portfolio of network switching and routing equipment, as well as 3Com's TippingPoint intrusion prevention products into its inventory. Combined with the growing success of HP's existing ProCurve network devices, purchasing 3Com intensifies the rivalry between Cisco and HP.
Potential Free Agents for 2010 The following players have contracts expiring or should have the six years of service necessary to become free agents after the 2009 season.
* - current contract includes 2010 option (A) - projected as Type A free agent (B) - projected as Type B free agent
Player Club First Basemen Hank Blalock TEX Russell Branyan SEA Carlos Delgado NYM (B) Nomar Garciaparra OAK Jason Giambi COL Ross Gload * FLA Aubrey Huff DET (B) Nick Johnson WAS (B) Adam LaRoche ATL (B) Kevin Millar TOR Robb Quinlan LAA Matt Stairs PHI Mike Sweeney SEA Jim Thome LAD Chad Tracy ARZ
Second Basemen Marlon Anderson NYM Ron Belliard LAD (B) Jamey Carroll CLE David Eckstein SD Orlando Hudson LAD (A) Akinori Iwamura * TB Omar Infante ATL Felipe Lopez MIL (A) Mark Loretta LAD Placido Polanco DET (A) Freddy Sanchez * SF (A)
Shortstops Orlando Cabrera MIN (A) Juan Castro LAD Alex Cora NYM Bobby Crosby OAK Adam Everett DET Alex Gonzalez * BOS Khalil Greene STL Ramon Martinez LAD John McDonald TOR Marco Scutaro TOR (A) Miguel Tejada HOU Jack Wilson * SEA
Third Basemen Adrian Beltre SEA (B) Geoff Blum HOU Craig Counsell MIL Joe Crede MIN Mark DeRosa STL (B) Pedro Feliz * PHI Chone Figgins LAA (B) Troy Glaus STL (A) Jerry Hairston NYY (B) Mike Lamb MIL Melvin Mora * BAL (B) Juan Uribe SF - (聯合)(彰化縣)文化局長林田富說,本次活動從明天起到11月21日分別在西勢仔聖安宮及鹿港公會堂等地點舉行,除有南管整弦與北管排場演出外,還有「Minda And Her Jazz Friends」爵士樂團、「明華園戲劇總團」歌仔戲、「水磨曲集」及「戲曲象限」崑曲演出,節目豐富而多元,歡迎民眾前往聆賞。 - 成立已20年的菲律賓「Minda And Her Jazz Friends」爵士樂團,男主唱BOBBY本身也是爵士鼓鼓手,常受邀於世界各地演出,是一個保有原始爵士風格的樂團,至於「戲曲象限」則是縣內第一個立案崑曲團隊,都可帶來不同類型的傳統戲曲表演。 - (中央社)行政院文建會所屬文化資產總管理處籌備處10月21日起至12月13日,在臺北縣立十三行博物館第一特展室展出「潛進歷史─水下考古特展」;入口處裝置藝術家楊春森先生創作的「浮現」,呈現古戰船殘片浮現於水面的畫面,與展場內的水下考古相互呼應。 - 展覽共有六大主題,分為「沉水下的文化資產」、「水下考古」、「沉船遺址」、「出水遺物保存修護」、「台灣水下的重要文化資產」和「世界水下文化資產保護」。 - 除展覽外,還安排了「水下文化資產再利用國際交流座談會」,邀請菲律賓國立博物館策展人Rey A. Santiago與南澳博物館館長Kevin Jones,分別就菲律賓聖地牙哥號(Galleon de San Diego)沉船特展、澳洲水下考古、海事博物館的經營等議題,交流實務經驗。 - 聯合國教科文組織在2001年通過「水下文化遺產保護公約」,明確規範水下文化資產就地保護、不應被商業開採、國際合作及教育推廣等原則。公約歷經8年,由20個國家連署,終於在今年1月2日正式生效。為響應「水下文化遺產保護公約」保護水下資產的精神,臺灣舉辦水下考古特展,展示水下考古的調查技術、遺址出水的遺物、保存修護科學以及文資總處三年來的工作成果,希望藉此傳達保護水下文化資產的正確觀念。展覽詳情請至網站查詢。 - (WSJ)Cubs in Bankruptcy to Speed Team's Sale The 2½ -year sale of the Chicago Cubs is nearing a conclusion. As expected, the Tribune Co. put the Cubs into Chapter 11 Monday to help relieve it of its obligations before the new owner takes over. The Ricketts family, founders of TD Ameritrade Holding Corp., agreed to pay $845 million for the team and plan to take over at the end of the month. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court must approve the sale, and a final hearing is set for Tuesday. - (Bloomberg) -- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc., controlled by Providence Equity Partners Inc. and TPG, is in talks to skip interest payments and restructure $3.7 billion in bank loans, people with knowledge of the situation said. - ( becomes second-fastest to 2,000 hits Leadoff hitter opens game with double to reach milestone - The Seattle outfielder, who has played in 1,402 games, became the second-fastest player in Major League history to accomplish such a feat. Al Simmons did it in 1,390 games while George Sisler (1,414) was bumped to third on the list. Of Ichiro's 2,000 hits, 215 have led off a game while 440 have come in the first inning. - ( users will be able to run Microsoft's new operating system, Windows 7, free for four months before having to purchase the product. - Officially, the trial period lasts for 30 days, but a loophole has been found in the Windows 7 verification process that will allow computer users to "reset" this clock up to three times at the end of each 30-day period, thus extending the trial to a total of 120 days. - (NOWNews)這項新發現是由中央研究員生物化學研究所研究員林俊宏與國立台灣大學附設醫院內科部主治醫師吳明賢、以及中研院化學研究所副研究員陳玉如博士共同合作,經過菌種收集、質譜分析酵素檢定後實驗的結果,發現當人類胃部表皮細胞受到細菌感染的刺激時,會分泌出特定的「岩藻醣水解酶」(一種催化醣類水解的酵素),而這正是導致胃部細菌成長強化的主因。 - 這個發現也確立「岩藻醣水解酶」的水解作用可強化細菌生長的實驗結果,可以作為未來胃部疾病新型診斷標記和藥物阻斷的目標。這項突破性的研究成果,目前已於2009年8月刊載在「美國國家科學院期刊」」(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, PNAS)。,2000088746,20140116,00.htm - (Taiwan.CNET)Google已經開始測試一個新的搜尋技術,代號Caffeine(咖啡因,連結會前往一個beta搜尋引擎)。搜尋結果會有些不同,但你得同時新舊版本作比較才看得出來。 - 這些測試剛好都是在美國版的US version of Google上進行,而非英國版,我們問過Google這個新版會不會也放到它們在英國的搜尋引擎上,一名發言人告訴我們:「目前我們正在測試,希望能讓 Google在世界各地的搜尋引擎效能都能獲得提昇」,「不過現在仍在相當初期的階段,所以我們尚未有釋出的計畫」。
- There’s a sharp conflict in the two reports. The AP states that not everyone tested positive for steroids and provides a number. The NYT report has the same number and states that group was caused by an over the counter supplement 19-norandrostenedione. 19-norandrostenedione is a precursor of the anabolic steroid nandrolone and was added to Schedule III along with other anabolic steroids under the Controlled Substances Act in 2005. 根據AP 報導並非所有人(104)都有陽性反應;但紐約時報說都有啦。
Today I was informed by a reporter that I was on the 2003 list of MLB players to test positive for performance-enhancing substances. This happened right before our game, and the news blindsided me. I said I had no comment because I wanted to get to the bottom of this.
I want to talk about this situation and I will as soon as I have more answers. In the meantime I want to let you know how I am approaching this situation. One, I have already contacted the Players Association to confirm if this report is true. I have just been told that the report is true. Based on the way I have lived my life, I am surprised to learn I tested positive. Two, I will find out what I tested positive for. And, three, based on whatever I learn, I will share this information with my club and the public. You know me -- I will not hide and I will not make excuses.
I want to thank my family, the Red Sox, my teammates, and the fans for their patience and support. By Bob Nightengale, USA TODAY COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. — Pete Rose, who received a lifetime ban 20 years ago for betting on baseball, deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, former home-run king Hank Aaron said. "I would certainly like to see him in," Aaron said. "He belongs in, really. His career is one that he needs to be right here in the middle of all of this."
Rose, in Cooperstown signing autographs over the weekend but not in attendance at the Hall of Fame ceremony for Rickey Henderson, Jim Rice and veterans committee selection Joe Gordon, admitted in 2002 to Commissioner Bud Selig that he bet on baseball. Selig said Rose's case still is under review.
QUICK QUESTION: Does Pete Rose belong in the Hall? HOF INDUCTIONS: Henderson, Rice inducted in Cooperstown GALLERY: Photos of Henderson, Rice during their playing days
"The Pete Rose thing is different than steroids," Aaron said. "If I had been Pete, I think I would have asked for forgiveness many, many years ago."
Second Round 第二輪比賽地札幌,包含台灣、南高麗、中國、成田系列賽的勝者。 Sapporo Maruyama Baseball Stadium 8/1 (Sat) 10:00 Korea vs Chinese Taipei 12:20 Opening Ceremonies 14:00 China vs Narita Champion
8/2 (Sun) 10:00 China vs. Korea 14:00 Chinese Taipei vs Narita Champion
8/3 (Mon) 10:00 Chinese Taipei vs China 14:00 Narita Champion vs Korea 17:30 Closing Ceremonies
AL All-Stars <br>Suzuki, I, RF <br>Jeter, SS <br>Mauer, C <br>Teixeira, 1B <br>Bay, LF <br>Hamilton, CF <br>Young, M, 3B <br>Hill, A, 2B <br>Halladay, P <br> <br>NL All-Stars <br>Ramirez, H, SS <br>Utley, 2B <br>Pujols, 1B <br>Braun, RF <br>Ibanez, LF <br>Wright, D, 3B <br>Victorino, CF <br>Molina, Y, C <br>Lincecum, P <br> <br> - Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. - Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010.
報導在此,這個構想中的名單確實很超級,但如果其他豪門不支持,皇馬自己也搞不起來;而且UEFA 不會坐以待斃,等著看吧。 - EUROPE’S POTENTIAL SUPER LEAGUE Real Madrid, Barcelona, Atletico Madrid, Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, Internazionale, AC Milan, Juventus,Bayern Munich, Lyons, Porto, Celtic, Rangers, Olympiakos
Phillies, Rangers Interested In Wang By Mike Axisa [July 4, 2009 at 9:32am CST] Saturday: Heyman says the Phillies offered "a prospect apparently not to Yankees' liking" for Wang.
Friday: SI's Jon Heyman tweets that the Phillies and Rangers are among the teams interested in Yankees righthander Chien-Ming Wang. We first learned of Philadelphia's interest in the sinkerballer last weekend, but the Rangers are new to the discussion. With the recent news that Ben Sheets may not pitch all at this season, Texas could turn to Wang for help as they prepare to make a second half run at the first place Angels. They certainly have the young players to offer in exchange for Wang, or any other pitcher in the big leagues for that matter.
Wang famously struggled earlier in the season but has settled down of late, allowed three earned runs or less in his last four starts.
Aayrshire Post/Steve Hughes Jul 2 2009 - The ten awards finalists were: the Citroen C1 ev'ie electric, Mitsubishi i-MiEV electric, Toyota iQ, Ford Fiesta ECOnetic, Toyota Prius hybrid, Volvo S40/V50 DRIVe start-stop, Honda Insight hybrid, Volkswagen Passat BlueMotion, BMW 318d saloon and the Citroen C3 Picasso.
Moblin is an open source project focused on building a Linux-based platform optimized for the next generation of mobile devices including Netbooks, Mobile Internet Devices, and In-vehicle infotainment systems.
節錄內文: "Photoremo@Navi Ver1.0," a data standard for communications between mobile phones and car navigation systems.
Using Photoremo@Navi-based mobile phones and car navigation systems, it is possible to easily exchange GPS data, expected arrival time calculated by a car navigation system, notifications of received e-mails and calls, etc via Bluetooth and infrared rays.
- 通用電器(GE)看好電動車的未來 - 預備在Michigan蓋工廠,對啊就是那個地方。 - Chrysler計畫採用他們的電池,包括:Jeep Wrangler, Jeep Patriot and Chrysler Town & Country minivan - 中國的上海汽車集團也要採用 - GM預備也要進軍電動車,但是跟別的廠商合作
【聯合報╱記者黃福其/板橋報導】 2008.11.27 02:29 am 台北縣政府計畫以BOT模式推動三鶯纜車案,全案可行性評估昨天出爐,結果是認為財務效益不佳,民間參與投資興建誘因不高,不具可行性。城鄉局已考慮將全案改採縣府投資興建、委託民間營運的OT方式辦理,預估經費13.5億元,工期約18個月。
繼先前MS/Ford合作開發SYNC,以及Apple整合自家iPod、iPhone開發的iDevice之後,,現在Google也不想示弱,他們找來Intel(晶片廠)、Wind River(軟體商)、BMW(車廠)組成團隊,並整合Google自家的網通技術,合作開發車用導航系統,起名"Android"。 參考網頁:Google Android open-source OS could come to cars by Jeremy Korzeniewski/autoblog
== 標題:K-Rod May Not Require Five Years 作者:Tim Dierkes 來源:mlb trade rumors 摘要: 作者討論K-Rod與LA Times的訪談,該篇報導指出,K-Rod表示"我要澄清一下,雖然我想挑戰FA市場,但不意味我不會續留天使。" 其次,K-Rod可能不會要求5yr/75M的合約,K-Rod告訴該報記者Mike DiGiovanna說他考慮的是4年約,附帶第5年選擇權,而這些條件與天使隊想要給的差不多。 (編按,於是今天有兩個收穫,K-Rod也有可能續約,而薪資結構與先前傳言的有差異。)
標題:Official Kia Forte brochure leaked 作者:Jonathon Ramsey 來源:autoblog 摘要: (編按,不曉得這台車會不會在台灣上市...。) Kia Forte再度被捕捉一些公關照及韓國市場官方小冊子,2009款的外觀有捕捉一些其他車廠的元素(編按,這個叫致敬,業界每家都互抄。)無論如何,銳利的前擋、強壯的肩線營造出門檻前柱石及洞穴狀的空間感,這是其他同級車沒有的設計。這台車有可能進軍美國市場,價格約在USD 13,000起跳。規格(與韓版)差不多,但動力、空間及油耗則會稍微加強。
== 美國隊 18 BARDEN Brian 2B 14 SCHIERHOLTZ Nate RF 26 TIFFEE Terry 1B 17 BROWN Matt DH 07 GALL John LF 10 HESSMAN Mike 3B 06 MARSON Lou C 02 DONALD Jason SS 24 FOWLER Dexter CF 29 STRASBURG Stephen P (還是把神童壓在這場,贏了就銀牌起跳。 XD)
01 DUVERGEL Giorbis CF 28 OLIVERA Hector 1B 12 ENRIQUEZ Michel 3B 24 CEPEDA Frederich LF 88 BELL Alexei RF 10 GOURRIEL Yuliesky 2B 54 DESPAIGNE Alfredo DH 08 PESTANO Ariel C 02 PARET Eduardo SS 20 VERA Norge Luis P
IIHS, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 測試八部SUV,他們分別是: 2009 Ford Escape, 2008 Mitsubishi Outlander, 2008 Nissan Rogue, 2009 VW Tiguan, 2008 Chevy Equinox/Pontiac Torrent, 2008 Jeep Wrangler 2-door, the Jeep Patriot and the Suzuki Grand Vitara
加拿大隊 11 CLAPP Stubby 2B 14 LAWRIE Brett DH 20 SAUNDERS Michael RF 33 WEGLARZ Nick LF 29 VANOSTRAND Jimmy 1B 40 THORMAN Scott 3B 28 CORRENTE David C 07 STERN Adam CF 15 GARCIA Emmanuel SS 25 JOHNSON Mike P
== 古巴隊 01 DUVERGEL Giorbis CF 12 ENRIQUEZ Michel 3B 10 GURRIEL Yuliesky 2B 55 MALLETA Alexander 1B 24 CEPEDA Frederich LF 88 BELL Alexei RF 54 DESPAIGNE Alfredo DH 08 PESTANO Ariel C 02 PARET Eduardo SS 20 VERA Norge Luis P
標題:Hyundai considers sourcing city car from India 作者:Damon Lavrinc 來源:autoblog 摘要: (編按,大老闆說他有監控網路流量,所以我日後上網的頻率會縮減。)😆 自去年(2007)十月起現代已在全球70個國家販售i10迷你車,這個小傢伙長度只有140吋比Honda Fit還短20吋(編按,這樣翻好像有點超尺度。 XD)搭配1.2L四缸80HP的引擎,油耗為56mpg,在印度當地售價由USD 7,800至USD 11,200不等。而相同規格的簡便車型可能將導入美國,她比Fit/Yaris稍小比smart fortow稍大,現代集團認真考慮將她帶入美國市場。 依據現代的官方消息來源,這台i10小車可能維持原名但掛著現代或起亞的標誌(在北美)販售,外觀小改,體重增加400lb以符合美國安全標準,但一些特色例如keyless、ABS、2 SRS、霧燈...等都將保留,i10將是小車市場的震撼彈,特別是針對那些想買便宜小車的人來說。
美國隊 18 BARDEN Brian 2B 14 SCHIERHOLTZ Nate CF 17 BROWN Matt 3B 26 TIFFEE Terry 1B 10 HESSMAN Mike DH 07 GALL John LF 44 LAPORTA Matt RF 19 TEAGARDEN Taylor C 02 DONALD Jason SS 34 ARRIETA Jake P
加拿大隊 11 CLAPP Stubby 2B 15 GARCIA Emmanuel SS 20 SAUNDERS Michael RF 40 THORMAN Scott 1B 33 WEGLARZ Nick LF 17 FROSTAD Emerson DH 04 ROGELSTAD Matt 3B 30 ROBINSON Chris C 07 STERN Adam CF 35 BEGG Chris P
加拿大隊 11 CLAPP Stubby 2B 15 GARCIA Emmanuel SS 20 SAUNDERS Michael RF 40 THORMAN Scott 1B 33 WEGLARZ Nick LF 17 FROSTAD Emerson DH 04 ROGELSTAD Matt 3B 30 ROBINSON Chris C 07 STERN Adam CF 31 AVERY James P
美國隊 24 FOWLER Dexter CF 18 BARDEN Brian 2B 26 TIFFEE Terry 1B 17 BROWN Matt 3B 14 SCHIERHOLTZ Nate RF 44 LAPORTA Matt LF 07 GALL John DH 06 MARSON Lou C 02 DONALD Jason SS 40 ANDERSON Brett P
加拿大隊 07 STERN Adam CF 11 CLAPP Stubby 2B 20 SAUNDERS Michael RF 40 THORMAN Scott 1B 33 WEGLARZ Nick LF 14 LAWRIE Brett DH 04 ROGELSTAD Matt 3B 30 ROBINSON Chris C 15 GARCIA Emmanuel SS 25 JOHNSON Mike P
古巴隊 01 DUVERGEL Giorbis CF 12 ENRIQUEZ Michel 3B 10 GURRIEL Yuliesky 2B 55 MALLETA Alexander 1B 24 CEPEDA Frederich LF 88 BELL Alexei RF 54 DESPAIGNE Alfredo DH 08 PESTANO Ariel C 02 PARET Eduardo SS 74 RODRIGUEZ Luis P
美國隊 24 FOWLER Dexter CF 3 NIX Jayson 2B 26 TIFFEE Terry 1B 17 BROWN Matt 3B 14 SCHIERHOLTZ Nate RF 44 LAPORTA Matt LF 7 GALL John DH 19 TEAGARDEN Taylor C 2 DONALD Jason SS 30 CAHILL Trevor P
* 依據Cincinnati.com的報導,紅人投手Branson Arroyo表示"我不知道Adam Dunn跟媒體說了什麼原因他要離隊,但Dunn曾對我們說過他尋求100M到120M的合約,我不認為買家會給(他)這種肥約。"對此MLBTR站長則認為機會不大,他分析說如果是在06年,當時Alfonso Soriano跟Carlos Lee是簽下9年的長約,但今年季後自由球員市場的替代品很多, Mark Teixeira, Pat Burrell, Milton Bradley, Raul Ibanez, Manny Ramirez, Jason Giambi, Frank Thomas, and maybe Jim Thome,其他大概只有Teixeira有機會簽下超過100M的合約。
標題:Toyota voices its support for success of Detroit 3 作者:Jeremy Korzeniewski 來源:autoblog <-經典圖再一張😀 摘要: 北美豐田副總Steve St. Angelo公開表示,健康的底特律三大車廠(下稱Detroit 3)對Toyota本身是好的,他們願意幫助Detroit 3脫離困境,理由有二:1)許多零件供應商同時作美國及日本的生意,美國車廠倒了對於供應商的存活也不利(間接害到豐田)。2)美國經濟依賴Detroit 3很深,經濟不好則老美消費意願降低,豐田仍是受害。作者稍後分析豐田現在的戰略,應該是讓Detroit 3不要死但是受點傷,才符合公司的最大利益。
標題:Could Moyer Pitch To 50? 作者:Tim Dierkes 來源:mlb trade rumors 摘要: 站長引用Joseph Santoliquito(的報導,海盜總管John Russell說他認為費城人左投Jamie Moyer可以投到50歲(編按,老克你要不要出來尬一下?)Moyer本人被問到此事的看法,他不置可否地說"我跟費城人明年還有合約,所以至少投到46歲沒問題。" 站長感到有點訝異,因為他聽說Moyer今年以後就是FA了,他不曉得所謂那個約是只有口頭約定還是已經簽署好了。站長也指出Moyer學著適應老化,說這條老狗學了新把戲(編按,the old dog learned a new trick),讓他被擊球的滾球率提高到44.8%,以減少被幹砲的機率,畢竟他現在快速球的實戰均速大概只有81MPH(130KM/H)。😆
04:34PM Tom Krasovic(進一步替Giles設想情勢,提出一些假設,是否紅襪會用租借的方式得到Giles現在到季末的服務,並且讓他明年回到教士而成為自由球員?(編按,Giles是個不錯的球員,若紅襪不簽則洋基應該爭取他,但近日Bobby Abreu已經表明續留意願,雖然貴一點但續約總比從自由市場交易來得有把握。)
標題:The worst three words in baseball: Dr. James Andrews 作者:Duk 來源:yahoo 摘要: 通常聽到"Dr. James Andrews"或"Tommy John Surgery"三個字,在棒球界是很糟的,例如最近Joba Chamberlain的傷勢,讓我們看一下這位醫生的玉照(晚上請不要亂看)。 作者另外整理了幾個最糟的三個字,清單如下: "Represented by Boras" 這位經紀人的勇名大家都知道 "Out at home" 死在本壘 "Standing Room Only" 只有站位 "Better check Stubhub" 這邊Stubhub是指一個售票網站,沒有票的話當然很糟。 "Eliminated from contention" 退出(排名)競爭 "Beer sales end" 有夠糟糕的!! "Red Sox Nation" you know?
標題:Nissan debuts its own hybrid and EV 作者:John Neff 來源:autoblog 摘要: 日產兩年前曾發表Altima的油電混合車,當時用的是Toyota的技術(編按,Licensed version,誰知道豐田能放多少好東西出來。)但他們也同時進行自己的研發,包括油電混合及純電力兩種驅動技術。現在他們辦到了,將要與Prius在市場上競爭。 首先是該油電混合系統將搭載於Infiniti的後驅車,有可能是G系列。她是由一平行油電混合系統配合兩顆變速箱,故可以同時利用汽油引擎及電動馬達驅動,這其實與現行其他廠商差不多。值得注意的是日產用的是鋰離子電池,這顆更輕、更有效率的電池是日產與NEC旗下的AESC(Automotive Energy Supply Co.)合作開發。 當然上述的電池也將應用在純電動車,現在僅用於JDM Nissan Cube,但未來會逐步推廣到其他新車型(日本2010、全球2012),另外電動馬達出力是80KW,可藏於地板下。🙂
標題:Doing the save-money shuffle: Ford consolidates divisional marketing 作者:Dan Roth 來源:autoblog 摘要: (編按,本篇引據美國網站的報導,據信是指北美市場的策略,故標題用北美。) 憂鬱橢圓形需要節省更多開支,因此將(北美)福特、林肯、水星三個廣告體系整合,冀望從激烈的市場中殺出。福特向來經營不同的銷售及市場事業群,雖然同一個業務員可能同時服務三個牌子(的車)。現在他們改變策略,銷售以產品型態為分界而非品牌,例如銷售Edge的小組也負責MKX。因此開始大風吹(編按,a game of musical chairs),無論如何這(種作法)可能是場豪賭。🙂
她追求星夢昏了頭,未經探聽便參與戴維新片試鏡。《Us》周刊報導,他專拍成人電影,作品包括《禁區春夢》(Dreams in the Forbidden Zone 暫譯)和《巫毒淫慾》(Voodoo Lust 暫譯),艾莉母親得知後暴跳如雷,她的發言人則緩頰說:「艾莉不了解戴維的背景,否則她絕不會去試鏡。」
標題:Waiver Trade Candidates: National League 作者:Tim Dierkes 來源:mlb trade rumors 摘要: (編按,剛開完會,所以慢了一點貼上,請見諒。) 今日繼續討論國聯讓渡市場,作者說他只是把所有他認為可能上讓渡名單的球員列上去,例如Derek Jeter及Michael Young,他也知道Jeter這類球員本月不太可能被交易,但或許仍會被放上去試探身價(也說不定)。當然也有讀者指出,若球員通過讓渡,他仍可被交易或者被母隊撤回讓渡名單。現在繼續看本月可能通過讓渡的國聯球員名單。
*費城人:Brett Myers, Adam Eaton, Tom Gordon, Geoff Jenkins, 田口壯. 其中田口可能會簽小聯盟約,Myers明年還有12M的約,但費城人可能願意等他回神(而不交易)。 *馬林魚:Wes Helms, Mark Hendrickson. 他們如果走掉並不奇怪 *大都會:Johan Santana, Carlos Beltran, Carlos Delgado, Pedro Martinez, Luis Castillo. 我們知道這些巨星不會走人,特別是Pedro及Castillo兩位。 *勇士:Mike Hampton, Mark Kotsay. 可能會吃下Hamptom剩下的4.6M合約好讓他走人 *國民:Austin Kearns, Dmitri Young. 這兩位的約都到09年,而球團方面不想繼續買單。 *小熊:Alfonso Soriano, Jason Marquis, Bob Howry, Scott Eyre, Jon Lieber. 其中Marquis還有11.8M的約到09年。 *釀酒人:Eric Gagne, Jeff Suppan, Ray Durham, Bill Hall, David Riske, Guillermo Mota. 釀酒人有一些不好的約(編按,意思是說可能放走一些。) *紅雀:Chris Carpenter, Jason Isringhausen, Adam Kennedy, Cesar Izturis. 基本上,買家通常不會買老球員。 *太空人:Miguel Tejada, Carlos Lee, Kaz Matsui, Randy Wolf, Jose Valverde, LaTroy Hawkins, Mark Loretta, Brad Ausmus. 好多球員預計會通過讓渡,雖然球團還想拼(季後賽)。 *紅人:Adam Dunn, Francisco Cordero, Bronson Arroyo, Jeremy Affeldt, Corey Patterson, Javier Valentin, Matt Belisle, Josh Fogg. 作者不太相信Dunn會通過讓渡,盡管他還有3.9M的約,無論如何現在換走他吧。 *海盜:Freddy Sanchez, Jason Michaels, Jose Bautista, Chris Gomez, Doug Mientkiewicz. 海盜多數的約還不錯,最糟的是Sanchez的7.9M到09年的約。 *響尾蛇:Randy Johnson. 除了與Eric Byrnes到10年的約以外,大致上都簽得不錯。 *道奇:Manny Ramirez, Andruw Jones, Jason Schmidt, Rafael Furcal, Jeff Kent, Nomar Garciaparra, Juan Pierre, Angel Berroa, Pablo Ozuna. 作者認為道奇會割捨Jones或Pierre,反正現在他們外野很擠。 *落磯:Todd Helton, Kip Wells, Yorvit Torrealba, Willy Taveras, Cory Sullivan, Glendon Rusch. 其中Helton仍有背傷,不然應該有人要。 *巨人:Barry Zito, Randy Winn, Dave Roberts, Omar Vizquel, Rich Aurilia, Brad Hennessey, Kevin Correia, Tyler Walker. 另外可能會把Brian Sabean叫上來,好把一些老人的約清掉。 *教士:Greg Maddux, Trevor Hoffman, 井口資仁, Brett Tomko, Wil Ledezma. 如果道奇想要Maddux,可能會被攔胡。
標題:Waiver Trade Candidates: American League 作者:Tim Dierkes 來源:mlb trade rumors 摘要: (編按,MLBTR站長Tim Dierkes預測美聯通過讓渡的清單,他們可被自由地與其他隊球員或非40人名單的新秀交易。) *光芒:Trever Miller, Jonny Gomes. 薪水都不高,今季表現也普普。 *紅襪:Jason Varitek, Julio Lugo, Mike Timlin, Alex Cora. 應該都會clear waiver,但是沒有人想要,其中Lugo還有20.8M的合約。 *洋基:Jason Giambi, Derek Jeter, Bobby Abreu, Johnny Damon, Ivan Rodriguez, Carl Pavano. 預計也都會通過讓渡,但是都很貴沒有人要,Pavano或許有機會。 *藍鳥:Scott Rolen, Vernon Wells, Lyle Overbay, Gregg Zaun. 但除了Zuan以外藍鳥應該沒意願放人,Jon Heyman(CNN)則認為A.J Burnett也可能通過讓渡。 *金鶯:Aubrey Huff, Melvin Mora, Ramon Hernandez, Jay Payton, Jamie Walker, Kevin Millar.(編按,作者稍後補上。)可能藉由交易某些球員來降低薪資,例如Huff打出0.912 OPS(美聯第10)、並且09年還有10.5M的約。 *雙城:Michael Cuddyer, Mike Lamb, Adam Everett. 其中Lam及Everett可能會被DFA。 *白襪:Jim Thome, Ken Griffey Jr., Paul Konerko, Jose Contreras, A.J. Pierzynski, Juan Uribe, Mike MacDougal. 名單有許多高價球員故預期也會通過讓渡,其中Konerko表現不佳可能會被丟掉。 *老虎:Gary Sheffield, Edgar Renteria, Kenny Rogers, Todd Jones, Dontrelle Willis, Nate Robertson. 目前已經在美中落後7場了,可能會考慮當賣家。 *皇家:Jose Guillen, Jimmy Gobble, Ross Gload. 其中Guillen可能不會丟出,而Gobble及Gload對於買家來說沒啥幫助,另外Jon Heyman認為Mark Grudzielanek也會通過讓渡。 *印地安人:Paul Byrd, David Dellucci, Jamey Carroll, Rafael Betancourt.(編按,作者稍後補上。)Byrd還有2.5M的約,但可能有人想要他,Jon Heyman則持相反意見。 *天使:Garret Anderson, Gary Matthews Jr., Justin Speier. 天使有些合約簽得不好,但作者不預期會丟人。 *游騎兵:Kevin Millwood, Vicente Padilla, Michael Young, Frank Catalanotto, Marlon Byrd. 其中Padilla還有17M的約到09年,如果有球隊要他最好是趕快放人,至於Catalanotto及Byrd則別期望在這個月看到交易。 *運動家:Eric Chavez, Emil Brown, Bobby Crosby, Mark Ellis, Alan Embree.(編按,後三位為作者稍後補上。)運動家本月似乎沒有交易的可能。 *水手:Carlos Silva, Jarrod Washburn, Miguel Batista, Jose Vidro, Kenji Johjima, Miguel Cairo, Raul Ibanez.(編按,作者稍後補上。)水手有一堆壞約,其中Washburn的約還有13.45M到09年,本月可能會有人要他,Jon Heyman則認為Adrian Beltre也可能通過讓渡。
標題:Tata to enter uber-lux segment with Daimler revival 作者:Noah Joseph 來源:autoblog 摘要: 高處不勝寒。如果你天殺的有錢通常會買Bently或RR,而不是Maybach(雖然她也不錯,但總是差一咪咪。)現在Tata集團也想要把Daimler品牌推出來。Daimler是當初Mercedez的子公司,後來在英國發展得不錯(邊按,據說皇室愛用。)後來他們被Jaguar而後又連同Jagur整個被Tata買去。
標題:Tech avalanche: Microsoft goes big for automotive 作者:Chris Shunk 來源:autoblog 摘要: (編按,看過近幾年遊戲機戰史的朋友,一定不會對微軟帝國的野心與實力感到懷疑,現在他們目光集中在汽車電子...) 急速萎縮的美國市場迫使車廠亟欲與對手差異化,其中最快的偷吃步就是科技。有點軟深刻了解這點,這位科技巨擘積極參與這塊新市場。有點軟增加了連結與資訊維護部門約30%的人力與預算,而今"Sync"是帝國的輝煌成就,目前已售出20萬套並預期於2009年年底前達到百萬銷售量。儘管Ford擁有Sync的商標權,有點軟在2009年(之後)仍可將其售予其他車廠。有點軟並將使用上他們的"Live Search"(編按,IE7內建搜尋引擎,小弟只能說***的好用啊!!),屆時駕駛者可以(透過該系統)就近尋找車商(編按,這邊的business也有可能是指銀行、餐廳、書店...等,文意沒有很清楚。) 最後,作者褒揚一下帝國的努力,並刻畫一個美好未來的藍圖,但是也沒忘記用上大家熟悉的藍天白雲千年老梗。🙂
1) 中文搜尋能力近乎於零 2) 搜尋精度還可以,但那與搜尋指令比較有關。 3) 介面滿友善的,但是如下圖可以看出一些問題,以"A380"為關鍵字進行搜尋: a) 連結通常附圖,但是有時候僅秀標題(如畫面略中央處),懷疑是偷吃步只秀"第一張"的結果。 b) 如右上角Explore by Category,連結還可以再展開,類似Google底下的建議搜尋清單。 c) 點到連接上方還有節錄,此與Google類似。
標題:Honda and Nissan working to mass-market carbon fiber 來源:autoblog 摘要: 本田與日產試圖合作開發一種車用的更好、更輕且可回收的碳纖維材料,他們亦將與Toray, and Mitsubishi Rayon(堪稱日版杜邦)的日系碳纖維公司合作,同時這計畫得到日本政府的資助,將於5年內投入2億日圓,預期能在2015年前後獲致成果,屆時將能製造更便宜的車輛(編按,相較於現行其他車廠的鋁合金製程。)同時減少車輛約40%的重量。而且,她是可回收的,透過回收的方式又能更減少一些製造成本。
標題:The Clone Wars: Chinese copy banned from Europe 來源:autoblog 摘要: 首先有圖有真相: Fiat Panda是歐洲四年內最暢銷的小型車,而今可能被中國長城汽車(Chinese Great Wall Motor)-Chrysler的中國(戰略)夥伴-"借用"某些設計元素(編按,該記者用的詞真酸)來創造他們的新車,GWPeri,除了大燈與保桿細節以外幾乎如出一轍。Fiat集團決定同時在歐洲及大陸提出訴訟,以避免被操作成"歐洲對中國"的惡性競爭手段(編按,在中國打官司,義佬瘋了嗎?)而都林(Turin)法庭方面判決"兩車看起來沒有差別,頂多就是一台熊貓及一台熊貓改",若GWPeri真的在歐陸上市可能先被判罰15,000歐元,其後每一台銷售更將被罰50,000歐元。長城汽車方面則表示已作好打仗的準備,至於中國方面的官司則還沒有結論。 心得: 各位大爺評評理,中國的設計後視鏡有方向燈,且門把造型不同,哪裡一樣了您說說看。😇
Rafael Furcal 動手術至少離隊二個月,道奇總管Ned Colletti可能會尋找替代品(即使是條雜魚)。
Alex Gonzalez 建議踢除 Christian Guzman 國民隊似乎不放人 Juan Uribe 可以獲得(按,他目前算是工具人,或許有較大的意願轉隊。) Jack Wilson 傷後的打擊三圍還不錯,擁有對六支球隊的NTC,並且合約簽到09,包括10年選擇權(暗示難搞)。 胡金龍 不錯的人選